Welcome Back Party

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A/N WARNING smut is on the way in the next couple of chapters *claps*

The photo above is how I imagine Pansy to look at this party btw.

Harry POV

"Like I keep telling you, people change." The words themselves had no erotic meaning but the way he said them, breathy and full of emotion, made me twitch in my boxers. I was very aware that he was still sat on my lap and that did not help one bit. I look into his eyes and lean forward, leaving our lips just a hair's width apart. I can feel his breath on my face, hot and heavy.
Over the sound of our breathing we started to hear voices getting louder, coming straight for us. It's Ron, Hermione, Parkinson and Zabini. Shit. We both leap up red in the face and sort ourselves out. As they round the corner we give each other the once-over and a nod of approval before turning to greet our friends.
"So Pansy and I were thinking that to get our common room to know each other better, we should have a party." Hermione beamed at us. Having known her for so long now, my guess is that she brought it up now to try and cheer Draco up after he stormed out of potions class.
"Hermione, you? A party? This couldn't have been your idea."
"You're right I may have pushed the idea upon her but once I laid out the pros she agreed. It is a fabulous idea and I know that Draco is just dying to let his hair down, you know, show everyone this new him." I look to Draco and it looks as though he's into the idea.
"Alright this could be fun, who's organising it?"
"Hermione is" Ron supplied helpfully.
"Okay, so it's going to be a mother's meeting," Draco said less than impressed. "No, absolutely not. Leave the party planning up to the people who do it best; Slytherins." He drawled with his famous Malfoy smirk.
"Ooh it could be like old times! We'll even fetch our sound and light system! Hermione leave everything up to us, you just spread the word through the common room and invite some of the seventh years we like. Eeeek this is going to be so much fun! Blaise do you still have your old contact for the alcohol?" She reeled off orders like a shrill drill sergeant. Blaise nodded once and got to the task.
"Harry, Ron has something that he'd like to say. Wouldn't you Ronald." Hermione pushed Ron towards me slightly and he looked down at his shoes, sheepish.
"Erm, yeah, I do," he looked anywhere but at me, twiddling with his hair and looking rather uncomfortable. "Mate, about before, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did. It was just a bit of a shock you know? Anyway, I'm alright about it, happy for you." Still looking anywhere else, he finished and stretched his hand out for me to shake it. I walked past it and hugged him.
"Thanks Ron. That means a lot." Pansy clapped, happy that we made up.
She linked her arms around me and Ron; Hermione and Draco followed suit and linked with me and Pansy; we started walking back toward the castle. "Oh this will be so great, a party! OH SWEET MOTHER OF SALAZAR'S BALLS!" She stopped dead in her tracks.
"What is it?"
"What on earth are we going to wear?!" The look of pure terror on her face was the only thing stopping me from pissing myself with laughter at the thought that all that commotion was caused by this; I thought her bloody legs had fallen off.
"We have to take a trip to Hogsmead this Saturday, all of us should go. Oh it could be like a date! Me and Blaise, Hermione and Ron, Draco and H-"
"Finish that sentence and I will personally feed you to the giant squid in that lake." I think Draco was joking but I wouldn't put it past him, I have been on the receiving end of his anger.

Draco POV

"You lot are actually pathetic," Ron, Blaise and Harry lent against the wall of the last shop we went in with bored, tired expressions on their faces. Pansy, Hermione and I stood opposite them glowing and carrying four shiny new shopping bags each. I'd bought myself a new skinny fit, black, silk shirt for the party and insisted on buying Harry a brand new outfit that I chose for him. He may be hot but he cannot pick clothes.
Nothing else has happened since Tuesday under the tree, a few knowing glances and long talks, but nothing close to the other day. My feelings for him grow each day, each minute that I'm with him, I'm just not sure it's reciprocated.
"But we've been at it for hours." Ronald whined; ever the toddler.
"No Ron it's been 1 hour and 43 minutes now if we keep stopping it'll only take longer." I've grown to like Granger, she's witty and sweet and she cares an awful lot about her friends. Despite our differences in the past I hope to become a good friend of hers.

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