Picking Sides

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A/N Thank you again to all my lovely readers who have read this far, thank you for staying with me. Don't forget to vote and comment my lovely's ^.^

The picture above is Lucius in his cell ☺️

Pansy POV

McGonagall was furious. I felt like we were ones being told off. She had to floo Shacklebolt to send a rescue party into Azkaban to get them both out of there without being caught. All six of us stood in the Headmistress' office, Hermione, Ron, Blaise and I refusing to leave them once they got back in once piece; we wanted to hear the story too. Draco told his side of the story up until Harry had decided to join in with them breaking a million rules in both Hogwarts and Azkaban. It made me realise, as Harry told everyone what happened from his side, how much he must care for Draco. I'm glad that Draco now has someone so brave, stupid and positively Gryffindor to help him out now. I know Draco feels the same, just by the way he's looking at Potter; eyes wide, gazing at him whilst he talks as if he's the most wonderful thing in existence. I remember a time when he thought Harry was the most ridiculous human on the planet, barley a wizard, always in his way; look how times had changed. I suppose it's the same with me and Hermione. I look around the room to see where she had placed herself, right next to McGonagall of course and giving the boys her most stern look; she'd make a good teacher. My mind was rudely brought back to the here and now by McGonagall screeching at Potter, shit, what had I missed.

"-unregistered animagus!" Oh fuck, Potty. This is bad. Harry's head hung low, looking at his feet. "The ministry will need to be informed of this, Potter, this is out of my hands!" She slumped back into her chair, resigned. "Dismissed." She snapped. We all shuffled out of the office, feeling thoroughly chastised. I turned to comfort Draco and see how he was doing, ready to check him for cuts and scrapes. Ron barged past me as I reached out for Draco, he was red in the face and his body tense. He made a beeline for Potter and slammed him against the wall, pinning him there with an arm across his collarbone, shirt tightly clenched in his fist.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" He screaming in his face. Harry was stunned, shocked into silence. He opened his mouth to answer but quickly closed it again. "You could've been caught! You could've been killed! All for HIM!" Ron pointed on of his short, stubby, sausage like fingers at Draco. Draco took a step forward, looking like he was about to argue, Blaise lunged at him and held him back.

"Now's not the time mate, let him get it out." He whispered to Draco as I approached to try and calm him. Hermione desperately tried to get Ron to hear her, he wasn't having any of it. He just kept shouting and shouting. Harry looked like he was about to explode, he couldn't move, hands stuck to his chest by Ron's.
"He's not going to stop," Draco pleaded with Blaise to let him free. "Harry can't deal with this. He's going to snap, he's-" a brilliant wave of blue light washed over us all radiating from Harry. Immobulus.

Harry POV

He's so bloody close to my face. I can't move. My chest is closing up, I can barely breath. There's a ringing in my ears I can't even hear what he's shouting anymore. They're holding Draco back, he has no idea what to do. No one does. Hermione keeps shouting, clawing at Ron to try and get him off. It's too much, I feel far too claustrophobic. I try to keep it in, try to keep my magic under control but I just can't. Suddenly, a blue ring of light emanates from me, freezing everyone it touches and disappears after it's touched it's final victim. I wriggle out from Ron's stunned grasp and look around at what I'd just done. I look down at my hands, trembling. I just preformed a wandless Immobulus. What the Fuck?! That's the strongest spell I've managed to cast so far without my wand. Holy crap. I jump, the staircase to the headmistress' office moved. Heeled footsteps come down the stone steps. I take an instinctive step backwards and crash into a frozen Draco. I whip around, startled, throw him an apologetic look and bolt; just as McGonagall reaches the corridor.

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