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Hyemin was having an okay day. Well, these days she's had a bit of a break recently because Yuki was put into some punishment for being a brat by her father a couple of days.

But honestly, Yuki couldn't take it anymore because she wanted to purposely trouble the poor babysitter of hers. She couldn't find a way  to be a mischief without her father's guard on her.

Taehyung took a few days off because he had a bad case of diarrhea for the past couple of days.

Hyemin on the other hand had to take care of both the bratty child with her sick father. But Taehyung said he doesn't like overworking people so he hired a specific maid to take care of him.


Yuki shouted cheerfully across the room and she spotted her father at his office desk working with a pale skin.

His condition had gotten way better but his face failed to show so. In his opinion he was absolutely fine but Hyemin didn't think so.

"What is it sweetie? You need something?"

"I want to play tea party with you like we used to!"

Taehyung sighed as he massaged his throbbing head.

"Sweetie, go and play with Hyemin. Daddy's busy at the moment."
Yuki whined at this.

"Daddy, you've been at home for a couple of days and all you do is work, work and work! I hate you, you never have time for me anymore! You only love work and you only have time to talk to Hyemin. I feel left out!"

Yuki started sobbing. Taehyung didn't know she felt that way. He quickly left his chair and attended to his daughter.

He hugged her but unlike any other day, she didn't want to hug him back. She was selfish but she was young and needed attention from her father.

She didn't have a mother which she never knew why but didn't want to ask. Her daddy was enough for her but now as she was getting older and more mature, she started having the feeling that she was unwanted. Even her expensive toys and tiaras didn't make up the love she needed from her father.

She quickly wiggled out of the hug and Taehyung was surprised because she always gives in to his hugs and forgives him. But not this time.

This time she really snapped.

"Yuki sweetie, I'm so sorry for being a bad father. I should have known you felt that way. I will buy you anything you want forgiveness."

"No daddy! I hate you! Do you think money is equal to your affection I'm not getting? Do you think money solves everything? No! I am not a kid who will need a candy to stop me from crying. Ever since that Hyemin came into your life, you've been ignorant of me. I don't want anyone to take me away from you dad! I may sound selfish but I don't have a mom. I deserve affection and love! And you don't give me that! You're a bad daddy!"

With that, she just bursts out the room crying.

Taehyung could feel a tear trickling down his face. He messed up. He was to blame for all of this. The way his daughter spoke to him made him feel like the worst dad ever. Her words stabbed his heart and she was right.

He felt his whole body weakening. He was convulsed in guilt because his daughter was way smarter than himself.

He always used money to trick her because he had no other option.

His one silly mistake made her but he never felt that his daughter was a mistake. He loved her dearly and yes he admit that having Hyemin disturbed his time with his daughter. Yuki had no mother and even though she never ever speaks or asks her about Amber, he knew she was one day gonna crave for a mother's warmth.

What was he supposed to say if she asks? Tell her she wasn't supposed to happen, that she was just a mistake made by two horny human beings?

Taehyung's head hurt just by thinking of the situation. He never wanted to make Yuki feel as if she was unwanted but he failed.

On the other side of the door, Hyemin stood. Her eyes pooling with tears. She heard all of their conversations and she felt the need to disappear. She was the cause of all this chaos and she couldn't even do anything about it. She's been noticing lately that Yuki craved for affection more than ever.

Hyemin hurried upstairs to Yuki's room and knoocked on her door.


"What do you want? Go away! I hate you Hyemin!"

She could hear her on the other side of the door shouting with a trembling voice.
It pricked Hyemin's heart to hear Yuki being so hurt. The once bubbly, energetic voice was gone and now it was filled with hatred and pain.

Hyemin pushed the doorknob and it wasn't locked. She cautiously went into her room and she saw her holding her favorite Tata plushie.

She was sobbing lightly on her bed as she didn't notice Hyemin slowly approaching her.

Hyemin said softly.

She immediately opened her tear filled eyes. Surprisingly, she didn't lunge at her nor shout at her. Hyemin was surprised she didn't even pull her hair yet.

She just looked at the bigger frame blankly.

"Yuki, do you think your daddy loves me more than you?"

She stayed silent, tears falling on her face again.

"The answer is no. Yuki, there's nothing in this world that is gonna take you away from your daddy because you are the most precious thing ever for him. He loves you the most. Do you know why your daddy even hired me in the first place? Because he was scared."


"Yeah, he was scared of losing you. He didn't want just a random person to look after his most precious stone. He didn't want you to be harmed by the cruel world we live in and I'm grateful everyday that I always get to be the one to look after Kim Taehyung's favorite girl."

She finally smiled and Hyemin's heart swelled with pride and happiness because she made her smile for the first time.

"No one is gonna take your daddy away from you. He must be always busy but you have to understand him. Even if I wanted to take you away from him, he would never leave you. So don't worry and I'm sorry for making you feel that way."

Hyemin painfully smiled looking forward to a hair pulling spree. But it didn't happen.

Yuki just smiled at her.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too."

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