End of Year Exams

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Third Person POV

The majority of the school was studying hard for their end of year exams; for seventh and eighth year students, the exams were for far more life changing than for other years.

Hermione had (like every year) created a study time table when they got back from Christmas break and, when no one else had made their own, decided to take it upon herself to do that for them.

"Exams are one week away Ronald!" Hermione stressed as she created a timetable for Ron. They were now back on speaking terms. For the past few weeks - where they had the same lessons - they would sit together again with their group of friends. They laughed and joked at meals, it was almost like old times. Ron had formally apologised to Harry and everyone else he'd hurt. Well, almost everyone. Pansy and Draco weren't on his list of people to apologise to, despite Harry and Hermione's pushing.

Pansy wasn't expecting an apology so she didn't care that she didn't get one. Draco was just happy that Harry had his best friend back. It didn't matter too much to the dynamic of the group, they still hung out. Like they were right now, in the library trying to study for their exams. Ron and Harry were teasing Hermione about how strict she always was with revision and she had realised that Ron didn't have a study timetable. This brings us back to now, Hermione scribbling wildly on a piece of parchment, asking short questions about his lessons and creating mock tests as she worked out where he needed the most work.

Harry was sat with a smug look on his face, happy that he wasn't the one suffering her motherly rant about 'how important your time is'. Pansy and Draco were deep in a very heated discussion about Arithmancy and how 'boring' or 'fascinating' it was. He turned to whine at Harry about how mean Pansy was - after she'd just called him names. Harry had to laugh, it was like sitting with a bunch of children. He stroked Draco's hair and told him how much he loved him - this turned Draco's mood instantly and he sat there practically purring with happiness. Blaise - who had participated the least in the group - leaned over to Harry once Draco and Hermione started a conversation about how Ancient Runes was truly one of the best subjects to study.

"Hey, I'm sorry. For ever doubting you. You make him happy," he took a deep breath "You're not as bad as I thought." Blaise lifted his head to look Harry straight in the eye, gauging his reaction. Harry was stunned. He had known that Blaise felt guilty for everything he said, he could see it in his face whenever the group were together. But to actually apologise? This was big of the Italian, it must have set all of his pride aside to do the right thing. Harry held out his hand, Blaise's face lit up; he'd been accepted and forgiven.

For the rest of the afternoon to group of unlikely friends helped each other, laughed with each other and got ready for their exams.


As the minutes counted down to 3 o'clock, when the bell signifying the end of the exam would ring, Harry couldn't possibly write anything else. His hand was aching and his brain hurt. He looked to his right- Hermione was still scribbling ferociously onto the 'extra paper' that she had requested. He looked back to his own work trying to think of something, anything that he could add to it. How on earth could Hermione write so much? To Harry's left, Ron sat slumped in his chair scowling at his work- clearly not happy with his work either. Behind Harry sat Draco, still adding to his work, concentrating so hard that his pink little tongue was sticking out of the corner of his mouth. His hair was sticking up at odd angles, he'd been running his hands through it.

Ron cheered, throwing his arms into the air in relief as the bell finally rang. Hermione looked distraught, she could have written at least 2 more feet of parchment about 'Why it is important to know advanced transfiguration spells for the outside world'. As the exam-sitters exited the great hall, there were many more whoops and cheers.

"Well that was more than terrible." Ron sighed. Harry nodded, he'd always been bad with transfiguration but to have to write about it?

"I'm just relieved it's over." Harry replied. Draco and Hermione were ahead talking animatedly about the points they'd written and comparing what each had put. A very unlikely friendship has come about between those two; a pure blood wizard and a muggle born witch. Harry was glad that Draco had someone to talk to about school and revision over the past few months, it really helped him to work hard.

"Enough if that now," Ron shouted to the exam enthusiasts. "I say we go celebrate making it through our last exam, whatcha think?" Hermione nodded in agreement.

"Three broomsticks then?"


"Here we are." Said Draco as he set down 6 tankards of Butterbeer. He had been spoiling the group a lot lately - his inheritance came through from his Father. The first thing he bought with his gold was a couple of  Starsweeper XXI for himself and Harry; his thinking was that if they had the same broom, they could find out who the better flyer was once and for all.

The pub was buzzing with conversation and alcohol as the gang sat celebrating their achievements over the past year. Conversation turned to what each would be doing after they left in a week's time.

"Well, I suppose I'll work in George's shop whilst I wait for my results then, hopefully, I'll be off to Auror training." Ron sounded sort of sad, like he didn't really want to be doing that.

"I'll be going straight into the ministry, try and repair what damage was done to it during the war and work my way up to the top." Hermione gloated. At least she had her life figured out. For Harry, he didn't really know what he was going to do, apart from live in Grimauld Place with Draco.

Draco wanted to be a potions master like his Godfather. He'll start by working in the Apothecary stacking shelves and serving customers. Then once enough time had passed and he wasn't glared at by everyone all the time, he'd apply to be an apprentice at Hogwarts - working under the Potions teacher.

Just as the group turned to ask Harry what he was going to do, he was saved by a familiar mop of ginger hair followed by a flash of blonde. Ginny and Luna just walked in and we're both waving to the group as they ordered drinks. They'd just finished their final exams too, both being in seventh year.

Ron pulled up some more chairs and the pair sat down to join in he conversation which had moved to reminiscing old times.

The group was eager to hear what Draco Pansy and Blaise used to get up to together. They sat telling stories of how they used to fool Crabbe and Goyle into doing all sorts just for food and how they'd plot against the Golden trio.

The three Gryffindor best friends then told stories about how they planned to expose Draco as the heir of Slytherin and how they snuck into their common room as Crabbe and Goyle (much to the satisfaction of Luna and Ginny and the astonishment of Pansy Blaise and Draco.)

The rest of the day consisted of nothing but sitting in the three broomsticks drinking and having fun with their friends. Their time at Hogwarts was finally over- after a lot of shit. They had finally done it. They still had to wait for their results but, for most of them, that didn't matter. What mattered was that it was finally finished.

A/N Can't believe it's nearly finished!! Going to try and wrap it up in a couple of chapters.

Thank you all so much for reading, you have no idea how much I appreciate it!

I love you all!!



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