7. Club

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"Hyemin, my name is Lee Hyemin."

The flush on her cheeks, the way she fiddled with her long fingers and her plump cherry lips intrigued me.

I haven't felt like this with a girl ever and the most intriguing part was her innocence. She looked so nervous and lost.

Her tight skirt and almost see through dress shirt made it hard for me to not check her out.

She was drop dead gorgeous.

It would be a total lie if I said I didn't want to take her home and fuck her.

But I don't wanna spoil her. She looked so fragile and little in this city.

When she spilled coffee on my expensive shirt, I was gonna scream the heck out of her if she was any other person but there was something in her sparkly and panicked eyes that made me soft.

I was soft for a person other that Yuki.

I gave her my business card which she declined first but shyly took because of my bugging.

I wanted to make her mine.

But when I think about it, she's different from Amber and won't blindly accept a stranger to sleep with her.

She's a virgin, that I know. I have seen a fair share of girls.

I was sitting on my office, not able to get my mind off her.

She's making me feel things and I don't like it.

Did I fall in love at first sight?

No way, Taehyung.
That's such bullshit. There's no such thing as love at first sight.

That's such a cliché thing.

But why can't I take my mind off her? What kind of witchcraft has she done to me?

I was fiddling with my pen and haven't realised I was zoned out until there was a knock on the door.

"Sir, Mr. Park is here to see you."

"Let him in."

The door opened and a cinnamon haired lad entered looking enthusiastic as always.

He lifted my mood right away.

"Damn, Jimin. Where have you been? I was so lonely without you."

I joked and he laughed hiding all his eyes probably blocking his vision.

"Kim Taehyung, I don't need fake affection. I told you I was away for a business trip to Paris. You must be too busy to even know your best friend's status."

He lightly rolled his eyes pretending to be mad.

"Of course I was. Handling a kid alone is troublesome. I can't add a friend with no jams to my problems."

"I'm seriously offended and hurt. Ouch!"
He clasped his hands to his heart dramatically.

"So what do you say? Shall we go hang out tonight? I wanna get laid, its been a decade."

"Oh, please. You really think I believe you? You probably fucked a hot French girl."

"You know me too well sometimes."

"You're lucky you're older than me by a month, Park Jimin."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. So what do you say? You're coming with me or not?"

"No, I have to babysit Yuki. You go with Jungkook. I bet he'll want to go too."

"Nah, man. That guy has a girlfriend for God's sake."

"Then you're going alone, bud."



"Kyunghee! Hurry, will you!"

I shouted at my slowpoke friend as she was in the bathroom getting ready.

Apparently we're going to a club like a girls night out at the popular club that just opened a few months ago and she's taking far too long getting ready. I was already ready 15 minutes ago.

I stomped towards the bathroom and knocked on her door.

"Kyunghee, you're taking far too long in there. Any problem?"

The door slowly opened and her head poked out of the half opened door.

"Umm, actually.... I have a little problem."


"I'm on my period."

"Shit, that's just great."

"I just feel uncomfortable and I want to rest. You can go without me."

"Kyunghee, I'm not going without you."

"Well, you're already dressed up pretty and I would feel terrible if you missed your only time of enjoyment just because of my stupid blood. I'm so sorry I ruined our girls night out."

"But... I..."

"No buts, Hyemin. Just go. You look too hot. Don't let it go to waste."

"My gosh, Kyunghee. Is that all you can think about now?"

"Yes. And make sure you don't come home too late. Its dangerous. Call me if you need help and use the cab ok?"

"Ok, mom!"

I rolled my eyes and she just laughed at me.

"Just go now. Hurry!"

"Ok, bye."

I ran my way out of the apartment not forgetting to grab my phone and purse.

"Have fun!"


I paid the cab driver and got out of it to see bold neon sign encrypted 'Joonie's Club'

It looked popular and was blaring with music. I got in the club and I could immediately feel the base line and people mixed with sweat and grinding on each others body.

I need to release all my stress from work and maybe get a drink or two.

I sat on the bar and there was this really hot bartender.

"What would a pretty lady like you like to drink?"

I faintly blushed at his remark and looked at his name tag.

"I would like your recommendation please, Namjoon."

He smiled showing his dimples and I had the urge to poke it. He looked so cute at the same time hot.

"Then I would recommend the bloody mary for a start. Its a personal favorite."

"That would be great. Thank you."

"Anything for you, sweetie."

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