5. Complicated

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It's been four years since that doorstep incident and I don't ever regret my decision of keeping her rather than giving her away.

She's the perfect copy of her mother. Her cute cherry tinted and chubby cheeks gave off the feeling of extreme cuteness and her smile was, for the most part, mine.

I sometimes wonder what life would be like if her mother was here? Will I have married her? Will I have thrown her away with our beautiful daughter?

Now that I think of it, it wouldn't be such a bad idea. But I never loved my daughter's mother. She was supposed to be a one night fling, she wasn't supposed to bear my child but she did. And I feel empty and sad thinking about the time when I completely destroyed her.

I destroyed her happiness .

And she knew I didn't love her a bit. I guess the guilt and depression ate her up.

I wanted nothing but closure and intimacy and she could give it to me.

I wish I could turn back time so that she'll live her life like she deserves it, not because of the devil she met, me.

And now our child, Kim Miyuki has filled the gaps of my lonely life.

I have spoiled her for the most part, I didn't want her to get out of my sight even for a minute and I needed to check up on her always. I don't know if its just parental instincts but  I was overprotective of my daughter.

She can be bratty sometimes and needs attention. I have no trouble giving her anything she wants but I have set a certain limit to what I can give to her.

With my company getting more and more popular, sales rise and the work I have has been multiplying. I was getting more busier day by day and handling the bratty and clingy Miyuki has been a problem.

"Dear.. get away from that plant. Its dangerous."
I say to the pouty Yuki, as I call her, who was sitting in my unlively office for too long, trying to touch the cactus plant on my desk.

"Appa... when are we going?!" She started throwing a fit with her cute little legs and hands. I laughed as I looked at her pouty and large, round eyes filled with anger.

"Sweetie, it'll just be a minute until I finish. Can you be the good little girl you are and wait for daddy to finish his work.. please?"
I begin to pout like her and she smiled with her cute cheeks turning into a peach.
I love her so much.
Her overboard cuteness makes me go in a haze sometimes.

"Daddy, i'm bored!"

"Why don't you go and play with Heeyeon unnie?"

"That unnie behind the desk? You mean your secretary?"
She asked warily.

"How do you even know the word? My god, I have such a smart daughter."
I said and pinched her in the nose.

"Daddy, that's because i'm your daughter!"
She said proudly which made me smile like an idiot.

I swear if my employees see me like this, they'll think i'm crazy.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."
I said in a monotonous voice.
I could hear Yuki giggling softly beside me.

My secretary walked in and placed some documents on my desk.
"Sir, these need to be looked at and also you'll have lunch with the Director of Photography from Elle Magazine."
"Oh.. I completely forgot I had lunch with her. Arrange and reserve the table for us."

"Sir, which restaurant?"

"The usual."


"Sweetie, do you like to come with me?"
I asked the four year old fluffball who was playing with her play-dohs.

She lightly shook her head still concentrating on her Tata miniature.

"Then shall I drop you off at Kookie uncle's house?"

Her eyes sparkled at the mention of his name and she quickly shot up from her seat deserting her favorite character she made.

It was obvious that she has a crush on Jungkook who is currently living with his girlfriend. He owns a video game company and quote unquote, loves his life right now.

"Daddy! Hurry! Drop me off to Kookie uncle's house!"

She started whining, getting impatient.

"Alright, alright. Calm down sweetie, you're gonna meet him soon. I hope he isn't busy."

As soon as we reached his gate, she jumped out of the car and went straight in without waiting for me.
Poor Jungkook.

I walked in slowly and was first greeted by Seolhyun, Jungkook's girlfriend.

"I missed you guys so much. You rarely came with Yuki,look at her all over her beloved kookie."

I turned and saw Jungkook sprawling in the sofa with little Yuki giggling on top of his muscular body.

They were playing and kissing each other here and there.

Jungkook loves kids.

"Say, Seolhyun. Why don't you guys have a kid already?"

Suddenly her smile vanished and Jungkook also stopped playing with Yuki.
Their faces turned sad all of a sudden.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was such a sensitive topic for you guys."

Jungkook stood up and patted my shoulder lightly.

"It's complicated hyung."

"Why is it so?"
I raised my eyebrows at him, clearly confused of the situation.

"Seolhyun can't get pregnant."

"Ooh, I'm so sorry."

It's ironic when two people who love each other and wants a child can't get it while I, who never even dreamed of it got one.

The world is so twisted.

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