The Great Hall

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A/N I just hit double figures in reads!!! I'm so excited rn!! I know it only seems small but to me that huge! This is my first ever attempt at writing or publishing anything so thank you so much to my readers I love you all so much!! Xx

Draco POV

The doors to the great hall swing open. There sat 4 tables of nosy little mouth-gaping, wide-eyed on lookers waiting to get a peek of the hero, the death eater and all of the other eighth years. There had been talk of Harry and I becoming friends on the train, as Finnigan so kindly pointed out, so naturally the great hall was full of chatter about all sorts of made up shite.
Potter stepped up beside me, he could see that this was about to get too much so he did something quite unexpected, he leaned in to me, so no one else could hear, and said
"Let's have some fun with this shall we and give them something to look at?" He drew himself up to his proper height and started walking toward the eighth year table at the front of the hall. He had me by my wrist so it looked like we were holding hands. United. Oh, he definitely was supposed to be put into Slytherin. The hero and a death eater walking side by side in the very place they once fought? Now that is a show. Whispers erupted all around us but I actually didn't care. For once in my insignificant little life, I didn't care what anyone thought. Harry's presence; the way he held himself; the way he didn't care, made me not care. We took our seats, next to each other, and the rest soon followed. We received some odd looks from our friends but Granger had an odd smile on her face like she knew something we didn't.
McGonagall took her place in front of the school, raised her hands and the sea of frenzied voices stilled.
"This year brings us something very special. Not only the return of some of our elder students, not only the defeat of the dark lord but a promise; a promise of a new beginning with no lingering threat hanging over the school. So this year, study as hard as always but do enjoy this. With welcoming back the eighth years I'm sure you've noticed some familiar faces. I asked you all not to bother them, they have returned to complete their studies as the war made it rather difficult for them to be here during their seventh year. So please no bothering. Now I shall let you enjoy this wonderful feast!" She clapped her hands together and the tables filled with food. It all looked glorious; much more extravagant than usual, a celebration of the war ending maybe. Delicious as it all looked I couldn't face any of it. Weasley already had a rather large mound that he was digging into; the others were helping themselves with it all and chatting away, excited to be back at one of Hogwarts legendary feasts. I, on the other hand, have not been eating well at all. I have too much to worry about to think about eating. So I don't. Granger notices I don't have anything on my plate and gives a worried look.
"Just not hungry is all." I gave her a short smile. I don't think she bought it but she didn't press anything. To stop other people from noticing I added a few potatoes to my empty plate along with a duck leg. Time went on and I joined in with Harry and Weasley's conversation when it turned to quidditch; much to the weasel's dismay. It turns out the eighth years are allowed to try out for the teams. Quidditch could be fun but I'd have to get my strength up again. Just then, McGonagall came over and pulled Harry and I to one side to give us the location and password to our new common room. It's in an old part of the upper castle but it's been renovated just for us. We led the others back to the common room and said the password so the rest could hear it.
"Buttered Lemons" Harry stated clearly and the frame of Merlin swung open to let us through, bidding us all goodnight as we entered.
It's quite large for the amount of people that will be living in it. Plenty of room to sit around the fire with a coffee table in the centre; a dinning room table I'm guessing to be used as a desk. It has been decorated quite well, all a royal purple to symbolise that we are one house now. There lay a note on the coffee table addressed to us all. It read:

"Dear all eighth year students,
I do hope that you like your new living area.
Now, about the sleeping arrangements. They are still to be boys with boys and girls with girls. There will be two students per room and we have chosen who is to be in each room. We have chosen pairs based on a number of things: previous house allegiances have not been a factor. You will find your name on the door of your bedroom.
If there are any problems with the sleeping arrangements please work them out between yourselves in an adult and civilized manor. We have all been through much worse.
Sleep well.
Professor McGonagall"

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