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"I'm sorry for everything Hyemin unnie."

Hyemin was beyond shocked. She was not expecting an apology from Yuki at all.

"What are you sorry for? It's okay."

"I have been a bad girl. My daddy did the right thing to punish me. I deserve it."

"No Yuki dear, you don't. He was just correcting you."

"I was being a bad girl to you because I thought you were gonna take me away from my daddy. But now that you said it, I realized I was wrong."

Hyemin smiled at her. She was being way too cute to her and it made her heart melt.

I wish it was like this from the beginning.

Hyemin thought as she dried Yuki's tears.

"You are such a good and adorable little lady. I'm sure your daddy will be very proud of you."

"I'm also sorry for calling you ugly and other mean things."

She pouted out her cute puffy cheeks as she looked down.
She was adorable in Hyemin's eyes.

"It's alright. After all I am an ugly unnie, aren't I?"
She laughed but Yuki further pouted.

"No, you're not ugly at all. I just said that because I was envious of your beauty and kindness. I was jealous of all the attention you were getting from my dad."

"Aww, I'm so sorry for making you feel that way. You know what, you are way more beautiful than me. And I really mean it. You are gonna grow up to be a gorgeous woman."

"Like you?!"

Yuki's eyes sparkled for the first time in Hyemin's eyes and she couldn't help but notice the similarly of her father's eyes when it sparkled.

She's a daddy's girl after all.

"No, even better than me."

She tucked Yuki's messy hair away from her face.

Yuki just giggled and smiled widely. Deep down inside her four year old heart, she felt guilty.

She felt bad and guilty for treating her kind babysitter miserably just because of her silly thoughts.
She learned from her mistakes and she was glad Hyemin even forgave her.

Yuki suddenly hugged Hyemin making her heart swell. She felt fuzzy and wanted.

It was all she asked for.
For Yuki to accept her and now its happening and she tried so hard not to squeal.

Hyemin hugged her back and they both just stayed there hugging each other.

"Thank you Hyemin.For everything."

"Aww, you're welcome sweetie."

"You know what, I'm gonna call you mommy!"
Yuki squeaked.

"What?! M-mommy? W-why?"

She said nervously while the other one just smiled at her nervous state.

"I know my daddy likes you. And you like him too. So I want you guys to get together and get married so that you can be my mommy."

"W-what? Your dad? N-no. He won't like me. Don't be silly Yuki."

At this point, Hyemin failed to cover up her nervous voice.

Yuki was way too smart not to notice her fidgety state. She knew they both liked each other from day 1.

"I always wanted a mommy, Hyemin. I never had a mom and I want you to be my mommy."

Yuki fidgeted her fingers and fake sobbed.
She was good at acting and Hyemin fell for it.

"What! No no no please don't cry. Ok, ok. I'll be your mommy."

She said hurriedly not thinking about what consequences she will face after saying that. But at that moment she didn't care because she didn't want to make her cry again.

"Yay! You'll really be my mommy?! I'm so happy. I can't wait to show you off to my friends."

She clapped her hands happily jumping on the bed.
Hyemin just watched her smiling.

Her heart was swelling with pride because the once bratty and problematic Yuki was gone and she accepted her. So much that she asked her to be her mom.

She thought how she must have had a hard time at school because she didn't have someone to call mom.
She didn't have a mother to bring on Mother's Day at school.
She pitied her because she could relate to her because she also lost her parents early and that must be why she even accepted the job in the first place.
In hopes that she might be able to lessen her loneliness and boredom. She knew Taehyung was a busy man and didn't want her to feel the same thing she felt when she was a child.
She wanted Yuki to be loved and taken care of.

"Tell you what, let's take a quick bath and I'll read you a bedtime story."


Yuki jumped across the room and started undressing herself. She held onto her favourite Tata miniature she always takes with her when she bathes.

Her room was full of Tata. To plushies, toys, PJs and even her whole sheets were Tata prints.

Hyemin lightly chuckled. She couldn't believe all the things that happened in the short amount of time.

After bathing her, Yuki was waiting for Hyemin with her PJs on the bed.
Hyemin collected her favourite bedtime story and she sat on the side of her bed ready to read.
Yuki suddenly burst out laughing.


Hyemin asked feeling puzzled.

"Come cuddle with me."

Hyemin widened her eyes in shock but didn't want to refuse the cute little girl.

She hopped on her bed with Yuki laying on her arms while she read the story.

On the other side of the room sat Taehyung inside his office in front of his many paperworks he had to take care of.

But his mind couldn't stop thinking about his daughter's words. So he quickly stood up and went upstairs to check on Yuki.

He found that the door was open so he slowly opened the creaking door.

"Yuki sweetie I'm so-"
He widened his eyes not believing what he was seeing.

He was jungshook.

Hyemin with his daughter tightly on her embrace while they both slept comfortably in each others arms. They were both in dreamland.

At first Taehyung was shocked but he smiled.

He was so happy he could see the scene he was seeing now.
He always wished that someday Yuki was gonna accept a mother figure in her life and now his wish seemed like a reality.

He couldn't help but feel giddy and fuzzy.

Both the most important person in his life together. He never wanted more.

They both looked so comfortable in each others arms so he didn't even want to wake Hyemin up.

He just stayed there admiring the both of them, saying in his mind how they both fit together perfectly.

I could watch this all day long.

He led out a small sigh finally able to keep his mind in peace. He kissed both their foreheads and quietly left the room.

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