Care of Magical Creatures

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A/N hey guys, thanks again to all my lovely readers, I love you all and hope you are still enjoying my story. ☺️

Also going to attempt Hagrid's accent so this should be fun...😬

Harry POV: February

"Really?" Hermione breathed in shock of what I just told her.

"Yep," I replied sporting a massive grin. "Twice." Another short gasp came from the brunette. Telling Hermione about my sex life was always fun; she acted as if she was so prudish, but she always wanted to know every little detail. This time, I was telling her all about the sex room that Draco and I have secretly stashed away in my home in London. We went back there for valentines night, I planned the whole thing and surprised Draco with leading him there with a bunch of notes and clues as to where I was.

"I just can't believe how kinky you two are!" She said just a little bit too loud.

"Would you keep it down! I don't need the whole school finding out thank-you-very-much." I shot her a playful glare to show I wasn't really chastising her.

"Arigh' you lot! Gather round. Got a good project for yer all!" Hagrid boomed quite excitedly to the open space of people in the forbidden forest: where today's care of magical creatures lesson would be taking place. I waved discreetly over at Draco; after having to sit down with McGonagall on a few occasions about 'distractions during lessons' it was decided that Draco and I should not be anywhere near each other in lesson time. "So, I'm guessin' you want to be knowin' what yer end of year exam's gunna be? Well, McGonagall let me choose it meself." Hagrid puffed his chest out, obviously quite proud of himself. "I av been told that you lot av pets am I right? Well, we av hidden them. Taken em all around the country." A few people let out shocked gasps. "Obviously they're in good ands, bein well looked aftah." Hagrid tried to reason. "The project is you av teh find em. Use yeh skills as their owners to track em down. In today's lesson, you'll be receiving yeh first clue as teh where they're hiding. Also, yeh will be finding out who yeh working with. Obviously you'll be with the person that you were assigned a room with but you'll pair up with another team an 'elp each other." Hagrid looked rather sheepish as he said that. "So er; Granger, Parkinson..." as he started to read people out, they moved to get to their fours. "Malfoy, Potter, Weasley and Zabini." I glared at Hagrid, he was looking everywhere but at me- he knew, he absolutely did this on purpose. I begrudgingly moved my way over to where the other three where already standing; I stood as far away from Ron as possible - without running back to the castle like a baby.
"Right! Now that's sorted, yeh first clue. The remainder of today's lesson will be researching what yeh animals like cause we've hidden clues about the country to lead yeh in the right place. That's all I can say, good luck teh yeh!" Everyone busied about, trying their books out and trying to find out as much as they can. I, on the other hand, made a beeline for Hagrid.

"You did this on purpose didn't you?" I asked in an angry whisper. Hagrid looked guilty. But apparently, not for the reason I first thought.

"No, Harry, it was my idea. Don't be mad at Hagrid, I told him what was going on between you too and he agreed, we needed to sort this out."

"Draco?! Why would you do this? You know I can't stand the prick!" Draco rolled his eyes.

"Precisely. You two and been avoiding each other like the plague for months and frankly, I've had enough. You obviously want to be friends again you're just both too bloody stubborn to make the first move. This way, you don't have to."

"You an Ron av been best friends since yeh were 11 years old! Yeh can't let some silly remark break up yeh friendship! I won't let yeh!" Hagrid was a very caring man, I knew that, I just didn't think he'd do something like this.

"You always told us not to meddle with things." I said to Hagrid.

"Yeh, well, that we're for yeh own good! You kids always meddling where yeh didn't av teh! But yeh did it together, didn't yeh." Touché.

"Fine, I'll be in his stupid group and I'll to the bloody assignment and I'll only talk to him when completely necessary." I pouted. Both men rolled their eyes at me. I knew I was being childish but I couldn't help it. If people were going to meddle in my life I'd be as difficult as possible.

A/N very short chapter but setting up for what's to come. ☺️

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