Through the Snow

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Draco PoV

We lay still for a very long time. Just listening to sound of each other breathing. I ran my hand through Harry's hair loving the feel of the soft strands through my fingers. I have no idea how long Harry has been in love with me but me? I've loved him since the moment I met him in madam Malkins all those years ago. Maybe even before then; as a child I'd grown up with hearing stories of the great Harry Potter who unwillingly stopped the Dark Lord. My parents always told me that when Harry returned to the Wizarding world, he'd be all for the Dark Lord coming back, he'd start it all.

I always made up stories of how we'd become the best of friends in Slytherin and how we'd bring back the Dark Lord together. Then of course I met him and made an absolute part of myself. He turned out not to be the boy everyone thought he would be; he turned out to be so much better than that. Kind and brave and so unbelievably unpredictable. And we ended up together anyway, after a lot of shit I must admit but we're there, in bed together, telling each other we love each other on Christmas Day.

Snow trickled softly to the ground around us as we walked hand in hand back to Hogwarts. It was perfect. The best Christmas ever. I unconsciously squeezed the gloved hand in mine. Harry turned to look at me with a gorgeous grin splitting his face. The grin turned mischievous. My eyebrows knitted together, confused. Slowly, he let go of my hand and crouched down to the floor. With one last sly look, he'd balled some snow in his hands and threw it straight at my startled face. SMACK. A stinging pain spread through my cheek, turning a colour that would quite easily challenge Weasley's hair. A wicked and revengeful smirk marked my lips. Oh, it was on. All bags and cloaks where thrown to the side, sleeves rolled up, feet already far too soggy; we started making snowballs faster than we could throw them. Harry had cast a wandless charm to spell the snow to ball itself and I had to use one hand for my wand to make them and the other to throw them. An embarrassing amount of times, my snowballs missed the Gryffindor, some were missed by a mile. Every single one of Harry's balls hit me right on target every time. It was infuriating; yet another thing my golden boy could do that I couldn't. With an enlarged amount of points to make up (not that I was keeping track or anything) I charmed the balls to throw themselves. Harry gave a disgruntled 'that's cheating' but I didn't care, just kept the snowballs flying, as relentless as ever. Angered and filled with adrenaline; the raven haired hero ran forwards, straight at me. He lunged forwards as I let out a surprised squeak. The force of the push flew us both into the air and across the snow covered ground a few feet. Laughing and being winded by the fall and having Harry land on top of me, I couldn't breathe. Harry looked to be in the same state. He buried his head into the crook of my neck still falling about with laughter. I managed to catch my breath and was now giggling at the boy above me still finding it all ridiculously hilarious. Suddenly, the laughing stopped and Harry lifted his head giving the most serious look I've ever seen come from the boy. I looked back; deep into those emerald eyes, searching for anything that might tell me what suddenly made him so serious. Giving nothing away, he opened his mouth to speak-

"Move in with me."

It wasn't a question. I'd have thought he was joking if he wasn't looking scarily serious.

"What?" Was the only thing I could say.

"Move in with me, Draco." Still I looked at him rather blankly. My mouth opened and closed of its own accord but no sound came out. It was as if someone had hit me with a paralysis jinx. His face turned to a more worried look. Being silent for some time must look like a bad sign from his point of view. Just as it looked as if there was no chance of me ever speaking again, I spoke.

"Yes." I managed in the tiniest of voices. If it wasn't so deadly silent out here all alone he probably wouldn't of heard me. For a little while I thought he hadn't; he didn't move or acknowledge my response in any way. Impatient I nudged the boys shoulder. Not difference. Trying again, this time I snapped my fingers right in front of his still face. Still nothing. With a huff of annoyance I raised my hand to slap him straight across the face; as expected, he grabbed my wrist. What was rather unexpected however was that he pulled me into a rushed and heavy kiss. His tongue danced in harmony with mine. Our lips locked together like if we parted, we'd die. One of my hands (the one not supporting me) found its way into a mess of dark hair and gripped on for dear life. Harry reciprocated and his hand fell to my neck, holding my nape so I couldn't pull away. Eventually though, we needed to breath. We parted, but only slightly, both reluctant to stop the kiss but both needed air to survive. I kissed him softly on the lips and smiled. He'd asked me to move in. He actually asked me to move in! I couldn't believe it. This brilliant boy, the saviour of the world asked me to move in with him. I could hardly contain my glee. Smiling back, a smile as equally overjoyed, Harry got himself up then held his hands out to help me up off of the now soggy floor. As we talked I gazed at my love, stared really. I couldn't help myself, I was taking in every bit of him. Those perfectly sculpted lips. The lines around his eyes and forehead showing all of the stress he'd had to face in his short life. His scar, so famous it's legendary. His eyes of course, the most eye catching part of his face but not my favourite. My favourite part of him was his hair; it summed up how unruly and unpredictable he was, how perfectly Harry he was.

"Draco?" He pulled me from my appreciation of his face with a concerned look.

"Hmm?" I asked, still in a loved up daze.

"You're staring." He pointed out quite unnecessarily.

"I am." He rolled his eyes and carried on forwards again, trying to ignore the fact that I was still ogling the shy boy. "I love you, Harry Potter." He turned to face me again at that and smiled warmly.

"I love you too, Draco Malfoy."

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