29.Goodbye road

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Hyemin was lifelessly sitting on the floor, greeting all the people that came to her grandma's funeral.

She got tired of all the bowing but she couldn't do a thing.

Not much people came too.

Just some elderly ladies and men from the small neighborhood who knew her grandmother.

She couldn't even feel her legs at this point but that wasn't what she was crying about.

It's been 3 hours after she found out of her grandma's death and she has been crying ever since. She would sometimes have a panic attack when she thinks about how the most precious grandma she had wasn't gonna be in this world anymore.

But by now, she felt like she couldn't even absorb all the words and consolation she got from other people but she still was thankful to them.

Her aunt and uncle was there too but they were not sad.

Instead, they sat together with the guests and drank soju with them, laughing wholeheartedly.

As if they were grateful the only burden for them died and Hyemin was getting even more frustrated and angry at them.

But now was not even the time to lash out. She was heartbroken to say the least.

She felt like the life she had had been sucked out of her body never to be given back again.

But she couldn't help but return back to reality no matter how much it hurt. She had to live without her grandmother from now on and was grateful that she had such an amazing woman to take care of her.

Suddenly, her grandma's words came to her.

'Never ever cease to be sad, my flower. People will come and go. And I may, too. Someday. And people will take advantage of your weakness. But never ever break down but you have to prove them that you're strong enough. Remember my words, my beautiful Hyemin. I'll always be with you.'

It was first sad but as she thought more about it, it became an eye-opener.

She had always found a way to mesmerise Hyemin with her words.

She would always tell her stories and Hyemin would listen to it intently with her eyes sparkling.

Hyemin learned a lot from her grandma, one being strong.

She had said this to her again and again. She told her the world was cruel and that it won't be friendly to you and she never understood her words until now.

Hyemin felt light all of a sudden feeling as if her grandma was present and telling her to be strong for her.

She knew her grandma would never want her to break down at cry at her death and she tried.

Sometimes it worked but sometimes she would excuse herself and break down in the bathroom.

And she vomited quite a bit, spewing out nothing but liquid.

She haven't eaten at all since her arrival to Daegu and Taehyung was concerned.

Speaking of Taehyung, he was outside the house talking to Jungkook.

He told him about the death of Hyemin's grandmother and how they had to abruptly leave.

"Is Yuki fine?"
He asked the younger who he called to take care of after he left with Hyemin.

Jungkook didn't say anything much and seemed to understand the urgency in his voice so he woke up from his nap and ran to Taehyung's house to look after Yuki who was sleeping peacefully in her room.

"She's more than happy to see me hyung. Please send my condolences to Hyemin and be with her. She needs it."

"I will."
Taehyung smiled a forced one and they hung up. He was contemplating whether or not to talk to he because he didn't trust himself when it came to comforting someone.

But if it was Hyemin, then he had to do it.

He was so heartbroken when she found out about her grandma's death.

She grabbed on his shirt and cried on his chest for half an hour.

She had completely given up and her frail body had become even weaker.

He was even more worried when she refused to eat even a single thing.

He got inside their house which was too damaged and unfurnished.

The cracked walls, the leaking floor and extremely cold.

He somehow felt pity for Hyemin. He knew she had a difficult life and found even more respect for her.

He heard a group of people laughing and cutting jokes near the corner drinking.

He looked at the couple with disgust when he found out that they were Hyemin's uncle and aunt.

Taehyung wanted to slap the both of them because they were an eyesore.
Hyemin explained to him how they never really cared about her life and just wanted money.

When the couple saw Taehyung entering the house, they immediately got up and ran to him.

"Oh! Mr. Kim. Would you like to have some shots with us?"

"Or something to eat?"

Taehyung was pissed off because they were being friendly because of his status and money.

When Hyemin told the both that Taehyung was her boss and owned a multi-million company, their eyes changed.

But he wasn't going to be rude to Hyemin's family. At least she wouldn't want that, but he was truly pissed off.

He faked a kind smile and declined.

Taehyung looked to his side and found Hyemin sitting numbly on the floor holding a picture of her grandmother.

He slowly approached her and his mind was debating on what to say.

"Are you alright baby?"
He said lowly as if afraid to startle her.

Hyemin slowly looked towards him with her puffed up eyes.

"I'm fine, Tae. You should go back how. You have work and a daughter to take care of."

"No, don't worry about me. The company has been taken care of and Jungkook is looking after Yuki. You're my top priority right now."

Hyemin smiled a little at that. She always found it soothing and relaxing listening to his sweet words and she somehow felt better by his side.

But she realised one thing. Her grandma was gone now and she didn't need the job anymore.

Maybe it is truly goodbye.

She lost two of the most important people in her life in the very same day.

What's worse was that even though she loved Taehyung very much, he was never hers in the first place.

They never tied their bond and maybe, just maybe that will make it easier.

"Tae, you know that I can't work for you anymore right?"

And Taehyung froze at her words because he just realized it now.

And Taehyung couldn't find an excuse anymore for her to stay by his side.

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