Potion's Class

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Draco POV

I was already in a bad enough mood when I entered potions class. I had managed to find Harry and calm him down. He said that Ron will come around; he always does. I, on the other hand, was in no greater mood about it all. How can Harry be so forgiving? Stupid Gryffindors. I can't even talk to anyone about it because the one person I would've talked to is gone: Severus. It got worse when I saw Slughorn in Snape's place again. Only this time I'd never get to see my godfather again.
Slughorn stood at the front of the room and explained this term's assignment. We were to work in pairs to create a randomly given potion that was to be practiced and brewed over time "to perfection". Easy. Even if I was paired with a monkey, I could do this blindfolded. The pairs were to be decided by Slughorn and based on ability.
"Miss Lovegood; Mr Zabini",
"Miss Granger; Mr Waldby",(Everyone assumed he meant Weasley, Slughorn obviously still didn't know his name),
"Miss Weasley; Miss Parkinson",
"Mr Potter; Mr Malfoy"... once he read our names I looked around the classroom until we saw each other. He signalled for me to move over to him, but that soon stopped once I gave my best 'I'm-no-one's-bitch' look. The dark haired hero rolled his eyes and gathered his things to move over to me. I smirked in triumph. Slughorn had finished reeling off the rest of the pairings and proceeded to give out the potions. On the parchment handed to us, in bold letters, read "Draught of Peace: this potion provides personal comfort, calms anxiety and soothes agitation".
"Who chose the potion?" I asked the old man in front of me.
"Oh, the parchment chooses it of course! Once it gets a feel for the pairing that is! Is there a problem Mr Malfoy?" I looked at Harry who gave a sympathetic look.
"This is an extremely hard potion to make and I have him as my partner." I raised an eyebrow at Harry. Everyone knows he's more than incapable of even something as simple as a Hiccoughing potion from first year.
"Yes it is indeed difficult, so I suggest you get started right away. You'll find the recipe on page 394." Page 394. Oh sweet Salazar why. I knew coming back and not seeing him striding through the corridors would be difficult but this has brought everything back. Dear Merlin I can't breath. Harry must notice something because he puts his hand on my shoulder asking me if I'm alright. I suddenly stand up. I've become far too hot and agitated to still be in this classroom, his classroom, any longer. I march full speed toward the door and head out without saying a word or looking back.

Harry POV

I follow Draco out of the classroom with both our bags on my shoulder. He's fast but I can see him up ahead. It looks like he's heading outside. He makes his way down the path that leads to the lake and turns the corner. I follow him straight round the same corner not 2 minutes later but I don't see him, he's vanished.
I keep walking until I see something under the big willow tree. It's white and fluffy and curled tightly into a ball. I wander over to it, curious to see what it is. As I get closer I notice a tail, legs and teeth. It's a wolf, an arctic wolf, at Hogwarts! It seems crazy to say it but something seems familiar with this beast.
"Draco?" The wolf's head lifted and looked at me with stormy grey eyes. It was him! "You're an animagus?" The wolf stood and padded over then sat right in front of me looking up at me expectantly; so I sat too. He nodded once in approval and lay back down, this time with his head in my lap and whimpered. I instinctively stroked the animal's ears in comfort.
"I miss him too," the wolf below me smirked. "I know we hated each other but he was a good guy, in the end." I thought back to the pensieve memories of how all Snape was trying to do my whole time at Hogwarts was protect me. Draco sighed, a long and deep exhale. "I know what it's like to loose a godfather. Sirius was the only family I had left." The memory of him still hurt but I've learned to remember the little time we got to spend together as the good in my life. Draco's head snapped up then and he transformed back into him human form.
"Sirius? Sirius Black was your godfather?" I nodded. "Harry I'm so sorry, I didn't even know." he gave me an apologetic look.
"Not many people did know, he was in hiding, I didn't really get to see much of him before he died," I gave the blonde, still in my lap, a small smile to show I wasn't upset about it. "The times we did get to spend together we're great though, that's what you have to hold on to." He nodded knowing that I meant for him as well.
"Anyway, how did you become an animagus?" Trying to change the subject.
"Oh, that. Well, after the battle my father got taken to Azkaban and me and mother had to separate to hide from the death eaters out to get us. I had to stay in this little dingy flat for over a month whilst I did the whole process but after that, I was free to wonder around as a wolf. The only thing that people may catch onto is the fact that I've kept my white blond hair-"
"And your eyes," I blurt out before I can think. "Erm, your eyes too, they're the same." he looked at me speculatively before continuing.
"Sure, and my eyes. I managed to slip past the remaining death eaters and tell the Auroras where to find them. It was like I was undercover for the Ministry. It felt weird being on the good side for once. Handing the death eaters over, it felt like I was finally doing the right thing."
"You had no choice during the war. You were forced to take the dark mark, you were forced to gather information, you were forced to attempt to kill Dumbledore. You never wanted any of it. I could see that, I followed you around like a loon all of sixth year. Ron said I was obsessed. I was obsessed. I knew you were up to something, I just didn't know what. You got thinner, paler, more on edge all the time. Then when I saw what you did on the astronomy tower, it all clicked. You didn't want to do any of it. You were more terrified than I was." We both paused at the thought of what happened that night on the tower. "You did the right thing during the war, you saved my life, and your Mother did. I owe you both."
"Be careful, I might just hold you to that one day." He smiled showing that he was joking. Although, he is a Slytherin.
"So I guess that if you used your animal form for the ministry you're registered?"
"I wasn't at first but Shacklebolt had to overlook why I wasn't registered in the first place given I was in hiding and the amount of death eaters I found. He's the reason I'm here and not in a cell in Azkaban rotting away with my father." Speaking of his father seemed to sadden him.
"In all the years I've known you, I've never known you to show such emotion." he lifted his chin so his face was inches from mine. His eyes darted from mine to my lips and back again.
"Like I keep telling you, people change." The words themselves had no erotic meaning but the way he said them, breathy and full of emotion, made me twitch in my boxers. I was very aware that he was still sat on my lap and that did not help one bit. I look into his eyes and lean forward, leaving our lips just a hair's width apart. I can feel his breath on my face, hot and heavy.

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