23.Stay Over

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"So Hyemin, I wanna spend more time with Yuki and I wanna let her stay the night at me and Jungkook's house. Is it okay?"

Seolhyun asked rather reluctantly because she was unsure if it was a good idea but she was attached to the girl and she knew Jungkook missed her too.

"Um... I don't know. You should ask Taehyung. I'm just her babysitter."
Hyemin laughed lightly not knowing what to say on this situation.

"Don't say that! I can see that Yuki sees you much more than that. Even Taehyung."

It has been 4 in the evening now and they couldn't get to stop talking over tea. They had both become the best friends they never thought they needed.

Yuki had been in bed for quite a while now and Seolhyun was waiting for Taehyung to come back home because he said he was gonna come home early today and she was planning on asking to let Yuki stay the night with them.

"So how did you meet Jungkook?"

Seolhyun apparently laughed at the question... not because it was funny but she was struck with the memories of how she eventually met the love of her life.

"It's rather funny though, when I think about it."

"Why is that?"

"Because we were never meant to have been together."

Hyemin was even more curious when she said that.
She lightly held her hands looking at her, begging from her eyes to tell her everything.
Seolhyun could see the sparkle and excitement in her eyes and smiled.

"You see, we both were....."

Just when she was about to go on, the front door opened revealing a tired looking Kim Taehyung.

Hyemin sighed and Seolhyun chuckled lightly seeing her pout because she must have really wanted to hear their story but Taehyung apparently ruined the moment.

"The story is for another time darling."

She said and got up.

"Taehyung! You're finally here!"

Taehyung was shocked to see an unexpected guest at first but he smiled because he thought Jungkook was gonna be here too.

"Oh! Seolhyun! What brings you here?"
They both hug and Taehyung start to search around the house.

"What? Searching for Jungkook? Sucks because he's not here. I came alone."

Taehyung slouched a little at that but smiled regardless.

They all sit relaxing on the couch while Seolhyun and Taehyung was in a conversation, Hyemin was awkwardly sitting beside them looking at both friends with a blank mind.

But she saw the sight of Taehyung taking off his tie and other accessories he had on, she somehow couldn't peel her eyes off of him.

The was his veiny neck showed when he leaned his head back a little to loosen his tie or when he unbutton his collar.

Or when he lifted up his sleeve shirt showing his veiny hands.

And his bangs lightly wet from his sweat and it would move around slightly when he moves.

And it was the first time she had seen his thighs directly. She didn't even know his thighs could be this thick.
He wore pretty tight trousers and when he sits, it showed even more of the muscles he hid underneath the baggy pants he wore everyday at home.

It looked so juicy in her eyes and she couldn't help but feel hot seeing him like that and that tan skin wasn't helping.

She unconsciously licked her lips and checked him out shamelessly.

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