6. Accident

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"Hyemin, get me coffee! This instant!"

My bossy boss of a lady was shouting at me from her room. I've been working here as a small analyst ever since I graduated from college.

Its been almost 5 years since I moved to Seoul and because of this job, i've been able to take care of my grandma for the very best. I send money for her treatment every month and now she's in a good hospital getting treated as best as they could.

My uncle and aunt had kept their promise of taking care of her, surprisingly.
Honestly, I didn't think they would do that.

I quickly got out of my seat and went out of the building with my scrappy heals I could barely afford.

They're killing me.

I ignored the pain the cheap leather was doing to the soles of my feet and ran out to the nearest coffee place I could find. My boss had a habit of always asking for people who work below her to run errands for her and every employee dreaded it.

Today was my turn.

I got in to the place packed with customers and the smell of coffee hit me, it was almost head aching.

I put in my order at the counter and waited for it to finish quicky, seating in one of the tables.

After waiting for five minutes or so, my order finally got called and I quickly grabbed the coffee. I was so in a hurry I accidentally hit the person standing behind me and had apparently spilled my coffee on the person.

Shit! I'm so so in trouble right now! Hyemin, what have you done!

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking and I  was in a hurry.... oh god!"

I said looking down and not wanting to face the person.

I was getting ready to get hit or scolded but it never came. I slowly looked up and I was dumbfounded.

The Gucci model was directly looking at me. He had a smug face on him and I never felt so little in my life.

My eyes were running here and there and I felt my cheeks heating. I could feel his eyes on me even though I wasn't looking at him.

I apologized again frantically but he didn't say anything.

I looked up at him and he was smiling at me. I gulped hardly and I blinked several times.

Why isn't he mad? Why is he smiling at me? Do I have something on my face?

I checked my face out of confusion but nothing was there.

"You're a very amusing young lady indeed."

His voice was so deep and sexy.

"Umm, your shirt, Mr.Kim, i'll buy you another or i'll wash it for you or....."

"No worries, i have loads of these. And do you know me?"

"Huh? Everyone knows you, Mr. Kim."

And I pointed to everyone who was looking at us, probably wondering why a low life like me is talking to such a big man in the fashion industry.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot."

He laughed nervously and scratched his neck lightly.

I was lost for words as I looked at him admiring his perfect features.

He's like the most ethereal human being ever.

With his off white dress shirt and ripped black jeans. He looked like a meal.

I feel my stomach heating up just by looking at him. What has happened to me? I never felt this way towards a guy.

He's making me feel things I shouldn't feel. And the fact that he's a complete stranger.

I didn't know I was shamelessly checking him out until he spoke up.

"You like what you see, sweetie?"

My cheeks turned warm instantly and I started thinking of excuses and a witty comeback but my mind was blank.

"Umm.. I... you... i'm..... i'm sorry, about your shirt."

I said panicking a bit and internally combusting.

"As I said, its fine. Shit happens. I suppose you were in a hurry."

"Yeah, my boss is a very impatient lady."

I said lowly as a fact that he is also a CEO of a company and I was scared he might get offended.

He laughed lightly and I looked up to see the most beautiful smile ever.

How can he be this beautiful?

Sounds illegal.

"I... i probably should get going."
I laughed nervously and unsure of what to say.

"Yeah,have a great day."

"You too, Mr. Kim."

I quicky shot out of the place and just as I reached the door, he called me.
"Umm, miss?"
I turned around and faced him.


"I never got to know the name of the beautiful lady who spilled coffee on my expensive shirt."

I widened my eyes feeling both guilty and happy.

"What? You mean me?"

"Yeah, you stole my heart babygirl. What are you gonna do about it?"

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