Help Ron?

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Third Person

Back in the young couple's rooms, both had managed to get themselves into a right state.

"I can't believe it!" Harry whined as he paced up and down the length of their bedroom.

"He's been taken! My baby Twiggy has been stolen from me!" Draco worried, hyperventilating and rocking back and forth in the leather green armchair.

"I have to work with that imbecile! I can't believe you put Hagrid up to this!"

"My poor poor lil Twiglet, all alone and without his mummy..." Draco digging himself deeper into a pit of depression.

"What am I supposed to do? I know for a fact that he's not going to apologise for his actions..."

"We'll just have to use our motherly instincts to find him."

"I'm not talking to him until he apologises to me."

"It'll be alright." They both said simultaneously and finally looked up at each other. Neither had been listening to the other, they each managed to sort them selves out. It had gotten easier for Harry to only depend on himself since the war, what with Ron and Hermione spending all their time together without him. Draco had always had to depend on himself really, he was used to it by now.


Back in the green of the forbidden forest, they sat in their fours. Most of the groups were getting along just fine, however there was one group in particular that was obviously surrounded in a bubble of thick tension.

"So erm," Draco started, trying to make something productive happen so he could find Twiglet as fast as possible. "Twiggy loves the heat and sunshine and lots of dry, dusty, wood. He loves it when you give him live worms and he hates anything wet or cold. Whenever it's raining outside he likes to be cuddled for warmth." Both Blaise and Ron looked at the blonde with amused confusion. "We're supposed to be sharing what the other creature likes so we can find them!" Draco snapped. "I'm loosing it here!" He was getting more antsy by the second. Blaise rolled his eyes.

"We'll, Hook likes-"

"Hook?" Harry spoke for the first time since he woke up that morning, choosing to ignore Draco completely, claiming that this was all his doing.

"Yes. Hook. Like Captain Hook. That's his name." Harry held his hands up in defence, showing it was simply just a question. "Hook, likes very green areas, lots of water, hates human touch. So the complete opposite of Twiggy."

"Great, so we may as well split up into two groups then." Harry said rather pleased that he had been presented with an excuse to get away from the uncomfortable social position he'd been put in. He stood quickly but Draco grabbed his wrist firmly and gave a sharp tug, effectively pinning him back down. Draco gave him a very pointed look.

"No, this just means that we'll have to work harder to find them. That's probably the point of the project- it's not supposed to be easy." Draco snapped, still having a very tight hold of Harry - just in case he decided to bolt. "We need to devise a plan. That's all. Zabini, you and I will start on the plan. Harry, you and Weasley will make friends again."

Harry opening his mouth to object but Draco had already jumped to his feet and had scrambled out of reach. With a scowl etched onto his face, he turned to the redheaded 'traitor'. Ron was looking down at the grass beneath them, picking it up and throwing it back down in a strop as the grass itself screamed in pain. With a loud huff of surrender and a deep breath to ready himself, Ron looked up at his ex-bestfriend.

"So, er, Blaise told me about Hermione and Parkinson." This peaked Harry's interest immediately.

"Oh yeah? What'de say?" Harry asked sulkily.

"Only that they're a 'thing' now and that they seem happy," he said with a shrug. "Oh yeah he also mentioned that they're picking up each other's habits." Harry had to laugh at that, he was thinking about they both gave him the same scowl whenever he couldn't be bothered revising.

"Yeah, they're practically the same person now." he replied, still chuckling. Ron returned his smile, although it wasn't meant for him.

"Oh Merlin, look!" Ron pointed to the furthest group of four. Two unfortunate members of the group were being bossed about by the couple in question. Both girls wore the exact same expression (Harry and Ron had seen it for years whenever Hermione had planned anything) the other two members of the group looked terrified, annoyed and bored all at the same time. Harry and Ron fell about laughing, remembering when they were in that situation and thanking the Gods that they weren't now.

From a little ways off, Draco and Blaise were watching the whole thing and smiling to themselves. They had secretly made friends a few days ago and decided that they'd had enough of Harry and Ron whining about the other; they had planned the whole thing. Obviously they couldn't have known it would happen like this, but they knew that if they were alone together for long enough, with their history, they'd find something to talk about.

Harry pointed out to Ron that as Hermione and Pansy were arguing between themselves about which way to travel would be fastest and most efficient, the rest of the group had slunk off on their own. This set off a whole new wave of raucous laughter between the two old friends. Through the gasps and chokes for air, Harry presented Ron with his hand. All laughing stopped. Ron looked from the hand to Harry and back again.

"You mean it?" Ron asked, still hiccoughing from all the giggling.

"Yeah, I mean, I really miss my brother." Harry half smiled, wondering how the redhead would react. Ron's eyes widened and started to glisten with wet tears. He dove past the outstretched hand and grabbed Harry in a tight hug. Both of them smiled brightly and silently thanked the Gods that it was finally all over, they were friends again.

4 Months Later (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now