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Fluffy pillows.

That's what I was on right now. I could feel the soft covers of the expensive duvet and I could literally be in heaven.

I was a little bit awake and I could feel the fresh air and the sun shining on my face.

I was unaware of my surroundings but it felt so soft and cozy I didn't want to open my eyes.

But then consciousness struck me and I remembered all the things that happened last night.

The hug, the daughter and the dirty talks.

I quickly opened my eyes and I found myself in what looked like the guest room. I dragged myself out of the comfy bed and I quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up as my mind and body were all groggy.

After the refreshing bath, I went out to see the whole house empty.

I went over to the fridge to drink water and I almost dropped my water bottle when I head a voice.

"Good morning."

I quickly turned to the voice and saw a bare-faced, messy hair Taehyung with his deep morning voice.

How does he manage to look this hot even when just waking up?

I must look like shit right now.

"Good morning, Mr.Kim."

I say nervously under his gaze.

I looked down and realized what I was wearing.
It was his white shirt and some shorts which was too short and showed too much skin.

I must look like a bait right now.

"Why do you look so sexy even in the morning? I could kiss you all over and touch you like there's no tomorrow."

Again with the dirty talk.

I literally felt my cheeks heating up because its the first time I've ever even known someone so straightforward.

Some guys here and there liked me but I never had a boyfriend. I was too busy having mouths to feed and I never had any experience with any boy.

And this guy in front of me is making me feel things that is not good for me.

He leaned in and I leaned back with eyes wide open. I could feel my soul leaving my body and I just looked at the eyes that I was starting to love.

I slowly looked at his perfect nose with the cute little mole, and those plump naturally pink lips that looked so delicious. I could kiss him then and there without regretting it.

But I'm not sure if he wants to.

It was like he could read my mind, his facial expression changed and smirked.

"You want me, baby?"

Oh gosh, what's he doing to me?

I want you.

My mind was shouting for him to touch me and make me his already. He had that effect on my body.

But at the same time I was afraid. Afraid this thing he sees on me is just gonna be temporary and I try to convince myself he just want my body and nothing else.

He'll just throw me away when he gets sick of me.

But my body is telling me a different story.

Kim Taehyung, this is illegal.

He got closer and closer and I couldn't move an inch.

"Daddy! Who is she?"

We both quickly turned to the voice and I see her daughter looking at me like I'm a bitch.

I can see hatred and disgust in her eyes and I knew she was not going to like me.

"Oh, good morning sweetie!"
Taehyung said picking her up and kissing her all over the face.

I couldn't help but smile seeing the scene.

Yuki giggled at his playful touch but stopped when she saw me smiling.

She looked at me like she was devouring me with those big eyes that sparked with hatred.

I don't know why but I don't like it whatsoever.

"Dad, is she the new maid?"

Maid, yeah, I could be a maid.

I look like one.

Taehyung quickly dropped her to the floor not looking pleased.

"Apologize to her right now."

"Mr.Kim, its okay. She was just guessing and misunderstood. I don't mind being a maid."

I nervously laughed to lighten the atmosphere.

He ruffled his hair in frustration and with Yuki looking at his dad with those cute shimmery eyes, he knew he couldn't resist that.

"Yuki, she's not a maid. She's my soon to be girlfriend."

I widened my eyes in shock at what he was saying and he was just smiling widely.

"So be kind to her and never call her the maid again. Understood?"
He pointed his fingers at her and she just sulkily nodded.

"B-but tae.... I..."

Oh my god! What did I just call him?!
I quickly covered my mouth and his eyes widened in shock too.

When did I become so close to him to suddenly give him a nickname?!

But then his facial expression slowly turned into a smirk.

"Sweetie, go and wash up. We'll make breakfast."
He said not taking his eyes off me.
Yuki just went into her room again and I pretended like it didn't happen.

"I'll make breakfast."

I could barely say without stuttering. I gulped loudly seeing that those playful eyes were looking at me piercing a hole through my heart.

He bit his lips and pushed back his bangs revealing his forhead.

Lord give me the strength.

I tried to walk away but his hands stopped me blocking my way.

"Call me Tae again and I swear I won't be able to handle anymore. I will pound on you so hard you'll not be able to walk for a whole week."

That right there set the fire in me. I could feel my core heating up and I want him to do exactly that. Nothing else matters anymore.


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