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The way my name rolled onto her lips ever so seductively, I was so tempted to make her mine then and there but I knew she was too innocent for that.

She looked so shocked that nickname slipped out of her tongue effortlessly because she had always called me Mr. Kim and suddenly calling me Tae makes me twitch.

Her soft and subtle voice mixed with a hint of nervousness and her flushed cheeks.

Her plump red lips could be a perfect fit in mine.

On top of that, she was wearing my shirt. With shorts. And boy, I've never felt so sexually frustrated in my life than at this moment.

I want her.

I warned her that if she ever calls me Tae again I will fuck the lights out of her.


She looked at me with her crystal clear eyes and there was a hint of lust and nervousness.

I was shocked at her sudden behaviour because she was always so shy and now she dare to go beyond my word and I was so tempted to touch her.

"You don't know what you got yourself into, babygirl."
I said clicking my tongue and moving towards her. She moved back, her eyes never leaving mine and I swear I could feel her heart beating with just that look.

She looked like a scared prey, my prey.

Her back hit the kitchen counter and both my arms beside her waist trapping her. I could see her chest rising in a quick pace and I could feel her ragged breathing on my chest.

"Mr. Kim-I-"

"No sweetie. That name won't work on me anymore. You started it and you're gonna end it."

She put her hands on my chest and looked at me lovingly into my eyes. She unconsciously bit her lips and I wanted to ruin her, kiss her all over, rip off her clothes.

"Taehyung, there's a kid in this house."

And pause.

I internally face palmed. I forgot I have a kid and I have to drop her off to school in a few minutes.

As in cue, I heard Yuki calling my name.

"Go and take a look at your daughter. I'll cook breakfast in the meantime."

She smiled at me and motioned me to go away.

I inhaled a deep breath and was so frustrated that I lost this perfect opportunity to test her.

I moved back from Hyemin and looked at her before going off to tend to Yuki's needs.

After having breakfast made by Hyemin, which was delicious, I dropped off Yuki at her kindergarten and  Hyemin was sitting beside me at the car.

I could see her fidgeting with her fingers and I knew she wanted to say something to me.

"Umm... uh... I... I just wanted to say thank you for everything."

She spoke up finally looking at me with a genuine smile.

I also couldn't help but smile at her too because she deserves the world in my opinion.

"Its my pleasure Hyemin. And don't be afraid to contact me when you need my help. I'll always be available for you."

I could see her blushing from my statement and at this moment I knew.

That this girl was special, she makes me question my sanity and she isn't like other girls. Every girl I meet is different and she just unexplainably catches my attention without her even trying. She is precious, beautiful and deserves to be protected from the cruel world.

And I will do that for her.

I smiled to myself thankful that there is someone like her to make my boring and tasteless life colourful once again.

I just hope Yuki accepts her.

She fastened her seat belt as we reached the apartment she lived in. I looked around the area and it looked unsafe.

"Do you live alone?"

"No, I live with my friend."

"Good. And I never asked you this.. what's your job?"
"I'm currently working part time and also an intern in a company."

"You have quite a handful there."


I could see her face saddening suddenly so I didn't want to press her into another conversation.

"Have a good night, Mr. Kim."

"I told you, no Mr. Kim anymore. Call me Taehyung or Tae."

"Then good night, Taehyung."

"Good night babygirl."

What she did next was uncalled for. She suddenly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my cheeks.
I was frozen from my seat and I could feel the tingling sensation on my cheeks.

Her warm and plump lips felt like heaven and I badly wanted to have a taste of her soft lips on mine.

"That's a thank you gift for everything."

She smiled ear to ear and her tinted cheeks showed me she was as flustered as I was.

I wonder if my cheeks are red too.

I was still on freeze , my mind still processing what happened ago.

I mean it was just a simple innocent peck on the cheeks.

But it made my heart flutter, it made me want to hug her.

She needs to be treated like a princess.

And I will take her out on a date.

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