17.Say The Name

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I like it better when I write it in an author's point of view

Yuki, she was a problem, like a very big problem.

She was always sulking whenever Hyemin was around and Taehyung couldn't even do anything about it because she never does anything when he's around but Taehyung knew Yuki didn't like Hyemin. The reason was still unknown to him and it made him feel bad for Hyemin.

It was Thursday and its been two days since Hyemin started working as Yuki's babysitter. Tired was an understatement because she's been running here and there around the house because Yuki's idea of fun was totally bizarre.

She asked her to make cookies but doesn't eat them, plays tea party but ends up crying and blames it on Hyemin, she throws fits when she's being bathed by Hyemin telling her she only wants her daddy to bathe her.

So yeah, it's been a great day for Hyemin.

Yuki always runs around the house breaking some ornaments and paintings.

When Taehyung gets home from work, which he always is late, he can't help but sigh everytime he hears the wailing of his daughter first thing.

Once, he even caught her pulling Hyemin's hair like there was no tomorrow and let's just say it didn't end well.

And when he finds out she's been breaking his expensive stuff, he still tries to stay calm.

But it's been a lot more easier having Hyemin around because he can take a break from parenting a while and the house always looks spotless clean everytime he comes home.

Hyemin had already dropped off Yuki to her kindergarten and entered the large yet empty space. Taehyung had gone off to work and Yuki to school, now she had the whole house to herself for a while.

Her neck felt like breaking and she was beyond exhausted but it was nothing compared to all the tiring part time jobs she had gotten used to.

She collapsed down to the soft luscious sofa and she took a breather.

Who knew babysitting could be this hard?

She thought to herself.

She got up, got to her room and took a short yet relaxing shower.

She was famished so she made herself a sandwich. While she was happily nibbling on her sandwich, the doorbell rang.

She quickly went to open the door and there stood a tall, elegant looking woman. Her long honey hair complementing her tanned skin.

She looked so gorgeous and Hyemin started to feel conscious and small.

"Um, hello. I'm here to meet Taehyung."

She said sassily while holding onto her Prada clutch.
She looked at Hyemin disgustingly and lowly feeling like the better woman.

"Why don't you come in first?"

Hyemin tried to stay as polite as possible even though she thought she was rude,Hyemin couldn't just be rude to her because she could be a very important person.

She willingly strutted in with her four inches Michael Kors heels clicking on the nicely polished marble floors.

She sat down and crossed her legs sitting ever so elegantly. This woman just screams strong and fierce.

Her tight sequinned dress perfectly hugging her body and her slender legs.

"Would you like anything to drink, miss?"

"No, thank you. I just wanna meet him and leave when I'm done slapping him."

Hyemin widened her eyes.

Taehyung, what have you done?

She thought to herself feeling low-key scared for him because the woman looks like someone you don't wanna mess with.

"Tell me, are you his maid or something?"

"No, I'm not his maid. I'm his babysitter who lives here."

"Babysitter?! And you live with him?!"

Hyemin just nodded feeling proud on the inside. She had wanted to say that ever since.

"Kim Taehyung has a fucking child! Oh, he's gonna get it. And not just that, he lives with this  super ugly ass of a babysitter who is nothing compared to me!"

It was like she was talking to herself, not the other way around and now Hyemin was losing her cool.

Hold it in, girl. Hold it in. You can do this.

She just chanted on her mind balling her fists tight to supress her anger.

"And may I ask who you are, kind miss?"

She looked down at the much more small Hyemin and strutted.

She laughed sassing and throwing her hair away like a shampoo commercial.

"Me, you ask darling? Me? I am Taehyung's girlfriend, if you didn't know."

Hyemin widened her eyes, she was disappointed but not surprised.

He sure does have great taste in women.

Hyemin was slightly disappointed that he didn't tell her he had a girlfriend because she felt something she shouldn't feel and now it just made her guilty.

She was also mad because he was the one who led her on and she being the victim, fell under his trap.

Now a drop dead gorgeous woman who makes her feel inferior had claimed herself as Taehyung's girlfriend gives her anxiety.

She felt hurt, miserable and pathetic at the moment.

"Got nothing to say now, do you?"

"Please come later. He's at work right now."

She said lowly, her voice almost cracking.

"Oh yes I will. I will come here again and kiss the lights out of him. I can see you like him too hun. We'll see who he chooses."

And with that, she went off.

Hyemin gave a long sigh not sure if she was even on the right mind anymore.

She just stared at the walls blankly.

Millions of thoughts was on her head and it was making her head ache.
She asked herself how could she be so vulnerable and weak.
She wanted to become a strong woman like her but no, all she could do was let her attack her.

And she was disappointed in herself, saying how she could easily fall in a man's trap just because he's been sweet or has done some good deeds for her.

But she was staying strong for her family.

Her non-existant family.

She was just here because of her grandmother or else she would have left the place already, saving her dignity.

But no, she didn't do that even though it hurt her pride.

There was no pride when it comes to her loved ones.

That was how kind-hearted Hyemin was.

Little did she know how hard she had fallen for Kim Taehyung and how there was no escaping from this messed up state.

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