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"You really do like your room, don't you?"

He slightly snickered while watching the shy Hyemin admire all of the things in her new room.

She has been loving the room so much, she had lost track of time.

Taehyung looked at his Gucci watch to find out that it was almost time to pick up Yuki from her kindergarten.

"Its 1:25. Let's go and pick up my daughter."

Hyemin just nods her head and followed the much more taller and broader man infront of him. She felt really small beside him and even smaller when she's shy.

They entered the Palisade and drove out.

Hyemin was fiddling with her dress sleeves nervously because the awkward silence was too much for her.

Taehyung cleared his throat trying to break the silence that filled the car.

"Um, I'll just warn you first. My daughter is exactly not the most awesome and bubbliest kid. She takes after me and can be quite rude to people she doesn't know. I have incredibly spoilt her too."

Hyemin slightly snickered finding it fun when Taehyung rambles.

"I'll be fine Taehyung."

"You sure?"

"Mhmm, I mean if you were my daddy too... I-I me-mean... not that type of daddy bu-but the dad of me... i mean my father..... or some... thing like that."

And at that moment she realized, she fucked up.

She wanted to cry at that moment and wanted to disappear from that seat. She was so embarrassed she even said that infront of him because it was like she was telling him her inhibitions.

Taehyung laughed lightly quite finding her actions and words amusing.
He never gets bored when he's with her and that's the thing he loves about his babygirl.

She never fails to entertain him.

"Okay, that totally came out wrong."

Hyemin said nervously laughing.

"If you badly wanted me to be your daddy then why didn't you just say so, babygirl?"

Taehyung smirked at Hyemin and she couldn't even breathe anymore.

How am I supposed to live with him if I'm like this everyday?!

She thought.

"Joking aside, I wanna ask you a real question."

"Umm, yeah?"

"Why do you need the money for? I mean, you graduated and I know you needed the rent but not that much. There must be some other reason."

"Umm, how do I even start? I lost my parents when I was young and I live with my sweet grandma and my useless  aunt and uncle who just gambled away all the money I had inherited off my parents. Now my grandma's getting treated for cancer. So, yeah. I desperately needed the money."

Hyemin got a little teary eyed while thinking about her precious grandmother.

Her grandma has been with her since birth and she just couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

Taehyung, on the other hand felt sad and guilty that he even asked that question because now Hyemin looked sad and he hated seeing her like that.

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