The Kiss

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A/N Just a little warning, starts to get a bit angsty from here.

I reached 100 reads!!!!! Thank you all sooooooo much!!! I love you all!!

Draco POV

I walked up the corridor to the Headmistress' office with my back straight and my head held high; whatever this is about cannot be good but I will be dignified about it. Maybe it's about me and Harry, perhaps she found out? Or maybe she wants me to go undercover in my wolf form around Hogwarts, that would actually be pretty fun, it won't be that. I made it to the office door and knocked confidently, whatever this is about it can't be as bad as my trial, can it? The door opened and I stepped inside. There stood Professor McGonagall and, much to my surprise, my Mother. They both carried concerned expressions and I suddenly couldn't breath.
"Mother, what's this about?" I went to her and hugged her tightly, it's only been a month or so since I saw her last but I've missed her greatly.
"We have to talk, Draco dear." She looked older, stress had etched more lined onto her face. This is much worse than I feared.
"Lets sit shall we?" McGonagall led us to her desk where me and Mother sat in front of the Professor. Mother took my hand and gave me a small, fake smile. "Mr Malfoy, I'm guessing you have a lot of questions?" I raised an eyebrow at her sarcastically. "Well, I'll just say it. We have been informed that your Father will be given the Dementors' Kiss." I felt my Mother's hand squeeze my own. "It seems that with new evidence being provided by ongoing trials, he has now been sentenced with more than he was at his original trial. They now have enough evidence to execute him." McGonagall was looking at me with sorrow and pity in her eyes.
"When?" Was all I cared to say.
"One week from today." Mother spoke, her voice rough.
"And how are you dealing with this?" I turned to ask the women who raised me.
"Draco, dear, I lost your Father a long time ago, he's not the same man he once was. I made my peace with that many years ago." She didn't look saddened by what she said but I knew that saying it to her son must've been hard. I nodded, knowing how Father had changed over the years. He was a caring person, Father, husband once. That man is already dead. I feel no love for the man rotting in a cell, so why does my heart ache? I stood, kissed my Mother goodbye and thanked the professor for giving me the news and allowing my Mother to be there. I walked out the same way I'd walked in; back straight and head held high.

I walked through the corridors of the school absentmindedly; hands in my pockets and looking at my feet. My Father is going to executed. What am I supposed to do with that? I know he's a bad person, hell, he treated me like shit, but do I want him dead? I know what he did during the war, even before the war; what he did to Harry. But he's still my Father. I need to get away. I did the first thing that I could think of; I transformed into my wolf form and started running towards the Forbidden Forest. That should give me a good distraction for a while. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, feeling the cold autumn air in my fur. I reached the forest's edge and slowed to a trot, it had started to get dark and fog was swirling around the trees. I looked back at the castle, maybe I should just go and find Harry? No, he hates my Father more than I do, he won't be very helpful right now. My ears instinctively flicked round at any noise, my senses so much better in this form. I could feel the damp moss and twigs under the pads of my paws and the cold brushing against my sides as I edged my way into the forest. I could hear the sounds of owls high in the trees above me and the faint sound of other wolves in the distance. I carried on cautiously, although I look like a wolf the other creatures would be able to tell this isn't my true form. I found a seemingly quiet opening with a small lake and decided to lie a while. Just as I was about to fall asleep my ears pricked up; the water in the lake was moving. Little ripples appeared at the surface of water, getting closer to me. The fur all over my body was stood on end, my tail was between my legs and I was ready to run. The ripples got larger until a large, black, scaled body slithering up out of the water. I heard it's hiss, it's body moving through the water; this thing was huge. A Horned Serpent. Shit. I lay as still as I could, trying to steady my pounding heart so I could use the element of surprise. That's the only way I can get away from this thing alive. Horned Serpents are very vicious beasts; they are very valuable to the wizarding world so they learn to defend themselves from a very early age. The snake was fully out of the water now and lowered its ugly head to taste if I was still alive and a threat. I took my chance. I lept up off the ground and launched myself at the serpent's throat. I gripped on with all my strength tearing the fleshy part of the snake's underbelly. The serpent cried out in pain, a horrid piercing screech. A dark blue blood covered me as the snake emitted a low sound coming from it's belly, signalling danger. I hope to god there aren't more of these things. I let go, the serpent jabbed at me with its teeth and missed. I stood my ground until it went for me again, this time I was more prepared. I sunk my teeth into the gash I'd made before and pulled hard. The serpent was down. I fell to the floor exhausted. I examined the limp body of the 12 foot snake in front of me and a blue jewel in its head catches my eye. Well, he won't be needing it anymore.

Harry POV

"Where on earth is he?!" I was pacing back and forth in the common room in front of the fire. A worried Pansy and Hermione tried to calm me but they were just as bad. "McGonagall said they were done talking hours ago, where did he go?" Blaise stood in the corner, arms crossed, looking concerned; he'd looked for him everywhere and still couldn't find him. We'd looked down by the lake, even the dungeons, he wasn't anywhere.
"He'll show up mate, he has to be somewhere." Ron tried to console me. Just the the door opened.
"Who'll show up?" Draco asked with a smirk on his face. I ran over and threw my arms around his neck then stood back to grill him about where he'd been. I looked him up and down and saw the state he was in; hair all in disarray, covered from head to toe in blue gunk and bruises and a blue gem peeked out from his clutched hand.

"What in Merlin's name happened to you?!" I shout-asked.
"It's a long story, I really need a shower." I sniffed the air around him a stood back in agreement.
"Darling, you are not going anywhere until you tell us everything!" Pansy came over and pulled him to one of the armchairs. We all looked at him expectantly. After he'd told us everything that had happened I didn't know whether to hug him for what he'd gone through or slap him for being so stupid as to go into the forbidden forest alone in the first place.
"So you're an animagus?" Blaise asked to clarify.
"Yup. You guys are pretty much the only people who know too, except for the ministry." Draco responded, silently asking everyone to keep it to themselves.

"Of course Draco, we won't tell anyone." Hermione said, reading his mind.

"Can we see?" Ron asked, looking like an excited 3 year old. Draco giggled and shrugged. He closed his eyes and transformed once again into the magnificent Arctic Wolf, only now he was covered in blue serpent blood. Everyone was amazed at how he could do it. It's not an easy thing to learn to do. It is impressive. Draco changed back and insisted he took a shower, this time no one stopped him. As it was getting late anyway we all said goodnight and retired to our rooms.

"That's much better, although I think there's still some up my nose." Draco said, scrunching his face in that cute way. I laughed and invited him to come lie on my lap. I began stroking his still-wet hair.
"Do you want to talk about your Father?" He shook his head then nodded.
"I don't know." He sighed and put his arm over his eyes.
"That's alright, you're still processing. You didn't have to run away though. You can always come to me you know?"
"I know," he looked up at me with big grey eyes, "but I thought you'd make me talk about it and I have no idea what I want to do about it all yet." I frowned at that.
"I wouldn't have made you talk if you didn't want to. You didn't have to go pick a fight with a Horned Serpent just to avoid talking to me." Draco laughed at that, a soft, throaty sound. "I want you to know, whatever you decide to do, I'll be here for you." He smiled and rolled his eyes, probably thinking about how sappy that sounded; then fell into a much needed sleep.


"Poor Draco." Blaise said to himself as we got into our room.
"Poor Draco? Isn't Lucius the one about to die? And no way am I giving him any sympathy." I replied getting into my cozy bed.
"Really? I'm not saying Poor Draco because because of that. He's obviously bothered about it and can't say anything because he doesn't know what to say or do because the man was a shit to him, his Mother's made her peace with it so he can't talk to her and Draco's too afraid that we won't understand so won't even try talking to us." Blaise let out a deep breath.
"Bloody hell! You and Hermione would get on like a house on fire I think. You really think he's that bothered? Even after how he was treated?" I asked.
"He's his Father." He said plainly, turning the light off and going to sleep. I wonder how I'd feel if I was ever in this situation. Then again my dad would never be as much of a lunatic as Malfoy ever was. Surely Draco can't be feeling all that though. No one can feel all that at once, they'd explode.

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