Watching the Sunrise

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A/N Smut warning my lovelies xx

Draco POV

"It's time." I said, looking at Harry's Tempus. After a very uncomfortable breakfast, Harry had walked me down to the lake to watch the sunrise on the day of my Father's execution. Hermione, Pansy and Ginny came too, just to get away from the table of hatefulness that we left behind. What a mess we'd made. Harry stood behind me, arms around my waist and chin resting on my shoulder. It was the end of November now so it would be bloody freezing without Harry's constant wandless warming charm, the smug git. As the sun began to rise over the mountains in the distance, I thought back to the conversation I'd had with my Father last night. Oh how vile I'd been to him in the last conversation I'll ever have with the man. At least I got some stuff off of my chest, all that pent up anger and resentment finally let free. Harry's grip around me tightened as the sun rose higher. I took a deep breath in, mentally saying my final goodbye to my Father. The sun was completely round now, a beautiful red and orange hue surrounding the orb above the far away mountains.
"It's done." I brushed away a stray tear and walked away, pushing Harry's comforting arms away from me. I know he's only trying to comfort me but he's far too touchy-feely for me to be nice to him right now. I could really do with being alone or I will end up lashing out at him, I don't want to but that's who I am. Closer to the castle stood the girls, watching worriedly. I walked up to them and shook my head slightly signalling that I wasn't in the mood to talk. They nodded in understanding and walked me up to the common room once Harry had caught up.

"I think I need to catch up on sleep. It's been a long night." I said as I clambered into bed and turned out the lights. I didn't allow time for him to reply before I'd closed my eyes and tried to fall into a much needed sleep. I was rudely interrupted by someone clambering onto the bed with me and scooping me up into his clumsy arms.
"Stop. Just don't," I turned around in his arms to face him and placed desperate kisses along his collarbone. "I need you." He seemed to understand my plea, he rolled me over onto my back and started returning my kisses, all passion and desire and need. My hands ran up into his hair, holding his face to mine. Running his hands up and down my side, making me shiver with delicious pleasure I decided I needed him now. I pushed at his chest, forcing him to sit up and look at me with those intensely green eyes. I grabbed both his hips digging my thumbs in where his thigh meets his body making him cry out in pleasure; in control I started moving underneath him. Feeling him harden as I grind under him spurred me on, I quickened my pace, unrelenting. Hearing Harry's moans of pleasure and knowing I'm the one to pull them from his perfect mouth is everything I need. Dropping his head back, open mouthed he gave me the opportunity to violate his throat; leaving red and purple marks and bites in the exposed flesh. I could feel my orgasm building in the pit of my stomach, I really wanted this to last. This was too good for it to be over so quickly. I stilled, willing my orgasm to sink back down; I greedily dove into Harry's pants and made a fist around his prick pumping him hastily. My efforts were worth it for all the sweet moans that were escaping him; he keened and jutted his hips further into my hand as I teased the tip of his leaking cock. I could tell he was close, we've done this enough times now for me to read his signs; head thrown back, fingers gripping my thighs tightly, lip trapped in between teeth, breathing rapid and short. To help him along I mouthed the words come for me and it was enough to push him over the edge. He grabbed at my t-shirt pushing it up out of the way just in time as he painted my chest and stomach with his seed. His shoulders slumped, spent. Pushing the sweat soaked hair back out of his eyes, he smirked.

"You're turn." He said when he'd caught his breath. He began to travel lower down my body but a long, skinny finger reached out to hold his chin.
"Not so fast, clean me up first." my tone was clipped, heated, full of want. He sat up and attempted to wave a hand over my body, I caught it in mine. "Not like that, baby." His eyebrows knitted together, confused. I ran my tongue along my lower lip and his eyes widened. His eyes darted from my mouth to my come covered body and back again.
"You want me to-" He didn't finish the question, he could see the desire in my eyes, knew that's exactly what I wanted - no - what I needed. He placed his hands either side of my body, lowered his head closer to my stomach and slowly licked a stripe right up me from my navel to my sternum, his eyes never once leaving mine. My eyes flickered closed and I moaned something incoherent. Getting this reaction from me obviously encouraged the raven haired boy- he continued to lick his semen off of my body with such enthusiasm and hast I thought he actually enjoyed it until he crawled his way back up my body and forced my mouth open with his depositing his load in my mouth. I smiled against his lips, he really should've been sorted into Slytherin. He leant back and smirked at me wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Leaving kisses along the way, he made his way back down the same route he just took and stopped at the waistband of my trousers. Licking the edge teasingly he pulled them down achingly slowly; payback for what I just made him do. As my erection sprung forward he took it in hand, fisting the head. His tongue peeked out to tease my slit and lap up the bead of precome that had formed there. My hands shakily reached for his hair, tangling my fingers in it and trying to push his mouth down further onto my straining cock. I felt a sharp pain as teeth grazed my sensitive skin, jerking my hips back and pulling at the raven hair in my fist.
"You git." I hissed through clenched teeth. He grinned and kissed the area lovingly to make it better. Without warning, Harry closed his lips around me and sucked me deeper and deeper into his throat. He held still a moment, steadying himself, getting used to the sensation again then drew back and started a relentless pace. One hand in his hair, my other hand curled around the bed sheet, my knuckles turning white. I could feel my release build again in my stomach; with Harry's incredible sucking, tongue swirling around my head and a hand caressing my balls I wasn't going to last much longer. With one last feel of Harry's throat I emptied myself into him, spasming and groaning in relief. He carefully sat up and waved a hand over us both, cleaning us. Coming to lie behind me, cradling me he kissed the back of my neck and held me tightly.
"That was, well, wow" he breathed into my ear. I chuckled and then suddenly felt sad. Why had I done that? Why had I needed that so badly? I shouldn't have been feeling like that, my Father had just been executed for fuck sake! I couldn't help it, what's wrong with me? Before I could stop it, tears were streaming down my face hot and fast.

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