Breaking into Azkaban

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Draco POV

I'd worked out that it should only take an hour or so to get to Azkaban, I hadn't taken into account that it would be pissing it down and we'd be freezing our bollocks off. We'd only been flying for about 10 minutes when the rain hit, it hasn't gone away since. Through the thick raindrops and gusts of wind I can make out the outline of the prison in the distance.
"There it is!" I shout over to Harry. He nods and we lunge forwards on our brooms to get there faster. I spot a sharp rock poking out of the choppy water and signal to Harry that we should land there so we don't alarm the sensors. Since Shaklebolt became Minister of Magic, he got rid of the Dementors and replaced them with Aurora as guards now. It'll be much easier to sneak past people than it would've been to sneak past a Dementor. We landed and shrunk our brooms, placing them in our pockets.
"Let's go over the plan one more time." This could all go wrong if we don't know what we're doing so I just want to be sure.
"Alright, you transform, I put the harness on you. I transform and carry you along sea level- wait, what would you have done without me?"
"Swim. Carry on"
"Right. I carry you under the cloak, over the top, past the scary laser sensors and into one of the cells that got exploded in 1996. Then we figure out a way to unlock the door from that side without getting caught and go find your Dad."
"We don't need to figure it out Harry, I have a key."
"What?! How in Merlin's name do you have a key?"
"Well actually I have 2 keys. I spoke to Hermione, she's studied everything about everything and I bullied her into making me some for 'curiosity' purposes, she didn't ask too many questions don't worry."
"Hmm. Alright then. Smart thinking. Are you ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled at him and tried to hide the nerves that threatened to undo me.
"Draco, before we do this and potentially get killed by a bunch of Auros, I wanted to let you know. I lo-"
"I know." Hearing him say that right now is that last thing I need, we know how we feel about each other, I hope. He nodded and then composed himself. I transformed into the wolf and Harry attached the harness then covered me in the invisibility cloak. He then transformed into a giant Golden Eagle, 4 times the size of a regular one. He stretched his wings, he had a 20ft wing span easily. He hovered off of the ground and picked me up by the straps on my harness; which I was very glad for because the size of his talons was fucking scary. The giant eagle flapped his colossal wings and launched us both into the night. It was bloody terrifying being dangled over the North Sea by a huge eagle, formally known as Harry Potter. We reached the destroyed cells, after what felt like a lifetime of hell, and I was dropped safely on all four paws. We both transformed back and I dragged Harry under the cloak and hugged him tight, thankful we'd made it on one piece. He put a muffliato charm on the both of us, so we could speak to each other but not be heard by anyone else. We approached the door, full of moss and dark magic, and used one of the keys to open it. To my surprise it opened.
"Well done Hermione." I mumbled to myself. We stepped through, unsure of what we'd see from this point.
"This is his prisoner number," I showed him a drawing of the ancient runes and the numbers. "That's what we're looking for on the door." He nodded and we began scanning each cell door for the same pattern.

We'd been searching for hours with no luck. Walking through the triangular, dark magic filled maze that is Azkaban. I could feel myself going mad; we could hear the prisoners inside talking to themselves or just screaming. I'd even recognised that I had put a few of them in here after the war; none of them were my Father though. It was strange being here. I'd spent my whole adult life trying to stay out of this horrific place and now I've actually broken in; all for my Father.
"Harry, we're just going round in circles." I said, drowsy and about to give in.
"Draco, look!" he pointed to the door at the end of the corridor. There were the symbols on the door, exactly the same as the ones on the parchment. My Father. Outside the cell stood two burley Aurors.
"Great, we'll never get in there!" I whined, exhausted and frustrated.
"My dearest Draco, you really are quite stupid sometimes. Have you forgotten?" I looked at him quite annoyed and confused. "We're wizards." He smirked a wicked grin and took out his wand. He motioned me to follow him. Standing just a couple of inches from the guards, he spoke the incantation: Petrificus Totalus. Both men froze and fell to the ground with a thud. We looked around to see if anyone heard, no one was coming. I took out the key and tried the lock. It worked. I must remember to thank Hermione later.
"Good luck," Harry leaned in for a kiss. "Wait, you're not coming in with me?"
"To stand in the corner whilst you confront your Father, who by the way has tried to kill me multiple times. No thank you." I thought about that for a second.
"It would be better to have you stand guard I guess." Plus he probably still wants to kill you seeing as you're the reason he's in here, but let's not bring that up. "Alright, I'm going in." I hugged him goodbye and went inside.

The sorry excuse for a man sat cowering in the corner of his cell peered up at me through his filthy, white hair. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he thought he was dreaming, or dead.
"D-Draco?" His voice cracked, rough and dry. "Is that really you?" He crawled along the damp stone floor and reached out to touch me, to see if I was there. I needed to be strong. I mustn't show weakness; not to him.
"Get off of me." I sneered, it took every bit of energy I had left to conjure my Malfoy mask and hold it firmly in place. "Look at you, look at what you've become." I snickered, seeing him like this, it almost made up for all those years of abuse he gave me. Now look who's the one suffering.
"Have you come to free me boy?" He looked at me with hope.
"No. I've come here to say goodbye. To say all the things I've needed to my whole life before you're executed and I miss my chance. You're a fool to think other wise." I take a handkerchief from my pocket and spread it out on the floor to sit on. "So, where shall we start?" I raised an eyebrow at the man watching me speculatively leaning against the wall opposite me.
"What if the guards come?"
"Oh you needn't worry about them, Harry's keeping watch."
"Harry? Who's Harry?" My Father looked puzzled. I looked back at him puzzled. How in Merlin's name does he not know who Harry is?
"Who's Harry? Harry bloody Potter! How long have you been in here?!" I could here snickering from outside the door and realised my Father's confusion. "Oh, yes, well you see Father, since I returned to Hogwarts, Harry and I decided to erm, let's call it kiss and make up." Lucius' eyes widened and he paled. I carried on despite my Father looking like he was about the vomit. "You see Father, I'm
gay. Always have been. With you gone, I've been free to be who I am."
"With Potter?" He spat.
"Yes, and his name is Harry!" I bit back. "All my life I've been told what to do and how I should act; me and Mother. You know, she's not even upset that you're going?"
"Does she know about this obscenity?"
"Yes." That's a lie, I've not told her yet, I'll tell her when she visits tomorrow.
"And she's accepting of it is she?"
"Yes Father, because unlike you, she loves me for who I am. She wants me to be happy. She remembers who I was before you corrupted me with your darkness." I hope to the Gods that's true. He thought for a moment.
"Then there's nothing I can do." He looked resigned, his shoulders sagged and his head hung. "The Malfoy name will die."
"No it won't, there are other ways to have children, Father. And I'll do it better than you," I stood up. "I'll make sure my children know I love them. I'll make sure they know right from wrong, that they know they can have their own minds! And I sure as heck won't ever use an unforgivable curse on them! You are a shitty Father! And a shitty excuse for a man! Thank you for showing me how I don't want to be." With that I turned on my heel and walked out, wiping the stray tear that fell from my eye.

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