The Hogwarts Express

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A/N Ahhh ok so please let me know what you think so far I have a few ideas for where I want this to go so hopefully I can make that go where I want it to! Xx

So my beta hasn't had chance to amend this yet but I reallllly just wanted to get it out there so if there's a few mistakes, apologies, I will change it later. Enjoy!! :) 

Draco POV

Blaise had finally found us when I happened to be the centre of a large crowd. I was now walking with Pansy, Potter, Granger, Weasley and Weaselette. It felt strange walking down the Hogwarts Express again after thinking it was my last time in my 6th year. Now we're back as 8th years. Pans and Granger were in front of Potter and I and looked very familiar with each other. They were deep in conversation; Granger looked very animated and Pansy was actually listening, not even pretending! I glanced over at Potter who had the same look as I did, he shrugged his shoulders at me and we carried on walking in suspicious silence until we found a compartment.

Harry POV

Ginny looked quite uncomfortable having the Slytherins in the compartment with us. There were quite a lot of us so we were all squashed together. At least Zabini looked equally as uncomfortable. The compartment had an awkward tension that built with the silence and I could see it was bothering Malfoy. The girls started chatting away idly again and Ginny rested her head against the window to sleep.

"What happened back there?" I asked whilst seemingly no one else was listening. He sighed and rolled his head in my direction. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes he started.
"I can't be in large crowds anymore. It used to be that I couldn't be in small gatherings; it just reminded me of all those meetings in the manor with the Dark Lord," he whispered the last part, ashamed. "but after being in the battle, seeing all those people, I just can't bare the thought of being surrounded by a crowd. I feel like anyone could be in the crowd hiding, watching me and I wouldn't know. I guess it also has to do with when I went into hiding after the battle, constantly paranoid that the death eaters would find me, not knowing if they were there," he looked down, confused and almost embarrassed. "I don't know why I'm telling you this."
"Because I asked you. Has anyone asked how you're doing?" his head snapped up to look at me then, his eyebrows knitted together deep in thought.
"No, actually," his shoulders sagged slightly and there was no sign of the Malfoy that I used to know. "Except for my mother but I've never told her any of this, I don't want to worry her," he gave me a sad smile and I decided to leave it there. He's been drained enough for one day without having to spill his guts to his arch nemesis. Ex arch nemesis.
"I suppose seeing as you just opened up to me, I guess I owe you a piece of my life. Ask me anything." I'll probably regret this but it's the least I can do.
"Alright then, tell me something that I really wouldn't expect from you."
"Hm, okay, that's a tricky one." I tapped my chin with my index finger. "Alright I've got it. I was supposed to be sorted into Slytherin." I finished with my chin up and a cunning grin.
"You have got to be joking!" The pale blond next to me could barely contain his amusement. His eyes wide; rocking from side to side in a side splitting laugh. Well the idea can't be that funny, can it?
"Nope, go ask the sorting hat yourself!" We chuckled together for a moment before it fell silent between us again. It wasn't an awkward silence this time, it was contentment.
I looked around the carriage to find Ginny fast asleep and snoring only to drowned out by her brother smothering her and sounding like a baby elephant. Blaise sat opposite them reading a worn book that looked as though it had been passed down through the generations; probably a family heirloom. Pansy and Hermione sat beside him chattering wildly opposite myself and Malfoy.

"So what do you think is going on there then" I asked Malfoy gesturing to Hermione and her seemingly new best friend. A smile pulled at the left side of his mouth.
"She did tell me a couple of months ago that she had made a new and unexpected friendship. I really wasn't expecting this though," he looked from one gabby girl to the other. "You didn't know about this?"
"I've kind of been on my own since the war ended," I pushed the hair back from out of my eyes, it has gotten so long now it's almost at my shoulders. "The Burrow is a bit crowded now, they're getting ready for a baby, Charlie came back, Hermione is staying there until they find a way to get her parents back. Everyone was grieving Fred, I didn't want to get in the way. I stayed in Grimmauld Place just me and Kreacher." I was talking more to myself than anyone else but I turn to Malfoy to see him listening intently.
"What about Weaselette?" I looked at him puzzled for a moment before he gestured to Ginny.
"Oh, Gin and I broke up not long after the war, I see her more as a sister you know?"
"I imagine it's much like the relationship I have with Pansy, we gave it a go in fourth year, I took her to the Yule ball but we've grown up together so we're more like family." he gave me a soft smile that let me know he empathized with me. I don't this Malfoy but I think I could grow to like him.
"I'm not sure that's the only reason we didn't work out darling," Pansy shot a knowing look at Malfoy and he glared at her in return. He was about to bite back at her when it was announced that we would be arriving at the station shortly so we all readied ourselves. Standing up to stretch my legs I was tugged by my wrist. Looking down to where the hindrance came from I see that it's Malfoy pulling me back. He waited until everyone else had left the carriage before speaking.
"I just wanted to thank you for letting me talk to you earlier, it was gracious of you to listen to my problems, you really are Saint Potter," he had a smirk on his face but he didn't say it with malice. "Honestly I think it helped so thanks, Harry." He left the carriage before I could say a word. He called me Harry. A face splitting smile appeared on my lips along with a pink glow in my cheeks.

Draco POV

Professor McGonagall has allowed the eighth years to walk up to the school from Hogsmead to allow them a quiet moment to themselves before having hundreds of eyes upon them in the great hall. I thought that this would be better for me but with the quiet, I have time to think. I can see the damage of the castle clearly from here. They have started repairs but there is still much to fix. I can't help but know that I played a part in this, and know that everyone will be thinking the same thing. Potter and his entourage are in front - he actually looks excited to be back. I suppose he is the hero here after all; everybody loves him. He has no hideous mark on his arm showing his treachery to the school. We all stop at the front gates and wait for the half-giant to let us through. He reached down to embrace Potter and chuckled telling him how he's missed him. It's a strange kind of unlikely friendship they have. I remember all those 4 months ago when Hagrid carried him back to castle. He looked so tiny and limp. I shiver at the thought and push it down into one of my deepest trunks, locking it away.

We reach the corridor where we first stood in our first year before we entered the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony. Professor Mcgonagall met us there and addressed each of us kindly. There wasn't many of us that came back. Blaise, Pansy and I were the only Slytherins to return. Then from the Gryfindors there are the golden trio obviously, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and a few more that I don't know that names of. Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw there were about 5 of each that have come back but I don't know them by name. The energy was bizarre. We all wanted to be here but the wounds of the war were still fresh for many of us.
"Welcome back students, I know this has been a hard few months for each and every one of you but I hope that you know your teachers are here for you. We have all been through the same ordeal. We have appointed a mind healer specifically for the eighth years  to help you through your troubles whilst you adjust back into school life and complete your final year. This goes without saying, but I hope there will be no trouble this year, from any of you." Her beady eyes drifted from me to Harry.

"From what I heard on the train Professor, you don't need to worry about them fighting this year." Finnigan snickered along with the rest of his house. Bloody hell, news still does travel fast at Hogwarts. I must have been mistaken but I thought I saw the corner of the old battleaxe's mouth twitch.

"Mr Finnigan I think it would be wise to keep ones thought's to ones self given that you will be living with Mr Malfoy now." I smirked at Seamus who, in turn, turned green and gulped; just the reaction I'd hoped for, I've still got it. "As I was saying, I think you would agree when I say that I wish for everyone to get along this year and help each other to strive and get past previous quarrels. We have, after all, been through too much to hold onto grudges. Now, are we ready?" McGonagall  braced herself as she was about to open the door. This is it. Let the judging begin.

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