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I fiddled with my fingers while looking at the porcelain bowl in front of me.

The chandeliers sparkling up the whole room and a fizzy champagne waiting for me to drink.

It's been a couple of minutes since we reached the restaurant and it's definitely not my type of place to go to.

I looked decent enough for the occasion but this place gives me anxiety.

We were waiting for our dishes to arrive. He was sipping on his champagne while I just sat there awkwardly.

"Why have you brought me here?"

"I told you, I have a proposal for you."

"And that is?"

The food arrived at that moment and it smells so divine. The price must be divine too.

We both started eating our steak and stayed silent for a while. He never answered my question.

"So about the proposal...."

Can he read minds?

"I first wanna ask you this. How much pay do you get a day?"

"Umm, depends on the work I do basically. But it's always around $30 a day."

He nodded his head lightly and I just noticed that he had a mole on his nose and it looked so cute. The way he would scrunch his nose slightly when he eats.

I could watch him all day and never get bored.

"You like me that much?"

I quickly stopped and realized I was shamelessly checking him out..... again.

He slightly snickered and I swear he'll one day kill me with his charm.

"At least eat your food first. You can look at me as much as you want later. Or better yet, take a picture."

Cliché but still works.

I could swear my face went crimson red by that. He has so much fun teasing me all the time.

I avoided his gaze and ate my delicious steak. He took a sip of his champagne again and I couldn't help but look at his delicate fingers.

"I wanna offer you a job."

He calmly said and I panicked.

Job? What? Where?

"As you know I'm a very busy man and I have a daughter to look after. I get very picky when it comes to who's looking after my daughter. I have gotten more busy lately and I can't always babysit her. There's Jungkook, but he's also a busy man. So I want you to be her babysitter."

I choked on my drink and quickly gulped.

Babysitter? Isn't that far out?

"You want me to be Yuki's babysitter?"

"Mhmm, you seem trustable and good with kids. And I know you need the money."

"Mr. Kim, you trust me with that job? I mean I-"

"I'll pay you $300 per week."

I widened my eyes. I can't believe it. 300 just for babysitting her daughter?

But he's also right. I need the money and he's willing to pay me such a big amount. Twice the amount I earn.

"Oh, and I almost forgot one thing. You'll be living with me."

I'm fading. Is this a joke?

Why is he doing this to me? Why me? What does he want from me?

$300 per week plus lodging. This must be a dream.

"Are you for real?"

"Yeah. I don't joke around Hyemin. I don't have time for that. But I would do anything for you. So leave that crappy apartment, resign from all your jobs and stay with me."

I just couldn't stop closing my mouth. He was being so generous it was unreal.

"So what do you say? Deal?"

It was a pretty good proposal. Only a crazy person would reject his offer.

I need medical bills for my grandma plus I don't need to pay rent anymore.

"Okay, it's a deal."

"Great!" He clapped his hands happily showing me his mesmerising smile.

I was taken aback by his sudden giddiness but it was so cute I couldn't take my eyes off of him and I returned a genuine smile.

"Don't worry about the company you work in. I'll deal with all of it. You just have to pack your things and I'll send a person tomorrow to come and pick you and your things up."

"You're giving me just tonight to pack up?"

"Just take your essentials with you. I already bought a ton of clothing and makeup for you."

Damn.... he planned this all out.

"You didn't have to. I'm fine with mine. You're already doing so much for me and you're buying me things too? It's too much."

I kind of  blushed when I said that but I felt guilty even though he must have countless amount of money. Just saying by his multi millionaire Gucci company he takes care of in the whole of South Korea.

I never had someone spending so much money on me and I felt special.

He makes me feel special.

"Babygirl, I already said this and I will say it again. You deserve all the good things in the world and I will give you everything and more."

He held my hands and intertwined them together. His hands felt so soft and warm, like he could protect me from all bad things but he's also the bad thing that makes me love him even more.

I felt secure and safe with his embrace.

I could feel my heart ramming and wondered if he could hear it.

My cheeks gave out my flustered state and I never felt so little in my life.

"Thank you for everything, Tae. I don't know what I would have done without you."

I smiled fondly at him with him returning the same smile.

He looks so precious and I just wanna squish his cheeks and tell him I adore him but my introverted me won't let that happen.

"I also wanna squish you and kiss you all over."

I am truly convinced now that he can read minds.

He smugly looked at me.

"How'd you know what I was thinking?"
I said very much embarrassed.

"You face tells me everything, sweetheart."

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