30.Start anew

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"But, I still want you."

Taehyung muttered out insignificantly as if he was afraid she might hear.

And she did, clearly.

Hyemin didn't know how to feel or what to say. He sounded so vulnerable and saddened that it broke her heart.

But the whole purpose of her being with him was gone.

She no longer needed the money and she wasn't anything but a babysitter in his house.

They weren't even something to begin with. They were almost.

But it was all about the timing.

"I'm so sorry, Tae. But I have no reason to be with you anymore. I wanna live my life freely, travel and not stuck with this pain forever. I wanna forget and being with you reminds me of the main reason why I met you and that reason pains me because its gone now."

Taehyung just stood there biting his lips anxiously contemplating.

"Hyemin, I respect your decision. Even though I'll miss you and Yuki will too, I'll let you do whatever you want. It's your life. But never forget that I'll be there if you need me, you just have to call me."

The way he said it, almost sounded bitter for the ears.

His tone wasn't pleasant because he was fighting every urge inside his body to not kiss the lights out of her and tell her to not leave him.

He already got so used to having her by his side that he wasn't sure he would be able to live without her anymore.

But he respected her as a woman too. He knew she needed a break from everything because she was broken and hurt right now and Taehyung didn't know if he could heal her.

The world had been cruel to her and she needs to find her true self without him holding her back.

"I'll miss you too, Kim Taehyung. So much."

The last part almost sounded like a whisper, her voice betraying her.

Hyemin wanted to sound as strong and independent as possible without the help of anyone and not even Taehyung but she clearly failed because she dreaded doing this and leaving him as much as he did.

And just like that, he was gone like the wind.

And after he did, she suddenly felt empty. And just now, she realized how big of a part Taehyung took away from her heart and how he had impacted her life so much.

She felt loved and wanted when he was near him even though they both never even dated.

She really cherished the short amount of time she felt loved by Taehyung and she reminisces the night Taehyung confessed to her.

At that moment, her heart felt full of life but now it was just empty and cold, as if her heart even stopped breathing.

And the ass of a family she had was not helping.

And that was exactly the time she realized that she would no longer be weak and frail but will live her life as a strong independent woman, going places and doing whatever the fuck she wanted to do.

She felt a ding on her pocket giving her the sign that she just received a message.

She looked at it and money was being credited into her account.

3000 Dollars to be exact.

And she knew exactly who had given her the money because it was her hard earned salary.

She unknowingly had a huge smile plastered on her face knowing that Kim Taehyung had managed to read her mind and she was happy for once today.

She knew how hard it was for him to let go as much as it was for her to do the same.

She dreaded it.

But she knew she won't find progress in being with him for now. She just needed to straighten out her mind and figure out what exactly does her heart want and yearn for.

Taehyung had become a huge part of her life but at this moment, she wanted nothing but to set her stubborn mind free and live life to the fullest.

And she knew Taehyung would also want that to happen.

"I'm leaving this country."

She simply stated to her aunt and uncle who looked at her shocked.

"And I would not be coming back to this place and go find money for yourselves because I don't wanna feed you guys anymore. I'm sick of everything. Goodbye."

And just like that, she left the place never to return.

She sounded a little heartless but she didn't even care at this point. She would have lost her sanity if she stayed with them knowing completely well that they would use her to get money.

In the worst case possible, they could even sell her.

She didn't want to be controlled anymore and now she was like a bird that had been set free from her cage.

"One economy ticket to France please."

She said to the woman behind the desk. She reached the airport with her suitcase but she didn't have a plan.

But all she knew was that she wanted to go to France. To Paris to be exact.

She always had admired the city of love.
And it somehow reminded her of Taehyung because she knew how much  he loved this country too, because he had told her a hundred times that even though he had already visited the place a thousand times, he still managed to fall in love with it every single time.

And she loved the way his eyes sparkled so she wanted to experience that too.

She wanted to feel the nostalgic feeling he had.

But she had no plan at all. How was she going to settle down in that city? Will people accept her?

She didn't know and that scared her because she was alone and didn't know what to do.

She just followed what her heart desired and acted on impulse but didn't regret nearly a thing.


She missed Taehyung already and she knew, in the long run, that it was going to be a problem.

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