Grimauld Place

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A/N: Well this is it guys! The last chapter. Thank you all so much for sticking with me through my first ever attempt at writing. I never thought I'd get so much support, votes or readers.
I love you all my lovely's!


A Few Months After Graduating Hogwarts

12 Grimauld Place

The Rolling Stones blasted out of an old-fashioned muggle record player. The kitchen filled with the sound as well as the smell of cooking. Harry was dancing around the cooker, wooden spoon in hand, rustling something up for him and Draco for dinner. Harry always cooked to music and he always cooked the muggle way - much to the confusion of Draco; 'why do it yourself when you can use spells and house elves?'. But Harry had always loved to cook, even before he found out he was a wizard. Even cooking for the Dursleys was enjoyable, it took his mind off of things, plus he was actually pretty good.

He still remembers the first time he ever cooked for Draco. It was the first time he'd ever seen it done the muggle way. He was mesmerised as well as dumbfounded. Harry almost burnt the pie, he was distracted by how Draco's mouth hung completely open, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull.

Harry's kitchen was a large one. It held both muggle and magical contraptions and had a breakfast island in the centre. Draco had (against his will) started cooking lessons with the raven haired man. He was getting rather good, so long as Harry was there to oversee everything. A few weeks ago Harry came home from meeting Hermione to a house full with the thick stench of burning. He walked into the kitchen to a sight that had been the lady's thing he expected to see. Draco in an apron covered from head to toe with flour, oven-mits black, flour and cream all over every single surface and on the island, sat a very black, very sad looking cake. Draco looked as though he could've cried. Harry took one look at the whole situation and burst into a fit of hysterical laughter. Both boys ended up with stitches in their sides rolling around the floor crying with laughter.

Back to the current situation, Harry had almost finished browning the chicken when a very high pitched glass shattering scream came from upstairs. If this wasn't a regular occurrence, Harry would've ran up the stairs to his dame's rescue; instead he rolled his eyes.

"Another spider?" He asked mockingly as the blonde scampered into the kitchen, a look of pure mortification on his now even paler face. All he could do was shake his head rapidly, no doubt giving himself a headache, and raise a shaky hand to Harry. He was holding a folded piece of parchment. Taking in the look on his boyfriends face and the way he was trembling, he took the parchment cautiously. Opening it, he read aloud:

"Ha ha we had sex on EVERY surface"

Harry looked up to Draco who was still shaking. Was this a joke? How'd they even get in? It was definitely Pansy and Hermione but how?

"Where did you find it, Draco?" He asked.

"Under the mattress in They had sex in there! They used stuff! We've had sex in there! What if we've had sex where they had sex?! I think I'm going to be'd they even know it was there?" That was a good question. Harry racked his brains trying to think of how they could possibly figure it out. They hadn't seen it at Christmas, they left before that. So how?

Then it dawned on him. His conversation with Hermione in Care if Magical Creatures.

"Uh oh..."

Draco looked at him, suspicion plain on his features.

"What?" He asked slowly, not knowing if he wanted to hear the answer. Harry looked at the ground sheepishly.

"Well...I um, may have told Hermione what we did on Valentine's Day..." the words came out in a rush. He tensed, instinctively preparing himself for a tantrum from the blonde. He studied the blondes face, trying to read his expression. Draco suddenly visibly relaxed and a smirk crept onto his face. The smirk quickly turned into an actual smile, which then turned into a full blown laughing fit.

Still unsure as to what on earth came onto Draco, Harry stood very still and waited for the laughter to fade. Draco wiped the tears from his jubilant eyes and managed to get his breathing under control. Harry let out the breathe he had been holding, having seen the soft look on his boyfriends face.

"What in Merlins name was that about?" Harry asked tentatively. Draco shook his head in thought, still smiling.

"This was payback. Pans played the ultimate prank on me. It's my fault really, I've always given her hell..." he finished quietly mulling everything over. "...she's absolutely still a Slytherin." Harry couldn't help but smile. Draco spoke about his friend with such love and admiration, and now she was his friend too.

"So what pranks have you pulled on each other over the years?" Harry asked. They spent the rest of the meal reminiscing about old times between them. Taking it in turns to show off how clever their old jokes were.

To someone looking in on the scene, it wouldn't look like two people that used to be enemies. It would look like two people who had been friends for many years talking about their old adventures together, and in many ways that's exactly what it was.


3 Years Later

"HARRY COME ON! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Draco shouted up the stairs.

"Calm down, Dray you'll get your suit all sweaty." Harry shot his response back down the stairs followed by a lighthearted chuckle. Harry always found Draco's stressing about time amusing. For someone who always seemed so together and in control he was very highly-strung.

Harry finished tying his bow tie and stood back, looking himself over in the full length mirror. He frowned at the unruly mop of dark hair and tried (and failed) to get it more under control. After deciding that it wasn't going to behave itself, his arms dropped to his sides in defeat. He drew in a large breathe and blew it out in a long sigh.

"Well, I guess it'll have to do." Giving himself one last look over in the mirror he gave himself a short nod and stride out of the room. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, Draco met him looking highly put out, with his arms crossed, foot tapping irritably and a scowl on his otherwise perfect face.

"You spent that long getting ready and your hair still looks like that." He drawled looking the boy up and down. "We're going to be late now because of you, I hope you know that. Hermione will be having a fit, she already told us 5 times this morning to make sure we're on time." Harry waltzed over to the worrying blonde and wrapped his arms around him, trying to calm him with contact. Draco visibly relaxed in his embrace. "I must say, you do look rather handsome in that suit."

"Well, seeing as we're already late, why don't we have some fun." Harry wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Draco smiled, notably mulling the idea over. Seeing a weakness in the blonde, Harry leaned in to nuzzle him in the crook of his neck. Draco tried to push away, decidedly not up for another 30 minutes being added to the late arrival.

"Harry, stop, we can't! We had to be at the church 10 minutes ago, we can't be any later." Draco protested rather weakly.

"Come on Dray," Harry started in a silky voice. "If you think about it, it's impossible to be late to our own wedding. Let's have some fun, after all, it is our wedding day."

4 Months Later (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now