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Both Hyemin and Yuki had enjoyed each others company. They got to know each other and they had a seemingly great bond now.

Hyemin learned a lot more from the little girl.

She hates mango and loves fries.

She likes to watch sci-fi movies which she didn't expect at all from the little one.

She absolutely hates being alone and loud stuffs like lightning.

She is obsessed with the BT21 character, Tata. It was pretty obvious because it was like a Tata threw up inside her room.

They were both tickling each other on the couch as Hyemin learned that she was extremely ticklish and she loved to hear her cute snort laugh.

She had that boxy smile which she inherited from her father but her eyes must be her mother's.

It was round, almost almond shaped with pretty lashes.

Her lips were plump pink perfectly complimenting her cute curly ebony hair.

She took after the skin of her father as she had a dewy, sun kissed skin.

She was always absolutely adorned with the best wardrobes.
Not expecting less from a millionaire designer father.

Overalls, she was a very cute yet bratty girl.

Hyemin was thankful she started to like her now but one thing didn't change, which was being bratty and spoiled.

She always demands for stuff at the wrong places at the wrong time.

Let's just not elaborate on that.

"Mommy, please stop.... it.... tickles!"

She laughed between her words and Hyemin stopped abruptly.

She'll never get used to being called Mommy all of sudden. Every time she hears the words rolling off Yuki's tongue so effortlessly, she begins to think and wonder how lonely she must have been and how much she must've wanted to call someone that.

Disturbing her thoughts, she heard the doorbell ring. She stood up abruptly with Yuki tugging her dress from behind.

She opened the door and found a petite, tall and very pretty woman in front of her with loads of shopping bags on her arms.

Yuki seemed to know her so she left Hyemin and ran to the woman on the door.

"Auntie Seol!"

"Yuki dear! I missed you."
She hugged her legs and the woman kissed her head.

"Why don't you come on in."
Hyemin said politely. She thought she must be a family member of Taehyung with Yuki calling her Auntie and all that.

"Thank you. Is Taehyung at work?"
She asked entering the house and all of them sitting on the couch at the tea room.


Yuki was sitting on her lap and the woman caressing her.

"Would you like tea or anything?"

"No, it's fine. I wanted to visit Yuki since it's been so long since I last saw her. Jungkook also misses her a lot."

That's when it hit Hyemin.

"Oh, you must be  the Auntie Seolhyun Yuki always talks about. I've met Jungkook once too."
She smiled at her new found fact.

"Yes, I am. Jungkook once talked about Taehyung having a babysitter."
Seolhyun smiled feeling like she could be really good friends with her.

Hyemin also felt the same way but it was just her introverted personality she was not proud of. She was scared Seolhyun might not like her.

"Hyemin is my name."
She said awkwardly not even knowing how to start a conversation.

"Hyemin, it's nice to meet you."
Seolhyun smiled. Hyemin for once felt the genuine smile. She was so used to women coming into the house and always showing a fake smile.

But she was different.

Hyemin kindly returned the smile.

Yuki called for Seolhyun interrupting our almost beginning conversation.

"Auntie Seolhyun, I call her mommy!"

Seolhyun widened her eyes not expecting Yuki to be that close to her to call her mommy.

She must be good with kids. She thought.

While Hyemin just smiled awkwardly at Seolhyun.

Seolhyun started laughing all of a sudden making Hyemin puzzled.

"I'm shocked because Yuki never ever opens up like that to anyone. It also took me a lot of time for her to like me. She was first furious when she found that I was Jungkook's girlfriend."
She chuckled reminiscing the time when that happened.

She had a terrible obsession with her boyfriend and even asked him to marry her.

"She used to pull my hair all the time."

At this, Hyemin laughed out loud.

"She does that to me all the time too."

They both shared a hearty laugh remembering the time when both of them suffered because of the bratty four year old back then.

"But now, she even calls you mommy now! That's a great achievement."


Yuki was getting bored listening to the two adults conversing.

"Mommy, I'll go and play with Tata."

"Oh, umm, ok. Have fun!"

With that, she ran upstairs to her room.

They were both alone now and they started conversing about several topics. Girl talks basically.

Seolhyun even suggested that they both hang out and go for shopping and stuff which Hyemin didn't want to decline because in the little amount of time she knew of Seolhyun, she felt extremely attached to her.

"So Taehyung and you huh?"
Seolhyun said smirking and smiling.

Hyemin was crimsom red already and Seolhyun couldn't believe how incredibly flustered and shy she gets with the mention of the said man.

She knew there was something going on between them because first, she knows Taehyung pretty well and knows that he never hires a random stranger to look after his daughter. Secondly, he never even lets anyone stay in his house ever before. He never takes a girl home to his house.

And with that, she came up with a conclusion that Hyemin was special to Taehyung and also judging on the reaction Hyemin gives whenever she teases her with Taehyung, she knew she liked him.

She was that easy to read.

As Taehyung said, she was an open book and she couldn't even lie. Like, her face tells everything.

"W-what are you saying, Seolhyun? Me and Taehyung?"
She laughed nervously wanting to disappear from Seolhyun's strong stare.

"It's pretty obvious, darling."
She chuckled finding it extremely fun to tease the other.

"You're just like Tae."

"What? Why?"
She implied trying to ignore the nickname she just said to her without thinking. Hyemin had gotten used to calling Taehyung in his cute nickname so she didn't even notice.

"You both find pleasure in teasing me way too much."

And with that, they both laughed heartily. They both had the feeling they were gonna be great friends.

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