The Morning After

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A/N photo above taken from Pinterest:) soooo cute 😱😚😍

Draco POV

Heat radiated from the boy next to me; well, it was more like he was smothering me. His head was on my chest, arms wrapped around me, legs entwined with mine. I feel like I have a Boa Constrictor trying to crush the life out of me. This won't do. I can't bloody move.
"Harry," I whispered. Nothing. "Harry?" I said a little louder. Still nothing. I blew on his hair to make it tickle his face. This worked tremendously. The raven haired boy shot up, startled, kind of like a deer.
"Morning, baby," I smiled brightly at him and chuckled at his still stunned expression. "You decided to become my own personal binding charm in the night so I removed you."
"Oh, I'm sorry, morning." He tilted his head to the side and gave me that lob-sided smile that I love. "What time is it?" He said to himself, looking for his wand, yawning. He couldn't find it so he waved his hand and cast a tempus, a wandless tempus. "It's late, we should get back to the common room before they send a search party." He got off the bed, cast a wandless cleaning charm on us both and started looking for his clothes. He stopped when he saw I hadn't moved or spoken in several minutes. "What?"
"You can do wandless magic?" I was completely in awe. I've heard about it, known that powerful wizards and witches can do it but I've never seen it.
"Oh that, yeah I guess so, never really thought about it."
"Do you know how impressive that is?"
"Well I have a pretty good idea now." He looked down to my crotch, my growing erection showing that seeing Harry doing wandless is obviously a turn on. I blushed and stuck my tongue out at the smirking boy.
"Well I guess we do have a few more minutes," he said suggestively; this piqued my interest.
"Oh yeah? What do you have in mind?"

Back in the common room it looked as though a bomb had gone off. So much for thinking everyone would be worried about where we were, they're all still passed out. I spotted a very hungover-looking Pansy and Hermione curled up on the couch behind the bar and went over with a sleepy Harry in tow.
"Well don't you two just look the picture of satisfaction," Pansy beamed at us through her fake eyelashes. "Had yourselves a good night did you?" I looked at Harry who was smiling madly and rolled my eyes wearing my own knowing smile.
"We did indeed, looks like you lot had quite the party yourselves too." I gestured to Hermione who was sat head in hands, hair a wild mess, make up all over the place and vomit down her red dress.
"Yes, some of us had quite a bit to drink last night." Pansy stated as she rubbed her friend's back.
"Yes I can see that!" Harry managed between wails of laughter.
"Shhhh! Why so loud?" Hermione flopped onto Pansy's lap and clasped a pillow to her head.
"Pans, I think she's in desperate need of one of Blaise's special potions don't you?"
"He's in the dungeons finishing it off now." We Slytherins really do think of everything. An odd smell drifted into my nose, it smelt like a flobberworm had died.
"What in Salazar's name is that smell?" I asked with my nose wrinkled in disgust.
"Oh, that. Well, Hermione throwing her guts up sort of caused a chain reaction so what you are smelling is about 5 people's vomit." She finished with a smile that said I've-had-to-put-up-with-it-for-longer-you-pompous-twonk.
"Well, I think we should put our common room back to normal don't you?" Harry got out his wand and used several cleaning charms to get the room back to exactly how it was the day prior to the party. Hermione still looked a mess though. Just then, Blaise came through the door carrying a crate of potion bottles filled with a bright green liquid; hangover cure. Pansy ran over and took out two, she downed one herself and brought the other back to give to Hermione. It only took a few seconds to work before she was her bright-eyed bushy-tailed self again and went off for a shower whilst Blaise, Harry and I proceeded to hand out the rest of the potions. Everyone started to get up and move around again, the potions having done the trick.
"Well, I think our work here is done." Blaise stood admiring his work proudly.
"Can we please go and get food now?" Speaking from his stomach as always, Ronald decided to pitch in.
"They will still be serving lunch, I could defiantly eat." Harry backed up his best friend, much to Ron's delight.
"Work up an apatite now did you?" Blaise teased with raised eyebrows, Ron scrunched his face up; Harry and I glared at the Italian and decided that we did indeed work up rather a large apatite.

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