Platform 9 3/4

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A/N Hi guys, this is my first attempt at publishing anything EVER so I'm very excited and nervous and probably going to spell everything wrong but I'll give it a go. To anyone who reads it I hope you enjoy it!

Warning for throughout: Mature language, smut, fluff, talk of anxiety, triggers and cheating.

Pairings are Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini and a few others that I won't mention because I don't want to spoil it ;P

Draco POV

Leaving Mother in the manor with nothing but the house elves, and the reminder that she is once again alone, was one of the hardest things I have had to do since the war ended. But I have to go back to Hogwarts; I need to finish my O.W.L.S. I need my qualifications so I can take her far away from all the shit my Farther left for us. He dragged our name through the dirt. Mother can't even go into town without getting heckled by everyone for being a death-eater's wife. She didn't want this life, she doesn't deserve it. So I need to get my O.W.L.S, get a job and get us away. France maybe? We used to own a chateau in Nice before the Ministry seized everything that was in Father's name; maybe if I could get enough money together I could buy it back. We used to have great times together there, just me and her. Yes, I think she'd like that.

"Draco, darling!" a familiar voice brought me back to where I now stood - Kings Cross Station. Pansy Parkinson came prancing over with arms wide waiting to welcome me into a warm embrace.
"Pansy, you look lovely as ever," I smiled warmly at her.
"Now that actually looks quite genuine. Are you doing alright? How's your mother holding up? I hear the ministry have taken everything-". I held my hand up to stop her before her questioning got too frantic.
"Pans please. I know you care but I really don't want to talk about this now." She gave me an apologetic look.
"Besides," I gave her my signature Draco Malfoy smirk. "I heard that you have news of your own." I drawled wiggling an eyebrow at her mischievously. She blinked a few times and her jaw dropped slightly. I chuckled at this, head thrown back carefree. This is a new thing for me, something my father would surely give me a beating for; but I like it, laughing.
"I'm going to kill Blaise Zabini!" She whipped her head round frantically looking for the dark Italian that would be, without a doubt, drawn and quartered for telling me about their new situation.
"Don't blame him... I practically tortured it out of him,"
"Well how in Salazar's name did you do that?" She managed through her pouting.
"I promised to tell him in great detail how I found out I was gay," I said with my Malfoy mask firmly in place. I hoped it would have wonderful impact and start off the year exactly how I wanted to, with my closest friends knowing about new me. This was not the case, she started...laughing? She's laughing???
"Why are you laughing?" Great, now I'm the one pouting.
"Darling, I've known you since we were 4 years old. I have always suspected you were gay Draco." she giggled.
"Oh, well yes I suppose you're right, I never really had a girlfriend did I?"
"Plus the fact that you take longer than me to get ready," I punched her lovingly on the shoulder and we agreed to try and find Blaise.
"I'm really glad you finally came out darling, this is good for you, it's a change." She linked arms with mine and we searched for the tall dark Italian.

I have changed a lot since the war ended and my Father was thrown in Azkaban. I decided it was time to become myself again; who I was before my Father molded me into another version of himself. I decided I wanted to show everyone my changed self from today. So here I am wearing white converse; grey skinny jeans with cuts at the knees; a plain black fitted t-shirt and no product in my hair leaving it to fall into my face as it pleases. No jewellery, no extravagant tailored suit, just me.

Pansy and I make our way onto platform 9 and 3/4 after having no luck finding Blaise in the station. As soon as I come out through the other side of the wall my palms start to sweat and my heart feels like it's going to come straight out of my chest. So many people. So many eyes all looking at me. I shouldn't be here. They all see me as a death-eater. They know what part I played in the war. Oh Merlin save me. I can not be having a panic attack here. Pansy must see the rabbit-in-headlights look on my face because she guides me to a wall and leans me against it. My vision starts to blur and it sounds like I've got cotton balls in my ears. I can just about make out Pansy's outline when I hear a far too familiar voice come up from next to us. I can't hear what he's saying but I know that voice. It's him, he's here and he's watching me having a fucking panic attack! Marvelous. Just wonderful. Harry-Fucking-Potter, Saviour-of-the-World, Golden-Boy, The-Chosen-One along with the other two of the 'Golden Trio' are now here to witness me breaking down and have a bloody panic attack. Bloody brilliant.

The-Boy-Who-Lived crouches down next to me and puts his hand to my forehead. I blink a few times and I see those piercing green eyes looking worriedly into mine.
"Malfoy, can you hear me? Are you okay?" the amount of worry in his face actually worried me. Do I really look that bad?
"Yes, I can hear you. Yes, I am okay." Wow I actually managed to pull off deadpan. Potter didn't look convinced.
"Do you think you can stand?" he stood upright and stretched out a hand for me to take. I pulled myself up with his help.
"Thanks," I said looking anywhere but at the man that had just helped me. It was then that I realised the horde of onlookers we had just attracted. Obviously seeing a death-eater having a panic attack and having the golden-boy tend to him is not something seen every day.
"Don't worry about what they think. Just look at me." My eyes snapped right back around to look into his eyes, those beautiful emerald pools... snap out of it! "That's it. Now, how do you feel? Ready to get on the train?"
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I couldn't help the bite of venom that came flooding out with the question and I immediately regretted doing it in front of all these people. I have changed and I need to prove it.
Harry smiled at me, put his hands on my shoulders and said "Because Malf- Draco, It's a new year and I'd like to make some new friends and put everything behind me. You needed help back there, I wouldn't have just walked on by." Hm, well I'll be damned, he's trying something new too. I can't exactly hold that against him.
"Alright then. Fresh start it is. Hi, I'm Draco Malfoy, pleasure to meet you," I took a deep breath and then I did something really fucking scary. I offered out my hand to Harry Potter. For the second time in my life. Harry's gaze went from my eyes to my outstretched hand and back again. Then with a slight smile and a tilt of the head he took my hand and shook it.
"Hi Draco, I'm Harry Potter, pleasure's all mine," he said with a wink. This made me blush slightly but I had just been on the floor having a panic attack so who could say what caused it.

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