The After Party

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A/N  IT'S HAPPENGGGGG!! OMG Pansy is like totally my spirit animal >.< I'm so excited rn!! EEEK!

WARNING—- smutty smut smut!!!

Draco POV

We dance against each other, bodies moving as one to the continuous rhythm of the music. Harry's arms wrapped around my neck, keeping me close; mine were snaked around his waist, too afraid to let him go. His raven coloured hair clung to his forehead, teasing me, inviting me to push it back. Our eyes were locked onto one another's; drinking each other in; analysing one another; challenging each other. It was a contest, to see who was going to be the dominant one. I laid my head against his and brought his chin up so his lips were just millimeters from mine. This is something I've been waiting a very long time for. His breathing stopped and I took that as my cue. I lean in the rest of the way and our lips touch. Electricity, hot and fast, runs through our joined skin. My arms tighten their grip around his slender waist and pull him flush against me. I can feel his erection grind against mine as we move in time to the beat. My tongue forces his mouth open, I didn't need to ask for entrance, It's clear I'm the dominant one here. Our tongues, slip and glide around each other, exploring, devouring, learning each other's taste; right now he tastes like whiskey. His hands move from around my neck to in my hair and he pulls, hard. I moan into his mouth. Kinky little shit. If that's how he wants to play, I'll play. I smirk; a decidedly difficult task with two tongues in my mouth and begin to play with the hem of Harry's shirt. I tickle the V as I trace a finger along his stomach. He sucks in and grabs hold of my neck for support.
"Lost for breathe already? Tut tut, Harry." I grin and begin the suck on the soft spot between his throat and his ear, he sucked in another sharp breath. I continued my torturous ascent up his toned torso outlining each of his abs with the softest touch, teasing. When I had reached my goal, being soft and gentle was no longer the objective of this little game. I held his left nipple between thumb and forefinger and squeezed, hard. Harry, let out a little yelp and I immediately let go.
"Aaah, no, Draco, please don't stop." he managed between labored breathes.
"Not here, Harry." I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out of the common room. We went down the stairs to the seventh floor and to the wall where the room of requirement should appear. I closed my eyes and thought of exactly how I wanted our first time to be. The big ornately decorated door showed itself and I led Harry inside.

Harry POV

It was magnificent. So beautiful I could hardly believe my eyes. He'd done all of this for me; granted all he had to do was think of what he wanted but who knew he was such a romantic? The room was decorated in burgundy and emerald side by side as one. Floating candles lit the room with a gentle glow. They showed a large 4-posted bed in the centre of the room covered in black silk sheets and what looked like hundreds of pillows. There was a large mirror on the back wall, oh this will be fun. I turn to look at the blonde God responsible for all of this and he looks at me with uncertainty.
"Do you like it? Is it too much?" I reach out for his hand to reassure him.
"It's not too much Dray, it's perfect." He looked at me, wide-eyed before speaking.
"You, you just called me Dray."
"Oh, I'm sorry, erm, should I not?" He hugged me; not a sweet, loving embrace but a needy, wanting grasp at me. He placed both his hands either side of my head and kissed me deeply. I'm guessing he likes me calling him Dray then. I kiss back, hands in his hair, relishing in that I now get to mess up his once perfect blonde locks. We walk over to the bed slowly. I unbutton his shirt, one expensive button at a time and push his silk shirt off his shoulders exposing his toned, beautifully pale torso to me. The scars of the septumsempra curse are still visible even after these two years. I trace them with my finger tips, sending shivers down his spine. Then I follow my trail with my lips leaving soft, healing kisses to replace to hate that left those marks. I repeated the act to the rest of the marks, going down his body, falling to my knees to reach the one near his navel. As I kissed the spot just above his jean button he groaned, involuntary and deep in his throat. The sound spurred me on; I looked into his feral, stormy eyes and smirked. I poked my tongue out licked a stripe from the top of his jeans to his belly button; another growl. I reached up and popped the button to his jeans and unzipped the zipper sliding his jeans down his slender legs. His boxer shorts were a deep green; of course. I kissed each thigh in turn and played teasingly with the elastic on his underwear before peeling them down ever so slowly. I watched as his erection bounced free, long and thick before my eyes. My jaw hit the floor. A soft chuckle came from the Adonis in front of me.
"Don't worry, it'll fit." My thoughts must have been written on my face. He ran a reassuring hand through my sweaty hair, I instinctively tipped my head back. My mouth opened slightly and my touched peeped out. He grabbed hold of his cock and patted my tongue a few time with it before sliding it in my mouth.
"Do you have a gag reflex?" I shrugged. We'll have to see won't we? I grabbed Draco by the base of his member and sucked the rest of him down my throat. He groaned with pleasure and surprise.
"I'll take that as a no."he smiled down at me. I saw this as a good thing and carried on with a little more confidence and enthusiasm. He threw his head back and put his hands in my hair and my mouth sucked and licked to its own rhythm.
"Harry, please, ah, stop, I'm gonna," I pulled back, smiling brightly at the thought that I got that reaction with just my mouth and on my first time no less. Draco pulled me up to standing and kissed me, tongue swirling in my mouth.
"You are wearing far too many clothes." He said between kisses. He pulled off my shirt and pushed me playfully onto the bed. He laughed at my surprise and undid my trousers pulling them off with my underwear in one swift move. I felt bare. I'd never been fully naked in front of anyone in this way my whole life; but I didn't care, I want this. Draco stood looking me up and down, longing in his eyes. He climbed onto the bed and hovered over me.
"You are so beautiful Harry Potter." I could feel the blush creep in my cheeks. He smiled at me and kissed each cheek in turn then he started moving down my body; to my neck, nibbling and licking. Then further and further, leaving a trail of saliva; his head rose and he smirked then he blew cold air onto that trail of saliva. It sent shivers down my spine and to places I never thought I could shiver. Enough.
"No more teasing!" I grabbed him around his neck and pulled his lips toward mine sealing them in a searing kiss. I rolled us over so that I was now on top, straddling him. "I've thought about this moment since we almost kissed all those weeks ago."
"Really, I've been thinking about it since fourth year." He smirked at my gasp and refused to explain any further. I pinned both his hands above his head and started to grind. "Are you ready Harry?" I leant down a kissed him gently on the mouth.
"Yes." He wiggles free of my grip and turned us over again. He reached for the bedside table and pulled out a small bottle from the top draw. Lube. He gave me a look that asked if I was sure and I nodded.
"Okay, this won't hurt it'll just feel like pressure. Just try to relax okay?" I nodded again, to nervous to speak. He dipped a finger into the bottle and covered it in lube. He wrapped one of my legs around his body for better access and started caressing my opening. With a kiss to my thigh he entered me. The feeling was strange but he was right, it didn't hurt. He moved his finger inside me, stretching me. Once I'd opened up a bit, he added another finger. He moved faster, quickening as I reacted to the intrusion. It felt good, more than good. My back arched at his touch, my hips jutting in time to his movements. He scissored his fingers in and out of me stretching and preparing me for him then all of a sudden he was gone. I groaned in exasperation and pout at Draco. He smirked and reassured me by showing me that he was currently slicking his cock with the lube. This was far from over; I have to contain the excitement that struggles to break free. He kneels up in front of me and pushes my heels to my buttocks.
"This will feel different but it still won't hurt okay?" I nodded vigorously. He lined himself up with my prepared opening and gently pushed the head inside. Oh dear Merlin, that's big. He waited a few seconds for me to get used to him before slowly sliding the next section of himself in; I could feel myself opening up for him, accepting him. I wanted more. I entwined my fingers into Draco's hair and locked onto his eyes with my own.
"More." I ground out. He looked at me with lust and something more in his eyes; he carried on easing his way deeper until he was fully seated and let out a moan. His hands came either side of my head as he readied himself.
"Ready, baby?" He asked as he bushed his lips against the tip of my nose. I nodded and kissed his forehead. He reared his hips and slid back into me finding my sweet spot. He kept going, encouraged by my moans and kisses. I never thought it could feel like this but in this moment, with Draco, our bodies becoming one; I never wanted it to end. Of course it was all about to end, quite spectacularly I might add.
"Oh, Dray, ah, I'm gonna come," He smirked and picked up the pace, continuing to hit that bundle of nerves with every precise thrust. I cried out one last time and clawed at the Adonis' back as I reached my release. He didn't slow down, chasing his own orgasm he pounded me into the bed. He stilled, head thrown back, panting. He carefully removed himself from me and came behind to cradle me. We both tried to catch our breathe before speaking. He kissed the salty patch of skin at the base of my neck.
"That was amazing," I reached for his hand to entwine our fingers together. "Did I hurt you?"
"No, no it was brilliant. I never thought it would feel like that." I turned around so we were facing, still wrapped in each other's arms. Draco yawned and we decided to just sleep here, it was more than comfortable anyway. We kissed goodnight and fell into a deep, needed sleep draped in one another.

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