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My second time at this house.

And I'm probably gonna live here until my grandma recovers.

The clear marbled floor and the monotonic setting. It would be a shame to call this house bland because even with such colours as black and white compliments the many expensive paintings he owns.

"Welcome to your new house."

He warmly smiled at me while I just stood awkwardly in front of him.
I returned a half smile feeling nervous because its always  intimidating whenever I'm with him.

"Let me show you your room."

I followed him like a little puppy and went up the stairs.

We went to a hallway and he opened the third room to the left. I was amazed at how many rooms he had.

I followed him inside and was immediately flattered. Walls perfectly painted pastel purple. Wooden floors that shine ever so beautifully and the whole furnitures and decor looked stunning. The room itself was so spacious.

The bed looked so comfy and airy. The dresser was filled with products that I have never even seen before.

My gosh, he went all out on this one too. He had a terribly great taste.
Comparing this to my previous apartment, it was zero to ten.

"Do you like your room? I was afraid it might not be of your taste. You can tell me the things you don't like, I'll change it quickly."

He was rambling on while I just stood there mouth wide open still shocked and mesmerised.

"Are you kidding me?! This is the best room I have ever seen. Thank you."

I said and quickly hugged him.

I was just so excited to even feel embarrassed and I just giggled.

He soon returned my hug and I swear his arms felt like the most safest place on earth.

"You're welcome, my babygirl. I'm glad you like it."

I pulled away and the smile on my face couldn't be wiped off. I was that happy.

"That's not all. You still have the closet to look at."

What can this guy not do?!

I was so stoked inside but I tried so hard not to squeal and let my inner girl take over. I succeeded in hiding it but the mind reader he is, seemed to know my excitement.

He pulled me near a door of what seemed like the bathroom.

"This is the bathroom. Not much to see so we'll skip that."

He moved near the bathroom door and there was a bigger door, he opened it and I swear I was on cloud nine.

If this is what heaven looks like then I never wanna leave.

There were racks and racks of clothes. Tons of shoes, mostly sneakers and I'm so thankful for that because I love sneakers. There were a few heels and a lot..... I mean, a lot of Gucci.

Shirts, accessories, heels, you name it.

It looked so divine and I swear I won't even be able to wear all of it in my lifetime.

"Am I dreaming?"

I said checking out the clothes.

He chuckled behind my back, perhaps laughing at my stupid face. I must look like a kid that has just seen a Christmas tree for the first time.

"No you're not dreaming. This is all real and all yours."

I turned back to look at him.

"You didn't have to do all of these, really. I mean, I can't thank you enough. I won't even be able to wear all of these. I can't ever pay you for these.Thank you so much, Taehyung."

"Say, now that you said that, I have an idea."

"Huh? What idea?"

"How you can pay me... I have an idea."

"And that is..."

"Have an unforgettable and most amazing sex with me. That would be a good pay."


I literally screamed and lost my lungs. He was so forward and honest, I didn't even know how to react.
I couldn't stop blushing and my eyes couldn't even look at him anymore.

How can he say that?

I was literally sweating my eyes out but he already did so much for me.

I mean if he was serious and literally wants that, then why not give it to him? I mean, you like him too, right? Losing your virginity for him doesn't sound like a bad idea and moreover he looks experienced and all.

I was on an internal debate with my mind and thinking about possible scenarios. My grandma would be so disappointed in me.

Just when I was about to say something to him, I heard a laugh. A pretty loud ass laugh.

Then I figured he was laughing at me.

He held his stomach and laughed so hard his voice was gone and his mouth agape.
He closed his eyes shut and he couldn't stop laughing.

I was super confused. Why is he laughing at me? Did I say something stupid? Did I think aloud?

He finally stopped, took a breather and looked at me, which made him laugh again.

"You should've seen the look on your face! Oh my god! You looked like you had a midlife crisis! I was just kidding.... bwahhaha!"

He kept on laughing while I was beyond embarrassed and I wanted to crawl under a rock and die.

But seeing him laugh and hearing the cute noises he made, my embarrassment was gone and all I could think of was how lucky I was to see him smile and laugh. Moreover, I was the cause of it.

He was well known throughout the country for being a very cold hearted male with no emotions over anybody whatsoever. Not even his coworkers.

So I felt extremely happy and lucky. He literally is an angel in disguise.

"I love seeing you like this."

It accidentally slipped out of my mouth but I didn't care at the moment.

He stopped laughing and looked at me while I was smiling at him feeling euphoric.

"You're literally the best thing that ever happened to me, Hyemin. You bring light to my life. You're my sunshine and my world. I can't even describe how you make me feel everyday. I am so glad I met you and I don't plan on letting you go, babygirl."

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