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Its been 6 months.

And it had been quite a journey for Hyemin. She was not jobless, she worked as a tour guide as she managed to learn French quite quickly and it really helped her.

The job didn't pay much as Taehyung did back then but she was content with it because she was at least able to pay rent for the little apartment she luckily happened to find.

She shared the apartment with a French girl Maria who was the only one staying there and was more than thankful to let Hyemin share.

She was happy with her life as it was. She was free spirited and did all sorts of things.

First of all, she got a really beautiful tattoo below her breast near her ribcage.

And she was not so innocent anymore, not in terms of her sex life but physically and mentally.

She drank and went to the club every night to fill her loneliness and boredom.

But amidst all the chaos and hype she had with her friends, her heart still yearned for the man named Kim Taehyung.

And she knew she had fallen to the pits of infinity for the said man.

She fell in love with him so hard that she even tried to get laid and lose her virginity with random strangers she found on the brightly lit streets in Paris.

But she just couldn't bring herself to do such filthy things even though sometimes her heart wanted to do it.

She was unconsciously saving herself for him and she found it hard to believe that it would happen.

She thought he must have moved on with his life by now, that he would not stick to a simple plain virgin like her and seek out other more capable woman to take care of his daughter and himself.

And she secretly hoped that wasn't the case because she was too deep into this shit that it was hard for her to open up to other men who were incredibly hot by the way.

But her heart wanted nothing but Kim Taehyung.

The crazily sexy and handsome millionaire who managed to steal Lee Hyemin's heart and she was afraid that she would not be able to move on with her life like this.

But she couldn't just return to Seoul run into his arms.
Who knows he might be married or lost feelings for her already.
She was stubborn enough to not call him for the 6 months they said their goodbyes but she was tempted every night to click on the number she refused to delete.

I believe Yuki would be really big by now.

She thought as she remembers the time Yuki would disgustingly hate on her and pull on her hair.

But that was what made her sane, the unforgettable memories she had inside of the Kim Estate was bitter sweet.

She was sitting on a park bench contemplating life. It was autumn and the leaves had shed their leaves with cold breeze kissing her slightly cold cheeks.

She had an off day and she had never felt more alone and empty.

She was alone in this big city. She came here in hopes that her life might change but turns out it had gotten even more worse.

She missed Taehyung so bad.

Just as she was about to get up and head to her apartment, her phone rang.

It was Maria. She furrowed her eyebrows thinking her call was out of a sudden and she thought she was at work.

"Hello? Maria?"

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