Truth or Dare

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A/N this is just a couple of chapters to build the character relationships and get us to the next bit. Hope you stick with me because the big stuff is coming!!!

Draco POV

Breakfast was uneventful; bar a few exchanged pleasantries with Granger. It turns out we have similar interests and intellect; she will be a good study partner in the coming months. The Bacon and eggs on my plate filled my nose with pleasant smells of my childhood but turned my stomach sick to think of eating them. The mail came and nothing from my Mother. As discussed, the first few weeks would bring no news so we could adapt and let things die down first.
The first couple of classes have gone by with new teachers introducing themselves, thanking Harry and everyone else for their part in the war, then outlining what we will be doing this coming year. What part did I play in the war? Coward, traitor, death eater; I got information from the school and passed it to the dark lord himself. They obviously weren't thanking me.
In transfiguration, McGonagall gave her speech about about how each and everyone of us deserves to be here... blah blah blah; obviously for my benefit, she kept giving me concerned looks all morning.

We all had a free study period between transfiguration and potions so we all went to the common room to get to know each other a bit better. The six of us, (Blaise, Hermione, Pansy, Harry, Ron and I), sat at the table. The rest of the common room was empty. Ron sat sprawled across the table with his head lolling about on his arms claiming he was bored.
"I know! We should play truth or dare!"
"Oh how mature Pansy!" I rolled my eyes at the childish women sat across from me; she's still exactly as she was when we were young.
"Well, its better than nothing I suppose." Ron lifted his empty head and agreed to go first. Wonderful.
"Okay Ronald, have you and Miss Granger gone all the way yet?" Pansy wiggled her eyebrows at him suggestively and made the poor boy blush the colour of his hideous hair.
"Erm, well, not all the way, I suppose, no." Everyone gasped and then decided it'd be better not to make a big deal of it given Hermione was also sat there.
"Alright then, Blaise, truth or dare." Ron said in the smallest of voices.
"Dare." The Italian said with confidence.
"Erm, alright, kiss Pansy for 20 seconds." Blaise rolled his eyes whilst Pansy could barely contain her excitement. Quite a bit longer than 20 seconds later, it was Blaise's turn to ask someone.
"Draco, truth or dare." Merlin. I didn't want to bloody play and Blaise had a look in his eye that said he was going to be mean.
"Fine, truth."
"Hmm, do you fancy anyone?" Shit. Why in Salazar's name did he have to ask that? Cunning bastard!
"Yes." From the intensity of the surrounding gasps you'd have thought we were on one of those muggle soap operas. "Alright calm down."
"WHO?!" Pansy shrieked.
"Ahh Pansy my dear I believe it's my turn to ask the questions." She pouted and before she had chance to argue I asked her truth or dare.
"Dare and darling, do be careful, I could pick you next." I chuckled and thought hard.
"Pick anyone from this table, take them into your room for 5 minutes and do what you want with them." She stood, straightened her skirt then smirked; looking straight at me.
"Alright, I choose Draco." Fuck.
"What!?" Blaise and I said simultaneously.
"You said I can choose anyone, I choose you, now get your arse in there." I stood up and crossed the living area and shot the group a confused look before the door was closed and locked with several locking charms then sealed with a silencing charm for good measure.
"Bit much don't you think Pans?"
"Absolutely not! You are in big trouble mister!" Oh crap, this is not going to be good.
"What did I do?"
"We have known each other since we were babies Draco!"
"And that's my fault why?"
"No, I mean, we've been best friends since we were born. A couple of years ago you became really distant, I know that wasn't your fault but it still hurt and I feel like we haven't got back to how we were. We hardly saw each other at all over the summer, you tell Blaise that you're gay before you tell me and now this! You have a crush on someone and you haven't told me?! Draco, we used to tell each other everything!"
"Pans, calm down, please. I'm so sorry for us drifting apart but I promise from now one you'll be the first to know everything of importance." I rubbed her shoulders to soothe her.
"Okay, go on then." She looked up at me expectantly.
"You said from now on you're going to tell me everything, so who do you fancy?"
"Oh, well, I, erm, I don't really, erm, know if I should."
"Oh my," her hands flew to her gaping mouth. "It's Harry-bloody-Potter isn't it?" My eyes shot up from staring at my shoes and met hers, dark and wide.
"How did you-"
"Darling, It's so bloody obvious now that I think about it! You're completely smitten! You haven't left his side since we got here and you're trying so hard to show him you've changed." She ran the back of her manicured hand down the side of my face. "But darling, he's not gay!"
"Well, actually, erm." Pull yourself together, you are a Malfoy! What is wrong with me? I never stumble over my words. I'm no bumbling inelegant being.
"HE IS?!"
"Pansy you can't say anything! He told me in confidence! I'm the only person in the world who knows, you cannot tell a soul."
"Of course not, don't worry. Does he know about you?"
"He's knows I'm bent, not that I like him."
"Well you have to tell him!"
"Absolutely not!"
"And why not?"
"He hasn't told anyone he's gay! He obviously isn't looking for any relationship. There isn't much point in me laying my feelings out on the line for me to then be turned down. I'm smarter than that Pans." She gave me a sad look.
"Alright, I think you're wrong but I won't push it. Come on, we'd better join the others." She gave me a quick, loving hug of support and we headed back out.
"Ah, come on guys, Harry is just about to tell us his deepest darkest secret."
"Deepest darkest secret? What are we 12?" Pansy strutted over to the table and flung her arms in the air clearly frustrated at the group's level of immaturity.
"Pansy this was your idea remember?" Pansy's maturity was still playing happily at age 7 so she really cannot talk.
"Yes well I was hoping for a bit more than that. Go on Harry, out with it" He took a deep sigh and looked over at me through his eyelashes as I sat in my original seat.
"Well, no time like the present I guess," he cleared his throat and sat up straight as if he were sat in a board meeting. The group exchanged confused looks as Harry prepared himself. "Everyone, I'm gay." Silence. No one dared to say a word. If it wasn't for the fact that 'truth or dare' in the wizarding world was binding, everyone would have thought he was joking. Hermione was the first to break the stillness. She stood and rushed over to Harry to embrace him in a man-crushing hug.
"Harry, I'm so happy for you!" She then proceeded to bombard him with questions, soon everyone else joined in too; everyone except Ron that is. Harry looked happy, he was chattering away to everyone, seemingly pleased at the reaction he'd got from everyone. Then he realised his best friend was missing from the discussion.
"Ron, are you alright?" He asked tentatively. Ron was white, almost grey; it looked like he was about to vomit. "Ron?"
"Gay? You're gay?" the stone-like boy spoke almost without moving. His eyes were fixed on a spot no one else could see. "How could you be gay?" He didn't wait for a response, it was almost as if he was talking to himself now. "Is this the reason you broke up with Ginny? Because you fuck blokes?" He got up abruptly, letting his chair hit the floor hard. I stood up with him, a little in front of Harry; my seeker reactions still with me.
"I'd watch your mouth if I were you, Weasley." My Malfoy mask was firmly in place now, no one talks about Harry like that. No one.
"And what exactly are you gonna do? You've been his friend for what? 5 minutes? What gives you the right to talk to me like that? Harry, tell him."
"Don't you dare! What gives me the right, you demented fool, is that you were being homophobic to my friend."
"What do you care if I'm homophobic?"
"Are you really that dim? I'm gay too!" The look on his gormless face was priceless. He looked from me to Harry.
"Are you with him?!"
"No you blithering idiot! Just because we both happen to be gay does not mean that we are together."
"But you sleep in the same room?"
"Yes, McGonagall was aware of my preferences beforehand, it didn't influence her decision." He didn't look like he believed me. He didn't look any calmer either. "Just because we both like blokes and sleep in the same room does not automatically mean that we are together. Look, Harry is your best friend right? It shouldn't matter who he likes, as long as he's happy so if he likes guys who the hell cares?"
"Erm, can I cut in here?" I almost forgot that Harry was there. "Ron, mate, I know this is a bit of a shock but isn't Charlie gay?"
"Well yeah but that's different isn't it? I mean, he's my brother, you're my mate." Everyone gasped at this statement.
"How does that make it different?" Now Harry was getting exasperated. I'm guessing this is exactly the response he expected.
"Well it just does doesn't it. It's weird."
"Weirder than when I was with your sister?"
"Well again that's different-"
"Because she's female." Harry cut in, I've only ever seen him this angry at me before, it's nice to not be on the receiving end for once. When he didn't get a response from the ginger idiot he stormed off.
"Well done Ronald." Hermione chastised her boyfriend then went after Harry. We all gave Weasley a final look of disapproval and went to look for the raven haired boy too.

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