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I squeaked through the call and I hear her chuckling.

"My dear, how has Seoul been treating you?"

I smiled as I hear her sweet voice and she sounds more cheery than other phone calls indicating that she's getting better and more happy.

"Grandma, its very good to me. And sorry for not calling you often. I miss you and I hope you're alright."

"Sweetie, i've never felt more great! The treatment seems to be working and the doctors even told me that I'm close to being alright."

"That's great to hear grandma! I wish I could be with you."

"This is all thanks to you sweetie. If you hadn't worked so hard, I wouldn't have made it. And I'm so sorry for making you do this."

There was a sad tone laced in her beautiful voice and I knew she was close to crying.

"You're my world grandma. I won't be able to survive without you. So don't worry I'll always find a way to send you money."

"Thank you darling. I love you."

"I love you too grandma. By the way, have my uncle and aunt been good to you?"

"Yeah, they've been good to me. They feed me and are very attentive. Don't worry about them."

We talked about random things. We've been talking for an hour straight and I finally ended the call after I didn't hear her voice anymore but her soft snores. She must've been tired.

I've been trying to stay awake all day because I was working all night last night and it has paid off. The pay was good and I've sent all the money for my grandma.

I was at the small cubic room inside the office looking at my computer screen and doing what was to be done by today. The stress was driving my brains crazy but it was all for the best so I ignored the thumping of my head and worked on.

It was around 2 pm when I finished all the work I had in the company and I was getting ready to work again on my part time job.

Rest is not up for the option.

I was still on my work dress and I was planning to change first on my shared apartment.
Kyunghee was away on her hometown because her mother was sick and they needed a woman in the house.

I got inside my apartment and the first thing I noticed was the mess that had been kept unbothered because I didn't have the time to clean up all of the house.

Maybe I'll keep it for later.

Just when I went inside the kitchen for a glass of water, my phone vibrated inside my bag.

It was Kim Taehyung.

I knew this because I recently saved his number when the incident happened and was not planning to call him at all.

He must have saved my number when I called.


"Hi. Is this Hyemin?"

The unmistakable deep voice that sent shivers down my spine.
Hearing his voice made all of my hairs stand on end.

I wondered what the heck he wanted from me.

"It is."

I say lowly kind of fearing what he will say next because this guy sure can make me lose my tongue.

"Are you free? Because I have some proposal for you."

He sounds so professional right now.

"I have a part time job to work at right now."

"Believe me, Hyemin. The job will be nothing but dust after the proposal. So let's go on a date."

Date?! With The Kim Taehyung?!

He thinks he is slick. Well, he sure is.

"But I-"

"You dare to disobey me, sweetie?"

Oh my god he's using his daddy voice.


"Good, now get ready. I'll pick you up at 3."

He hung up and I started to panic. A date with The Kim Taehyung and I am so unprepared.
I quickly rushed inside my room and got ready.

Makeup was an essential but I didn't put on much and I used up my good 30 minutes deciding what to wear.

I didn't what to dress up too fancy but not too casual either.

So I wore a short denim skirt with an off-the-shoulder top with embroidered flowers.

And the prettiest sandals I had.
I braided my hair and I borrowed Kyunghee's Gucci sling bag. I hope she doesn't mind.

I was satisfied with myself and waited for Taehyung and the thought of actually being together with just me and him made me twice as nervous as before.

I fidgeted with my phone and the door bell rang. It was exactly 3.

Kim Taehyung is surely a punctual man.

I opened the door and there stood the 'restrict my airflow daddy figure'.

He was breathtaking with his white casual dress shirt and his Gucci pants and shoes of the same brand.
His glasses didn't go unnoticed because it perfectly complimented his beautiful tanned skin.

He was literally glowing.

"Done checking me out, baby?"

I quickly snapped and I could feel my cheeks heating up. He was smirking and I quickly turned to lock the door.

I turned back after locking it up and saw him checking me out.

He bit his lips and furrowed his eyebrows in a way.

"Damn, that skirt does something to me."

"S-should... I.. go and c-change..."

I said very uncomfortable with his stares.

"I am very much tempted for you to go and change because every guy will be looking at you but no. You'll not change from that sexy attire."

I didn't say anything but nervously bit my lips.

This is gonna be an unpredictable night.

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