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This chapter is happening at the same time as "Breaking into Azkaban" but from Hermione's POV

Hermione POV

I walked back into my room after having yet another boring dinner with Ronald. We talked about quidditch and how the Holyhead Harpies have no chance this season; which I had absolutely no interest in whatsoever. Pansy was laying on her bed reading over the charms homework.
"Why can't I do this!?" She wailed, flailing her arms about in frustration.
"Have you even tried reading it?" She pouted and gave me that you-know-me-too-well look. I shook my head at her and offered to help.
"No I have a much better idea! Help me break up with Blaise!"
"What? You're breaking up with Blaise?!"
"Yeah I worked out that he's an absolute tool. He's great as a friend but as a boyfriend, not so great." I gave her a sympathetic look. "'Mione darling I'm alright, you know me. I like someone else now anyway." She threw over her shoulder like an everyday comment. My mouth formed a perfect O.
"Spill!" I marched over to her bed and sat so that she had to look at me.
"Absolutely not." She grinned.
"You can't just say that and not tell me who?!"
"Oh darlin, you really do have a lot to learn about Slytherins." She said mockingly. I glared at her, Gryffindors can be stubborn too. She rolled her eyes, obviously I wasn't giving up on this. "Fine. I'll tell you, if you tell me." She gave me her Slytherin smile.
"If I tell you what?!"
"Oh come on! You don't remember? At the party you confessed that you liked someone else, that Weasley wasn't giving you everything you need." Shite. I forgot about that. My eyes widened. Pansy smirked in triumph. "So I'll tell you, if you tell me." I could feel the blush rush into my cheeks.
"I-I can't Pans," I look down, ashamed. "I was so drunk that night I shouldn't have even said that much!"
"I know, isn't alcohol just fantastic?" She said with a wicked smile. "Oh my is it Harry?" She teased with her hands dramatically over her mouth.
"Oh course it's not Harry!" I went to hit her with the pillow I pulled from behind her and missed.
"Alright alright how about we play a game with it then. We each ask a question about the person the other fancies and we can only answer yes or no." I thought for a moment. Well that is a lot better than having to actually say the words.
"Fine." She got her up into a sitting position and crossed her legs opposite me on the bed, readying herself. "You first."
"Hmm, do they have brown hair?" She asked.
"No." This is actually quite easy. "Do they have blond hair?"
"If you think it's Draco you're wrong, no." I laughed, well that ruled that out.
"I thought we were only supposed to answer yes or no!" She roled her eyes at my love of following rules.
"Whatever. Do I know them?" Absolutely.
"Yes. Do I know yours?" I'm really bad at this.
"Yes. Is it a boy?" Surprised, I blushed a deep red.
"No." Her eyes widened.
"It's a girl?! Mione, why didn't you tell me?"
"I-I, I believe it's my turn to ask the question." I decided to put off her questions for a little bit longer. "Is yours a boy?" I squeaked. She looked at me through her long, black eyelashes.
"No, Hermione." Oh shit.
"Hypocrite!! You can't shout at me for not telling you when you did the same thing!" I yelled. She looked at me sympathetically.
"I know, I'm sorry darling. Who's yours?" I blushed even further, if that's possible. Pansy reached out and placed her hand on mine. "If it's who I think it is, you don't have to be afraid to tell me." I looked into her mysteriously dark eyes, it felt like I was looking straight into her soul. "I like you Hermione, you are the one I fancy." My breath caught in my throat. Was this really happening? I leaned in closer, our lips nearly meeting.
"Pansy, I like you too." We smiled sweetly at each other, relieved that we finally admitted our feelings to one another. I closed my eyes and placed my hand on the back of her head.
"HERMIONE, PANSY! COME QUICKLY!" We jumped apart. Ron and Blaise were outside shouting and running about. We looked at each other confused and breathless.
"Well, they certainly have got timing." Pansy smirked and we stood to go see what all the fuss was about. Pansy opened the door. "What?!" She barked at them. A very red, worried looking Ron answered.
"Harry and Draco aren't in their room, they haven't been seen since before dinner, there's a trunk packed on the bed and their brooms have gone!" It all came out as a rush. Pansy smacked her hand to her mouth, hysterical. Oh no, this can't be happening.
"Draco's been acting strange for days. Wait, when is Lucius getting the Kiss?" I asked, thinking back to a horrific conversation I had with a very depressed Draco. Blaise looked at his watch.
"In about 6 hours, at sunrise."
"He's gone to see him." I said with confidence.
"You're sure?" Pansy asked with horror in her eyes.
"Positive. Draco asked me to make him a couple of keys that would fit the cell doors at Azkaban? I didn't think anything of it, he just said that they were for a reminder of his Father. I didn't like to ask too many questions, he was so down."
"So he's gone to free that lunatic?!" Ron pitched in.
"I don't think he'd do that, he hated the man." Blaise answered.
"I agree, he's not interested in saving him, he just needs closure. He's gone to say goodbye." Pansy was fully recovered from the shock now, she was thinking like a Slytherin again.
"Azkaban is a dangerous place, it might not be too difficult getting in, but getting back out, that's a different thing. I doubt he'll have thought that far." Blaise supplied, with a concerned look.
"We should tell someone." I said, I don't want my friends getting hurt, or worse and us have done nothing about it.
"Are you crazy? Do you understand how many rules they've broken?" Pansy asked, mortified and sounding very much like myself.
"Of course I understand but what if we do nothing and they don't come back? What then?" All four of us stood and thought about all possible outcomes. Pansy sighed.
"Bloody Gryffindors. Fine. Let's go to McGonagall."

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