Look What We Found

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A/N Realllyyyy short chapter but I really want to get this finished now.

No smut in this chapter.

Third person POV

London was unusually quiet. Winter was slowly turning into spring and the trees were desperately trying to grow back their leaves. Down an alleyway - way out of the way of any muggles, the wind whistled softly.


"I still can't believe they abandoned us." Hermione huffed.

"Yes. Well, we weren't exactly welcoming leaders now were we?" Pansy reasoned. They had both just apparated into Wizarding London; without the rest of their group. Hermione couldn't really argue with that. She had been super bossy, add that to Pansy and her stubbornness and they could loose friends in seconds. Pansy conjured a map for them both to see.

"Ooooo look! If we turn down that road a few streets down we'll be at Harry's house!" Pansy squealed with excitement and pride; she has absolutely no sense of direction and never knows where she is. Hermione smiled at her then remembered something Harry told her.

"Oh. My. God. I completely forgot to tell you!" Hermione had remembered that in Harry's house lay a kinky play-den. She rushed into telling Pansy, missing out all of the unimportant details, when she'd finished Pansy had a rather cunning look on her face. "What?" Hermione asked, obviously not getting the shocked response that she was expecting.

"Well, Harry and Draco are probably still fighting with Weasel and Zabini at the school. The house is most likely empty..." She flashed her most mischievous smile Hermione's way and batted her eyelashes.

"No! You can't be serious?" Hermione asked, contemplating the idea.

"Why not? We don't have to tell anyone, it'll be our little secret. It's rather rude of them to keep that lovely room all to themselves is it not?"

"Would it not be weird?" Hermione squeaked. Pansy rolled her eyes and grabbed her girlfriend by the wrist pulling her along.

"We'll just make sure we clean everything before we use it." she smirked.


"Alohamora" was cast at the locked door. Nothing. She heard a huff from the Slytherin next to her. Pansy reached up into her hair and sighed. She pulled free one of the grips holding her sleek black bob in place and bent it into a straight line.

"Move over darling" Pansy said gently shoving Hermione out of the way of the door. Hermione could only watch in awe as her pure blood girlfriend jabbed around in the lock with the out of shape clip. Click. Pansy straightened up and held the door open for a stunned Hermione. She forced her legs to move as her mouth was dropped open and occasionally murmuring 'how..? How..?' Pansy just tapped her nose and winked leaving it all a mystery to the Gryffindor.


"Look at all this stuff!" Pansy exclaimed. Her and Hermione looked slowly around the room, taking it all in. They were stood in the room nervously looking at everything hung on the walls; the giant bed with silk sheets; the mirror on the ceiling. Pansy offered her hand out to the bushy haired brunette and she took it tentatively. Slowly, she guided her to the wall of various vibrators and dildos and asked for her to choose. Hermione eyes went wide.


Both having caught their breath and steadied themselves, they started to dress. Pansy places a chaste kiss onto her girlfriends swollen lips and helped her up from having tied her shoes.

"Ready?" Hermione asked, still in a daze. Pansy nodded and they went to head out of the room, leaving it exactly how it was when they entered.

"Wait," Pansy stopped. "I just have one little thing I have to do." She rushes back into the room and found a hard surface. Summoning parchment, a quill and ink; she started writing with a wicked grin smothering her still flushed face. She put down the quill and folded it in half, placing the note on the pillow of the bed. "There."

"What? You can't do hat we said they couldn't find out. Give me the note." Hermione held out her hand like a stern teacher confiscating a WW product.

"Oohh come on 'Mione! I've been messing with Draco our whole lives, I do not intend to let this slide. How about this, we place it somewhere in here that they won't find for a very very very long time then that way, we'll have enough time to flee the country." She smiled sweetly, masking the evil behind. Hermione rolled her eyes.


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