The Last Match

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Harry POV

I was inside my own head, getting myself mentally prepared for the game ahead. Wearing my house colours for the last time, I wanted to win; more than I'd ever wanted to win before. I was in my usual corner of the changing rooms sat perfectly still, blocking out all the noise when a hand shook me back into the room. With a sigh, I opened my eyes to the emerald green seeker kit.

"You okay?" Draco asked with obvious concern on his face. I smiled up at him.

"Yeah, just my pre-game ritual."

"Harry, it's a friendly game before our exams, it's no big deal."

"Well, I never thought I'd live to see the day," I continued with a smirk. "Draco Malfoy not bothered about winning!" He kicked me lightly in my shin pad showing his upset.

"I'm not 'not bothered' I simply don't understand all of this angst for a friendly game. You're still going to be Harry Potter - the youngest seeker in over 100 years, the only first year to be allowed a broom, making the best catches of the snitch ever and the best seeker Hogwarts has ever seen." He folded his arms across his chest, done with his little rant. "So pack it in and just go have fun."

"Yeah, you're right, doesn't matter if I win this game; I'm still better than you." I stood and strode around the pouting blonde to go talk to my team. "If you wouldn't mind leaving, I have a pep talk to make." He pouted further and sulked out of the changing rooms, sticking his tongue out as he shut the door. I turned to my new team.

"Alright guys," I said in my loud, leader voice, addressing everyone in the room. "I don't have much to say, I was never as good at this as Wood. Today, we are playing with people from another house," As there were only a hand full of students left in each house, we didn't actually have enough people to play a full inter-house tournament, so we flipped for it and Gryffindor are teaming up with Ravenclaw against the unlikely harmonious partnership of Slytherin and Hufflepuff. "This is our last ever Quidditch game as Hogwarts students, lets just go have fun." They all looked a bit underwhelmed but that was the best I had.

The 'Gryffinclaw' Team consisted of myself as Seeker/ Captain; Ron as Keeper; Dean Thomas and Terry Boot as our Beaters; and Padma Patil, Pavarti Patil and Lisa Turpin as our Chasers. Each player gets to wear their house colours as its the last game here - it's going to be quite confusing with all four team colours out there on the pitch today. Everyone started filing out of the changing room and towards the tunnel.

"...I can't play with her!" that was Pansy's voice. What's up now? I march out after my team and look around for the shrill voice I just heard. She was stood waving her arms about and talking with Draco in hushed tones. This can't be good, she looks really mad.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask tentatively. Pansy stopped her exaggerated ranting and turned to face me with her arms crossed and her nose stuck in the air.

"What's up is HE," she pointed a perfectly manicured finger right into Draco's face. "Put me and Susan Bones as beaters! Can you believe that! We haven't got a hope in hells chance of winning! First we got stuck with the Hufflepuffs and now this! She wouldn't hurt a fly how is she going to send crazy balls hurtling towards you lot?" She finished with a stomp of her foot. Pansy often reminded me of a small child having a tantrum.

"Well, Bones is quite shy- wait- you're playing?!" I hadn't noticed her quidditch get up when I'd arrived, I was preoccupied with making sure I wasn't hit in the head with all her arm waving.

"Well. The boys a genius!" She snarled, dripping with sarcasm. "Yes I'm bloody playing! I wasn't about to let Blaise and Draco be the only Slytherin representatives now was I?" I looked to Draco. She 100% bullied him into letting her play.

"Well Pans, I wouldn't worry about Bones not doing much, everyone will be too terrified of you to even think about anything else - just as long as you look at them all like that of course." If she glared at me like that any longer, I'd have scorch marks on my forehead. "Well, if that's all sorted, Ginny will be wanting us on the pitch about now."

Ginny was refereeing the game. It was decided that she had the most experience out of the seventh years and she was definitely the scariest - besides Pansy of course.


Third Person POV

There was a buzz in the tunnels, nerves, and excitement of the best game any of them have ever played - all four houses on one pitch; what could go wrong? Ginny gave the signal and all mounted their brooms and flew out of the tunnels to a deafening sea of cheers from the stands. It seems every student, teacher and ghost was there to watch the much anticipated game. The referee asked the two captains to shake hands, which was much easier now that they happened to be sleeping with each other; and the quaffle was released along with the two bludgers and the golden snitch.

Luna had volunteered to commentate on the game; she'd never done it before, never played quidditch and didn't fully understand the rules but everyone was too curious as to how it would go that no one said no to her.

It was pretty funny at first - having a commentator that didn't know the rules but after a while everyone realised that they didn't have a clue what was going on or who had the ball. The players had to concentrate extra hard to work out who was on their team and Luna had no idea so was no help at all.

"...bludger just flew straight into one of the yellow team, I suspect it was nargles..." Luna's dreamy voice echoed around the stadium.

Harry and Draco had nothing to do and for a good chunk of the game they just flew around above it all and giving each other the eye. Harry thought he heard Luna say the score a few minutes ago but she said it was 18-23 which has nothing to do with quidditch so he was as boggled as the crowd. As he was making his usual figure 8 above the game a glint of something caught his eye and he dove down after it. It was the snitch. He had it in his sights and Draco had followed right behind him.

"...and there's Harry Potter! I forgot he was playing...he's being pursued by Draco Malfoy...aren't they such a cute couple..."

They weaved in and out of flashes of green and blue and yellow and red dodging everything that separated them from the snitch. Pansy saw Bones getting ready to hit a bludger coming her way and lunged in front of her aiming straight for the 'Gryffinclaw' seeker. He dodged it narrowly and vaguely heard an upset Susan yelling "we're on the same team!" to a furious Pansy. Draco's broom being a lot faster than Harry's and Harry being a much better flyer, they were pretty much even flying at full speed around the pitch and weaving in and out of stands following the snitch. They were gaining on it.

"...Ooooo I can see the snitch! That must be why Harry Potter looks like he's concentrating..."

The usual excitement came to Harry as it does every time he's this close to catching the snitch. Draco had never been this close. Both of them reached out to grab for the glittering object, neither realised just how close they were to the ground. Harry's foot caught on the gravelly floor and he went head first over the front of his broom, taking Draco with him. Gasps could be heard from the crowd and the players and Luna was completely oblivious. Harry and Draco tumbled and rolled for over 30 feet along the floor, becoming more entwined with every foot. When they finally stopped, they were just a heap of arms and legs, green and red. Some of the players had began to touch down and Ginny was rushing over to them to see the damage. Both boys groaned.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked as he dislodged his knee from under Draco's back.

"I'm fine. You?" Came the response. Harry just grunted. They silently agreed that nothing was broken and began standing up when another gasp came from the crowd followed by unsure cheering. Harry looked at Draco who wore the same expression of confusion until they both squeezed their hands. The two captains had managed to clasp their hands together as they fell - and both trapped the snitch in their hands. They had both caught the snitch. With an exchanges look of shock and disbelief they shrugged and held their joined hands in the air for everyone to see. The crowd erupted into more cheering and screaming and players of all houses were running up to them to lift them into the air. Never in the entire history of quidditch had both team seekers caught the snitch - but then again, these two seekers never did things "normal" did they?

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