Self Distruction

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A/N WARNING talk of eating disorders and self harm.

Harry POV

Every time I ask Draco how he's doing he just shrugs it off with 'I'm fine' . I Know he's not fine, it's clear to see that.  He barely even talks to me anymore, just walks into the room and goes to bed, avoiding any chance of me asking him anything. The progress he'd been making with eating has been destroyed completely. He won't even come into the great hall with us, never mind eat. He's lost too much weight; he won't even let me touch him anymore, too scared to let me see how thin he's actually gotten. I understand that it's hard for him to talk about his feelings - especially about his dad - but this is too much; actively avoiding me so he doesn't have to talk to me? That isn't doing anything for his head right now. He needs someone. I feel like the more I try the further away I push him. All I want to do is look after the moron, why can't he see that? Pansy has managed to get the odd word out of him, mostly about school work but still.

The Kiss will take place tomorrow at sunrise, Draco has been receiving owls from his Mother about if he wants to go with her but he's been refusing to respond. From what I gather, she's on her own at the Manor, too stubborn to leave her home and Draco's too bloody stubborn to just write back. I even got a letter from her the other day, asking if he's alright or even alive. I asked if he'd like to respond or if I should which started the biggest argument Hogwarts had ever seen.

"She's just worried about you that's all!"
"Well she can stop! I'm a adult! It's my decision, I'm not going!" The door to the bathroom slammed in my face.
"You don't have to go! That isn't what it's about! Would you just reply to her so she knows you're still breathing!" I shouted over the running taps of the bath. This was two days ago. Me and Blaise had to bash the door down to stop him from drowning himself. He had been sat under the boiling water for over 20 minutes, head in between his knees; I had to rub ointment over his burns to stop him from screaming. He hasn't talked to me since, ashamed. Yesterday we spent the whole  day trying to find him, he ended up being in the Quidditch locker rooms. When I asked the the portraits what he'd been doing all day they said he'd been using the locker room as a gym. He'd transfigured a few candles into punch bags and ripped his knuckles to shreds. Last night we had a big 'intervention' in the common room with everyone. We wanted to show him we cared, we all wrote down the things we loved about him and why we needed him to stop this before he seriously hurts himself any further; I'm not even sure he was listening. We slept in my bed last night, like we used to, wrapped in each other, I thought we were going to fine. Until this evening.
"Draco please," I went on yet another man hunt to find the blond. This time, I found him in our room, the last place I decided to look. "All I want to do is help- wait, what are you doing?" He had his trunk open on his bed full of his clothes. He was rushing to and from the wardrobe and wouldn't stop to look at me. "Draco where are you going? It's nearly 11 o'clock!" I noticed his broom propped against the desk. I charged over to him and hauled him around by his shoulders, forcing him to stop and look at me. "WOULD YOU FUCKING TALK TO ME!?"
"I'm going to see my Father."
"YOU'RE WHAT?!" He flinched as I was still gripping him quite tightly and screaming in him face. I let go and took a step back. He brushed himself down and recovered from the attack.
"I need to say goodbye, Harry." Just then all my anger left me and I understood. He needs to say goodbye. If it was the other way around and I'd had a chance to say goodbye to my parents, I know I'd take it. The look on his beautifully pale face tugged at something inside my chest. I can't stop him. Not when I know I'd do exactly the same thing.
"Then I'm coming with you." I went over to my draws and gathered some clothes to put in Draco's trunk.
"No, no, no, Potter what are you doing?" He held his hands up to stop me. I let the bundle of clothes fall to the floor.
"Dray, I never got to say goodbye to my parents, or anyone that I loved who died for that matter. I know how hard this'll be for you and you're not doing it alone." He thought about this for a moment.
"Bloody Gryffindors. You're too bloody stubborn to let this go so here's no point in arguing. Get your broom." I smiled, triumphant.
"So what's the plan?" I asked as I rushed around the room gathering everything I thought we'd need.
"We fly as close as we can get without being spotted then we use your invisibility cloak in our animagus forms, shit. You can't come."
"Why not?"
"This whole plan relies on me getting in with my animal form because the Aurors won't know who I am. You're not an animagus. You're not coming."
"Oh, about that..." I looked at the blond Adonis sheepishly.
"YOU'RE AN ANIMAGUS?!" I smiled cheekily at him.

"There's still a ahellofalot you don't know about me Dray." I said with a cautions grin.

"Show me!" I closed my eyes, it's been a while, and transformed. Twiglet squealed and hid behind a branch. Draco looked at me impressed.

"Wow, of course you are. That'll actually be quite useful. How come you never told me?" I transformed back.
"I'm not registered." He pouted, saddened that I kept it a secret. "I'm sorry baby." I lifted his pouty chin with my finger and kissed him softly. "The less people that know, the less likely I am to get caught."

"But it's you, Harry bloody Potter, you're the bloody chosen one what are they going to do to you?" He laughed as I tried to punch him in the shoulder, missing by a mile. "Come on, we need to get going. Are you ready?" He asked getting his broom and opening the window, leaving the trunk open on the bed.

"Wait, why were you packing if we won't be needing anything?"
"Much more dramatic if you came in seeing that I was packing now wasn't it?"he smirked his signature Malfoy smirk; very Slytherin indeed. I grabbed my broom, said goodbye to Twiglet then joined the cunning blond on the window ledge. "Ready, baby?" I nodded and we both kicked off the roof and begun flying.

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