Christmas Break

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A/N 300 reads thank you sooooo much!
I love you all my lovelies!

Harry POV

The past few weeks leading up to Christmas break have been good-ish. Well they've been better, Draco is slowly eating more every meal, Hermione and Pansy have been able to get to know each other on a relationship level and I've been happier because I've been with the people I love. It had been difficult mind you, without Ron I mean. Whenever we decide to do something I always go to say 'Ron will love that' it's like being in a long term relationship and suddenly it's over; you're still so used to them being there when it's so freshly over. I've tried to get to know Pansy a bit better. She's not so scary when you get to know her, she's such a kitty-cat and completely obsessed with unicorns. I can see now why Draco gets on with her so well, behind all those snide remarks and masks, they are very similar.
We decided to take advantage of our last trip to Hogsmeade before everyone left for the Christmas break. Me and Hermione are going together and Draco will take Pansy; just so we don't end up seeing what we get each other.
"Have you decided what you're going to get Draco yet?" Hermione asked as we walked through the snowy streets of Hogsmeade.
"No idea, what do you get the boy that has everything?" I replied with a laugh and shoved my hands into my pockets, hoping it would warm them slightly.
"Well, he doesn't have everything anymore Harry. The ministry took pretty much everything. All he has left is his Mother, his clothes and you. I don't think you'll need to go as flashy as you think you do. Think thoughtful instead." She suggested, patting my shoulder as my confused expression deepened.
"Thanks. That really helps." I deadpanned.
"You know what I mean, don't go thinking you need to buy him hundreds of galleons worth of jewellery, he'd be over the moon with a photo of the both of you showing him how much he means to you." I made a noncommittal noise and turned the conversation onto her and Pansy.
"Are you getting Pansy anything?"
"Of course, when we were talking over the summer she mentioned a stuffed horse that her brother used to have. She'd bought it for him the day he was born. Absolutely loved it, called it his 'lil lunicorn'. Anyway, she said that they tried to look for it after he'd died but couldn't find it anywhere. I'm going to get her one just like it."
"To replace it?"
"No, stupid. To remind her of him and the happy memories they share. It's meaningful." She narrowed her eyes at me and I held my hands up defensively.
"It's a great idea, she'll love it. Now, help me with what to get Draco..."

Draco POV

Harry, Pansy, Hermione and I have made a pact to all stay here for the holiday this year. Hermione' parents are still in Australia and have no idea who she is so that's not going to happen; she would've spent it at the Burrow with the weasels but that's a huge no no now. Pansy can't face being home for Christmas without her brother so her plan always was to stay here, it just so happens that she won't be lonely now. Harry can't stand the sight of Grimauld Place even though it is his home so he's here. And then there's me. Mother didn't want me to come home - as much she'd have liked to have seen me, especially for Christmas. She told me I needed to be here, with my new life. This came about when I finally plucked up the courage to tell her about Harry and I. She had guessed that something was going on, apparently I never sent one letter that didn't mention him at least twice. She's happy for me, which is a massive weight off of my shoulders and Harry is happy that she's accepted him too. Although, he was looking forward to seeing her he's glad I sided with everyone else on this one - he's not quite ready to face the Manor just yet. It'll be the four of us for Christmas, I'm actually looking forward to it. For the first time in years I can spend Christmas surrounded by the people I love.
"Draco, would you please listen to me?!" Pansy screeched, apparently I had been daydreaming whilst she'd rambled on about the millions of ideas she has for presents for Hermione. I haven't even thought of one gift for Harry yet. That's why we're in Hogsmeade looking through every single shelf in every single shop we see. I've seen a few things I think he'd like but what do you get the chosen one for Christmas?
"Oh darling would you stop worrying," she said as I scowl at the shop window seeing nothing but tat that is no where near good enough for my golden boy. "It's only Harry, you know his past, he'd probably be happy with a really good shag." She smirked and then glared at the elderly lady that gasped and tutted at her crude words. I giggled behind my scarf until the women had walked away.
"That's the point though. I know his past, he had years and years of shitty Christmases with shitty presents. I feel like I need to get him something great, other than my really good shags." I smirked.

Hermione POV

"Well that was overly traumatic." I sighed as we got back to the common room with our newly purchased gifts and a much worse opinion of Ronald. Harry had just found the most beautiful ornament for Draco - a wolf carved from emerald; he was just asking the man behind the counter to wrap it up for him when Ron came from nowhere and started on the both of us. The things he said, I could barely believe it was him, it was horrible to watch. Harry just stood there and took it with the whole shop there as witnesses. Harry came off wonderfully, it was quite surprising really, the amount of support after Ron had left was outstanding. Witches and wizards of all ages were coming up to him and congratulating him on his relationship, his new found sexuality and showing support. It really did show how far the wizarding world has come in the past few years, well most of it anyway.
"Yeah well at least I'm not alone. Everyone who saw it now hates Ron and they all support Draco and I. Could've gone a lot worse." I made a noise in agreement and closed my eyes, reveling in the peace. From tomorrow this is what it's going to be like for 3 weeks - it's only the four of us staying behind out of the eighth years, I'm definitely looking forward to it being just us.

Pansy POV

We sat down at a booth in the far corner of the Hogs Head. Feeling the warmth hit my cheeks I decided to take off my hat and gloves, leaving my scarf to hug my neck. One of the 5th years that works here brought over our butterbeers and gave us both a nervous look. A Hufflepuff, bless him. Draco wasn't helping, he was giving the poor bugger death stares.
"I thought you were in a good mood." I whispered to him once the scared little boy had gone. Draco smirked at me.
"I am Pans, you know I love to mess with people. Besides I have a reputation to uphold." He finished with a rise of his chin. I shook my head and took a swig of my beer, hiding the smile that grew at just how perfectly Draco that was. I played with the gift box that contained my gift to Hermione.
"Are you not bothered that you won't actually have anything physical to give Harry?" I asked whilst running the ribbon through my fingers.
"I do. It's big. Just because he won't have it in the morning doesn't mean I don't have anything to give him. Hermione doesn't get hers straight away." He argued raising an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes.
"You have a point. They'll both love us all the same - oh shit."
"What? Pansy what is it?" He tried to shake me but my eyes were fixed on the traitorous being that just walked through the door. Draco turned and followed my gaze spotting the Italian oaf scanning the pub for a quiet place to sit. His eyes landed on us, narrowed then relaxed. He sauntered over with purpose and moved a seat over from the table next to us so he could sit down with us. He nodded to each of us and we returned the gesture, when he looked down to undo his coat buttons Draco and I exchanged a cautious look.
"So, how've you two been?" He started casually taking Draco's tankard and gulping some butterbeer down.
"Alright." Draco said shortly. Blaise nodded and continued.
"Not with the Gryffindors today I see? Finally got some sense and ditched them have you?" I know he only said it to provoke us, but it bloody worked. I could see Draco tense out of the corner of my eye.
"No actually we were just out buying there Christmas presents." I repliedfar too cheerily before Draco could say what he really wanted to.
"Shame, I miss it being the three of us. Things were better before they came into our life's. We understood each other." Blaise gave me a knowing look.
"Maybe if you didn't want me to run to someone else you'd have taken better care of me." I snapped.
"Is that what you did? Ran to the Gryffindor whore?" I stood up, furious.
"Don't you dare talk about Hermione like that! You have no idea what we have! No idea what she means to me! Our relationship is far better than anything I've ever had!" His eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. Shit. A small, evil smile grew on Zabini's face and Draco's head dropped slightly. I shouldn't have said that. He stood slowly and nodded to us again.
"Well, that's all I needed to hear. You have yourselves a good Christmas." He smirked once more and turned heading for the door. Oh Pansy what have you and your big mouth done now?

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