The Maroon Room

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A/N: if you read/saw fifty shades, you'll know that I kinda stole this idea from that 😂

Enjoy the smut my lovelies

Harry POV

I couldn't believe it. He'd done all this, and for me? I stood in disbelief at the blonde Adonis blushing in front of me. I realised I hadn't said anything for several minutes since the girls left, there was an atmosphere now; the girls obviously left to let us have sex. Now it just felt forced. Draco took a step, closing the distance between us and put a hand on my waist.
"I have one more surprise." Draco whispered mischievously with an odd look on his perfectly chiseled face. Another surprise?
"I don't think my heart can take another surprise love," I breathed. He smiled at that and pulled his tie from around his neck. I looked at him confused for a moment before his intentions became clear. The smile on his face became lustful. Without need for another word from either of us he used the tie to blindfold me, securing it with a neat bow behind my head.
"Can you see anything?" He asked in a deep husky voice that melted my insides. All I could do was shake my head, my throat suddenly very dry. "Good." He took both my hands in his and lead me forwards. My feet moved on their own; trusting the man that temporarily blinded me to take me. I heard a key in a door, unlocking it and the door opening. I was guided through and the door was locked behind us. "Wait here a moment." That sexy voice was in my ear before he left and started rustling things around the new room. The soft sound of Draco whispering charms surrounded me, I tried to make them out; one must've been to light a fireplace as I heard the gentle crack of a fire. I could smell the smokeyness mixed with a floral smell which I assumed was candles somewhere close to me. The soft padding of Draco's footsteps came louder as he returned to me. His hands were at the back of my head and he undid the bow letting the makeshift blindfold fall to the ground.

The room was a dark maroon colour: everywhere. The walls where decorated in a large print burgundy rose; one wall (the feature wall) was felted. The carpet was deep and soft, my toes curled into it and I felt like I was standing on clouds; I assume it was charmed to be so soft, surely nothing was this soft. Over in the far right corner was a bench made of dark mahogany wood. The other far corner was a wall of various ties, whips and flogs. Ties of different material; some silk, some patterned- the kind that would leave a pattern on your skin if tied too tightly. Good Merlin, I didn't even want to think about the whips or flogs right now. The ceiling held a very large mirror, underneath was a four-poster bed, like the one in my room but bigger and restraints where attached to each post. No duvet, just a thin silk sheet and nothing more. Fuck. This was a sex room. Our sex room. In front of me stood a very dominant looking Draco looking down at me. I gulped and tried not to come in my trousers from the look he was giving me. A tiny squeak escaped my quivering lips and that pulled a sneer from the man stood before me.
"You like?" He whispered into my ear, making sure to breathe on my skin causing a delicious shiver to shoot down my spine. I nodded enthusiastically. He smiled, relieved, and pulled me over to the bed. I had to stop myself from bouncing over there like an excited puppy. We have pretty damn hot sex normally but with all this? Merlin, we'll never keep our hands off of each other.

Draco looked at me with his beautiful grey eyes and started to unbutton my dress shirt agonisingly slowly. He brushed his lips gently against mine and I relished in the hot breath that followed. When the blonde had finished his unbuttoning, he undid my dickie-bow letting it hang loose either side of my bare chest. I moved to slide the shirt off of me but strong hands stopped me.
"Leave it on." He said in a low raspy voice. I nodded with my lips slightly parted and my breathing getting harsher. Practiced hands moved to my belt and zip, undoing them easily and without fault. Draco moved forwards, taking me with him so I was walking backwards, eyes locked on the Adonis taking control until I felt the soft bump of the mattress against my thighs. I hopped onto the bed as Draco pushed me back so I was lying down, the blonde still stood over the edge of the bed. In one swift move he took my trousers and underwear off and discarded them on the floor somewhere. Looking down appreciatively, Draco allowed his tongue, pink and wet, to glide over his lower lip. He reached down for the opening to his trousers and got to work taking them off. With only his open-collar shirt on he waltzed over the rack of ties taking his time picking one out. Once he was happy with his choice he came back to me sporting a small smirk and an ever growing erection with both hands behind his back hiding whatever he had picked out for our little session. With seeker-like reflexes he had both of my hands above my head and was tying them together rather tightly. I looked up awkwardly to try and peek at what it was binding my hands; a Slytherin tie. Sweet Merlin. The look on Draco's face was now past the point of animalistic. He took my hips in his hands and pulled me to the edge of the bed, my legs hanging over the end. Dropping to his knees, he never took his eyes off of mine as he took my shaft in his hand and took it tantalisingly slowly into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the end of my manhood lapping up the bead of precome that was there. My back arched off the bed thrusting my hips forward; forcing the boy to take more of me into his mouth. Swallowing me down he began a quickening pace. A hand reached up to fondle my nipple whilst the other was massaging my balls. Overwhelming pleasure pooled deep inside of me, a moan escaping Draco was enough to push me over the edge. I spilled my orgasm down his throat, jerking slightly with the sensations rippling through me. Barely having time to come back down to planet earth, Draco had flipped me over by my hips and I now was on all fours; arse on full display. I felt the cool of lube touching my skin as Draco prepared me for his intrusion. He lined himself up with my entrance and leaned over me, leaning his forehead on my back. With a soft kiss to my spine, he pushed the head through the tight rings. It used to sting as he did that but I've gotten used to it over the past few weeks. With a low growl emanating from deep inside of the blonde he pushed himself further inside me. Once his thighs were flush with mine, he straightened up and reared back, slamming back into me. It only took a few more steady thrusts before I was, once again, a big pile of goo lying beneath the dominant boy drilling into me. My arms were faltering and my wrists being tied together didn't help much. Time after time Draco brushed against my prostate, earning whimpers and moans from me every time he hit that sweet spot. With a few more thrusts we were both coming undone with each other. Draco grabbed hold of my hips and dug his fingers into my flesh as he rode his orgasm out. Spent, we both collapsed, Draco taking me into his arms and laying behind me. With one pull he undid the tie and I was free to take his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together. As my breathing returned to normal, I felt a strong need to thank the blonde, not just for the sex but for everything he'd done for me.
"Draco?" I breathed. He hummed into the crook of my neck, showing he was listening. "I love you." It was barely above a whisper but he heard me; pulling me closer and burying his face further into my neck. As he lifted his head and turned my face to look at him, I could see the blonde Adonis' eyes glistening with tears.
"I love you too, Harry," he took my face in his hand and planted a loving, needy kiss on my lips. "Merry Christmas, my love."

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