The Pet Shop

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Harry POV

Monday morning

Draco and I came down the stairs holding hands very happy and ready for breakfast. We were greeted by our friends; excited to know what happened and why we didn't reappear from our room after we went to talk. After we had gotten 'distracted', we did talk and decided to admit that we both liked each other and wanted to give this a go. I went over to see Ron and ask how he felt about it all.
"It's big news mate and it's Malfoy. But it looks like he's changed, you look happy, if you're happy then I'm happy for you." He clapped me on the back and gave me a shy smile.
"Thanks mate, I'm glad you're alright with all this now."
"Well I'm not saying I'd be happy with seeing you snogging him but, you know, I'm alright."
"Of course, all snogging will be kept to a minimum." I chuckled.

Everyone wanted to get through the morning as quickly as possible so we could go to Diagon Alley. I, on the other hand, wasn't looking forward to it at all. It's not been that long since I lost Hedwig and to replace her already seems wrong. Finally the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor let us out of the classroom.
"I'm so excited!" Pansy squealed right down Ron's ear. "What are we going to get?" She asked Hermione.
"I don't really know, I guess we go and see what catches our eye." She answered very much like Hermione.
"I want the easiest thing to look after." Ron chipped in. That's probably for the best knowing him.
"It's not just you who gets to decide Ron, Blaise gets a say in it as well." Draco argued.
"Aw! This will be the first big decision you and Harry make as a couple! How cute!" Pansy really needs to get that shrieking under control if I'm going to be friends with her; which I want to be of course, she's a big part of Draco's life.
"Calm down Pans it's just getting a pet together." Draco tried to brush her off.
"Just a pet?! You two will both be responsible for it and it will probably live for a lot longer than we'll be here for! What if you move in together after this! It'll be your first pet together! I cannot deal with the level of cuteness right now!" She was practically vibrating with how excited she was.
"And I can't deal with the level of Pansy right now." Draco said, deadpan. We all laughed, agreeing. Pansy pouted but stopped gushing.

We arrived at Diagon Alley and headed straight for Magical Menagerie. It was quite cramped inside, especially now that the six of us just walked in. Ron headed straight for the baby Nifflers, remembering them from fourth year. The girls headed to the Puffskeins and Pygmy Puffs. Blaise went to the toads and me and Draco had no idea what we wanted.
"How about a Kneazle?" I offered.
"Absolutely not." Draco scrunched his nose up.
"Why not? Look, it says right there that they are really good at detecting distrustful people. Is that why you don't want one?" I grinned and jabbed the blond in the ribs playfully. "Scared that it'll see your dark side?" My grin widened when Draco lunged at me, hands ready to tickle.

"No you cretin! I'm a bloody wolf remember?" He whispered. I just managed to dodge him and moved along to the next animal, rolling my eyes.

"What about a Fire Crab then?" Again Draco's adorable little nose scrunched up in disgust.
"They shoot flames out of their arse! I've had quite enough bad experiences with fire in my lifetime thankyouverymuch. So have you." He raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me referring to the fyrefiend incident last year.
"Hm, perhaps you're right."
"Aww! Can we get a Pygmy Puff? Please?" Draco dragged me over to the cages where the baby balls of fuzz were kept. Draco looked from the cages to me with the biggest puppy-dog-eyes I'd ever seen.
"You surprise me every single day, you know that?" He looked confused. Again, I rolled my eyes at the cute little blonde in front of me. "I never in a million years thought you'd be gay, never mind this gay!" I laughed at Draco Malfoy asking his boyfriend for a pink ball of fluff and pouting in frustration. "You're so cute." I said and kissed him chastely on his pouty lips.
"Do not call me cute, Potter." He ground out through gritted teeth. This just made him look even more adorable. I choked back the laughter that was about to erupt from my mouth and turned to find another animal we could get.
"What about these?" Draco and I turned to see the shopkeeper stood next to a large metal cage hanging from the ceiling behind the till. It held 4 beautifully bright birds. "They're called Fwoopers. Very pretty, striking creatures. They lay patterned eggs and you can use their discarded feathers as quills." The shopkeeper supplied helpfully. They were each a different colour: pink, green, yellow and orange; and all equally brilliant.
"I like them." I said to Draco as I saw him admiring their lovely long tail feathers. His face lit up and he hugged me tightly. "I take it you like them too?" He looked at me, wide eyes and a huge grin, nodding like an excited toddler. "Alright then, we'll take one please." I said to the shopkeeper.
"That's wonderful. We'll have to go through the care plan, the license documents and that'll be 250 galleons please." She smiled brightly. Draco's face dropped.
"We can't afford that, Harry."
"I can. What colour do you want?" Draco looked at me, contemplating for a moment then sighed.
"You choose."
"Alright then, we'll take the green one please." I could see Draco's small smile out of the corner of my eyes, it was obvious that's the one he wanted.
After I'd filled out all the paperwork and been told that we have to reinforce a silencing charm on the bird every month or we'll go insane, we met up with the others outside the shop. Our new pets will be sent straight to Hogwarts.
"Well that took far too long. I'm hungry." Ron stated.
"You're always hungry, Ronald." Hermione snapped at him. Pansy gave her a look, like they knew something we didn't. "Let's just get the floo network back." Her and Pansy started walking down the street leaving everyone to wonder what had gotten into them.

We arrived back in the common room through the fireplace and there sat our newest arrivals: a Fwooper, an Augurey and a Fire Crab. We all took them to our rooms to get them settled in along with the habitats we bought for them. For our Fwooper we bought him a tree-like structure surrounded in a protective charm, rather than a cage.
"What are we going to name him?" Draco asked whilst stroking the little bird sat on his hand. "I like Albert or Jeffrey, what do you think little guy?" He used a baby voice for the last part. A giggle slipped past my lips and the blond glared at me. "Well what do you want to call him?"
"Well he ain't an old man. How about Twiglet?" He looked back at the bird and mulled it over.
"Hm, Twiglet. Twiglet. I like it. You like it too don't you little Twiglet." I walked over and patted both of them on the head. There was a tapping at the window, an owl carrying a letter. Draco placed Twiglet back in his bubble and opened the window to let the owl in.
"Isn't that McGonagall's owl?" I asked, giving the bird a treat. Draco took the letter, addressed to him and opened it.
"It is," he read through the letter quickly. "She's requested I see her in her office, it's urgent."
"Wonder what it's about." We both shrugged and Draco readied himself to go to the Headmistress' office.

A/N the photo below is of the pets they bought: Fwooper, Augurey, Fire Crab

A/N the photo below is of the pets they bought: Fwooper, Augurey, Fire Crab

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