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I tucked Yuki on her bed after reading her bed time story like always and its been a long night.

She was throwing fits inside the house after I took her away from Jungkook.

After much persuasion, i've been able to calm her down and put her to sleep.

I deeply sighed and massaged my throbbing head, too much stress and lack of sleep.

I went inside my bedroom and stripped my clothes off.

I had to take a shower or  else I'll pass out any minute.

I went inside the bathroom and all my stiff muscles loosened when the hot water hit my skin.

I stepped out of the shower after I was done and quickly wore a plain white shirt with jeans. I still have a lot of work left to do for tomorrow and I knew sleep was not an option.

I stepped inside my office and sat down on my chair opening my laptop.

Just then there was a call. It was an unknown number, I hesitated to pick up thinking it was one of the girls I used to sleep with but decided to pick up anyways.

The call ended before I was able to pick up but then it called again.

I slided the answer button and I thank God I did

"Hello? This is Kim Taehyung speaking."


It was Hyemin. I recognized her voice like the palm of my hands. Her soothing was always on my mind for the past few days and clearly it has been a distraction.

She sounded terrified and scared and she was definitely crying. Her trembling voice told me something was not right and she needed help.

My chest tightened and I felt uneasy all of a sudden.
She told me that a guy was waiting for her outside the bathroom and I exactly knew what was happening.

She almost got raped.

I panicked and quickly ruffled from my seat, ran and searched for my car keys. I put on my jacket and asked her where she was and she told me she was at Joon's club.

Namjoon hyung's club, what a coincidence.

I quickly ran out of my house without locking the door and completely forgot about my daughter.

I got inside my car and drove off telling the security guard to take care of the house.

I also quickly dialled Jungkook's number and asked him to look after Yuki for me.
He didn't ask much and immediately agreed.

He is always there when I need him.

I reached the club and quickly went after the bathroom. Namjoon hyung saw me and looked confused at my terrified form.

He has never seen me this way and I don't even know myself why I'm being such a worried man for a stranger.

But she's one of a kind.

I reached the bathroom door which was locked on the outside.

Someone must've locked it.

I couldn't open it at first because it was also locked on the inside but after several kicking, I managed to knock down the door.I barged in then I saw a middle-aged man trying to bang open one of the toilet door.

She must be inside there.

He seemed shocked at my sudden appearance and looked really scared.

Yeah, you should feel scared and run away you fithy animal.

I grabbed his collar roughly and punched the lights out of him. He collapsed on the ground. I climbed on him and punched him till my hands bled and his face looked putrid.

"That's... what... you... get... for....touching... my... girl!"
I shouted between my punches.

"Mr. Kim!"
I heard her voice calling me weakly inside the room. I paused while my hand was still in the air.

I could kill this man right now.

I was so furious that I didn't even know my hands were terribly bleeding.

I got up from the man and saw him all swollen, full of blood and passed out.
That should teach him a lesson.

I was barely able to walk to the door as my vision got a bit blurry and my hands and head throbbed.

I slowly and weakly knocked on the door.

"Hyemin, its me. Taehyung."

The door slowly opened revealing a terrified yet beautiful and mesmerising lady.

I could see her round, clear eyes filled with tears and I felt an undescribable pain in my heart.

I smiled at her and she cried even more.
She got up and suddenly pouched over me and hugged me like her life depended on it.

I was shocked at first but I heard her mutter words of gratitude weakly at me, I embraced her tightly.

She loosened the grip, looked directly into my eyes and smiled at me.

"Thank you, thank you. So much, Mr. Kim. What would I have done if you didn't came?"

My heart felt like it was melting and my adoration for this girl incredibly increased.

I brushed away the strands of hair that was on her pretty face and I could see her blush by my action.

She's too precious and pure for me.

"There's nothing in this world I would not do for you babygirl."

She blushed even harder and she was avoiding my eye.
Ugghh... she's killing me.

I wrapped my jacket over her small frame and I swiftly carried her bridal style.

She shrieked lowly and looked really shocked and almost terrified.

"W-what are y-you doing?"
She asked nervously and the same blush I love crept up on her face again.

Gosh, such a tease.

"I'm taking you home, babygirl."

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