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I had a very great night at the club,more than I thought.

Even though I was lonely.

I had apparently found out that the cute guy Namjoon i've been crushing on is apparently  married to a woman named Sharon. And they had both opened the club together.

I had become close to the both of them for the most part. Sharon was particularly very fluent with her customers and was great to converse with.

While Namjoon broke expensive glasses here and there just to get scolded by his wife.

And now I'm here sitting infront of the bar with my third glass of beer. My head feels heavy and all my surroundings seem blurry.

I should head home before its too late and before cabs are hard to find.

"Namjoon, i'll get going now. Its been a great night."
I said to the guy and he smiled and showed me his hard to resist dimples.

Gosh i wanna poke them.

I must look like a grinning mess right now. The alcohol must've kicked in.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Feel free to come anytime, Hyemin. And be careful ok, its getting late."

"Thanks for worrying, Namjoon. I'll be fine, hopefully."

As I started to walk out, I suddenly had the urge to pee and quickly went to the washroom to do my business.

After I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair and makeup. I heard the door close behind me but I didn't bother to look thinking it was just another girl.

Then I felt a hand slowly sliding beside my waist. I jumped and quickly turned around and saw a middle-aged man looking weirdly at me.

I was utterly disgusted and terrified.

"W-what a-are you doing here?".
I said slowly, my voice shaking and my hands trembling.
"Leave before I call the police."

He seemed unfazed by my threat and decreased the gap between us allowing him to rub over my abdomen.

"Baby, i've been watching you ever since you entered the club and waited for the right time and now seems like the perfect time to fuck. No one will disturb us, just me and you."

God, please save me.

I was on the verge of crying and my whole body shook. I tried to squirm away from his grip but he was too strong for me.

Plus the alcohol is making me hazy and weak. But never will I ever lose my virginity over a creep, psychopath and pervert.

He started moving away the strands of my hair giving access to my neck. He leaned down and began to suck on them making me feel utterly dirty and terrified.

"Please, please. Don't do this. I beg of you!"
I squirmed and cried as he pushed me and made my back touch the countertop of the sink.

He kept on sucking my neck and I kept on crying out loud hoping someone outside will hear me but nothing.

I was a sobbing mess and completely lost my energy. I gave in, still crying and thinking this is how my life ends.

Just then, the door got knocked. I was about to shout but the man tightly wrapped his fingers on my mouth to prevent me from calling out.

I tried shouting and it all came out as a muffled tone. My eyes were brimmed with tears.

But I found the perfect opportunity and hardly kicked on his groin. He fell down in pain and I quickly ran to the door but it was locked.

I never felt so scared in my entire life.

I looked back and saw him still groaning in pain so I ran inside out of the toilets, locked myself inside and quickly opened my phone.

Thank God for my phone.

I started to call Kyunghee hoping she will pick up but she didn't. After calling for her upto 10 times she didn't pick up.

I tried one last time..... but it said it was unreachable.

What do I do now?
Kyunghee is the only person I know and on my contact list.

Wait... i have one.

Kim Taehyung's number.

I had apparently saved it just in case and now i'm debating whether I should call him or not. But I wasn't left with much options as the door won't hold forever and I will die if he catches a hold of me again.

My hands trembled and I could feel my tears flowing down like a river. I felt so scared and devastated so I had no option but to call him.

But what if he was busy? What if he didn't pick up?

While I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the loud banging on my door.

Oh no....

"Come out, come out. Babygirl, do you think you can escape from me? I won't let you go not before I taste you."

My whole body shivered when he said that.

I pressed the button on my contact which said 'Mr. Kim'.

It ringed and I waited for an answer but it never came. I tried once again and just when I was about to lose hope, he picked up.

"Hello? This is Kim Taehyung speaking."


I said with trembling voice and my hands shaking. His voice even made the situation worse.

"Hyemin? Is that you? Where are you? Why do you sound so scared? Is everything all right?"

He started bombarding me with questions and I just couldn't open my mouth.

"I'm... i'm at a club... in the bathroom. A... a... man is outside.... waiting for me. I... i'm..."

And then I burst into tears. I sobbed so hard and trembling voice.

I could hear the shuffling of stuff on the phone and knew he was moving.

"Where are you exactly? Don't move... whatever you do, do not open that door, you understand me? I'm coming."

"I'm at Joon's club. Mr. Kim, please hurry."

I said between sobs and hiccups.

The banging on the door increased and I just sit there on the toilet hoping he will come before he breaks the door.

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