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Hyemin was sitting down on the balcony with her coffee. It was 4 in the evening and she has just put Yuki to sleep because they were playing all day and she was tired.

She sipped on her drink while thinking about the whole situation. Every time she thought about it, a blush crept up to her face.

She was also afraid that Taehyung might think that she was angry at him because she was totally not.

She just felt awkward and shy because it was practically the first time she had an intense makeout with a hot guy let alone kiss him.

She felt butterflies in her stomach just thinking about the way he would sensually touch her or devour her mouth.

She wanted to feel it again but she was just too embarrassed and shy to even look at him in the eye.

She finished her coffee and went to the kitchen. She felt like eating sour fruits so she searched for it in the fridge.

She found kiwis placed on the egg tray which she found it funny and odd at the same time.

But she was happy because kiwi was her favorite fruit.

She took out four big ones as she sat down on the table and happily peeled the furry skin off.

As she was happily enjoying the fruit, she heard the front door open and she froze.

There was only person who always came in without ringing the door.

Kim Taehyung.

Because it was his freaking house.

She stopped chewing the fruit which seemed like it was stuck midway her throat.

She quickly got up from her seat and wanted to dash to her room.

She was doing just that but an angry voice stopped her.

"Don't you dare move another step, Lee Hyemin. You and I are gonna talk. And I won't take no for an answer because I have skipped all of my important work just to talk to you."

When he said that, she felt a pang on her chest.

She felt guilty. She was to blame for all of this

It was because of her coward behavior that evn led him to worry and skip his work.

She slowly turned to look at him and the moment she did, she stopped breathing.

Beautiful eyes piercing into her boring eyes and it made her hazy.

It had always been like this. Taehyung had a way to make her feel completely weak on her knees and that scared the shit out of her.

"Tell me, baby. Why are you avoiding me these past three days? And I don't want excuses."

Hyemin gulped down the lump on het throat.

She looked down at his chest and fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.

Her palms started to sweat and she felt so small under his gaze.

She wanted to disappear but she knew that she just had to say the truth because there was no way out of this.

He could even fire her from her work if he wanted to.

"Taehyung, please don't think that I'm angry about it."
She said as calmly as she could mutter out but on the inside she was shaking.

Taehyung's hard face softens a bit at that. He truly thought that she was angry at him but he didn't have any rational reason for thinking that.

"So why? Tell me babygirl."

"U-uh, I, um-I was just, I didn't know how to act around you after that. It was too awkward for me because it's my first time and I felt embarrassed."

She blurted out mindlessly not even knowing what she was  spewing out.

Taehyung smiled and looked at her nervous form.

How could he forgot? She was too innocent and precious for him.

"So that was it? Why didn't you tell me sooner? I was so worried."

He stepped towards her and held her shoulders tightly.

She stiffened at his touch and felt her heart ramming.

"Hyemin baby, tell me if you're uncomfortable around me. But please don't ignore me again. I felt like dying not talking to you and not being able to see your beautiful face."

She smiled at that. She felt like she was on drugs. She felt like she was levitating. His sweet yet deep voice send chills down her spine and she questioned herself how she was able to keep herself away from him.

She felt safe and warm around him and that was when she knew that she had fallen harder than she thought she would.

She was addicted to him. She loved his touches and smell.

And she knew she would be the luckiest girl in the world if he also loved her.

But she doubted that.

She didn't doubt the fact that he was still a playboy because she knew he changed.

For his daughter.

And she also hoped he would change for her too but it was a big thing to ask for.

"I'm sorry Tae. For acting the way I did. It was selfish of me. I never actually thought of how you would feel but now I realized and I'm sorry for ignoring you. It was just my stupid insecurities."

Taehyung felt his heart tug at her words and it put a smile on his face. He knew she was sincere with her words it made him fall in love with her even more.

"I forgive you, baby. I can never stay mad at you. And know that from now, you have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable. I'll keep my boundaries."

Hyemin smiled at him while caressing his face making him close his eyes at the touch.

"Thank you, Taehyung. For not misunderstanding me and accepting this awkward, shy girl who doesn't deserve someone like you. You're too perfect."

Taehyung protested and shook his head. He always thought he was the one who doesn't deserve such a perfect woman like her.

"No, Hyemin. I don't deserve such an angel like you. I'm cruel and have done shit in the past that I'll never forgive myself for."

He held her hands and looked down, feeling guilty.

"Don't say that, Tae. We all make mistakes. It's in the past. You still have a chance to show me you're more than what you think you are."

Taehyung looked up surprised at her words. And then he took the chance.

"Then why don't you give me the chance and let me treat you right. Be my babygirl forever."

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