Christmas Dinner

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A/N if you don't get the reference to Harry spending Christmas with 'an evil snake' 1) shame on you! 2) on Christmas Day last year him and Hermione were in the graveyard at Godric's Hollow when Nagini (as Bathilda Bagshot) came and attacked them.

Harry POV

"We'll I'm stuffed!" I could barely move through Merlin's portrait to get back into the common room. Flopping onto the sofa, I rested my head on Draco's lap, looking up at the blonde and thanking the fact that I have someone to spend Christmas with this year, other than Hermione and an evil snake. 
"Well that was much better than normal breakfast." Draco said trying to stifle a yawn.
"Oh yeah, I forgot this was your first Christmas here. How's it compare to the manor so far?"
"Well it's brighter, my Father isn't here, no god awful ancient Malfoy portraits telling you that you're a disappointment. Plus I got to wake up to you. So, so far it's brilliant." He flashed me a fabulous Draco smile- I've noticed that they have been reserved just for me.
"Well, it might just get better." Pansy said with her famous Slytherin smirk. Hermione sat down beside wearing the exact same look.
"You know it's really scary how you two are basically the same person now." Draco laughed at my remark and the girls grinned at each other.
"You were saying?" Draco brought us back to the conversation at hand.
"Yes, 'Mione and I thought that as our gift to you two, we'd take you out for Christmas dinner in Hogsmead." She finished with an excited look, one that you might find on a 3 year old on Christmas morning. Me and Draco exchanged a look, silently asking each other if it was something we'd like to do. We've gotten quite good at that, communicating with just looks. It freaks the hell out of the girls though, which is just another reason to do it.
"We'd love to!" I beamed at them both and they looked delighted.

"What about this one?" Hermione was holding up a red dress with a high neck and long sleeves, definitely below knee length.
"Absolutely not. Unless you want to let everyone in Hogsmeade know that you're our grandmother." Draco rolled around the bed laughing and Hermione gave us both a stern stare that didn't help her situation.
"Fine. What do you suggest then because I've shown you all the ones I like." Draco took this as his little challenge and sauntered up to her wardrobe eyeing the remaining dresses questioningly. He really does live up to that god awful stereotype of gay people being 'good with fashion'. I'm actually starting to think that he's the reason that it's a stereotype in the first place.
"I found it!" Draco beamed as he turned around holding a little black dress with spaghetti straps and a little bit of an underskirt, making it float out.
"Really? I wore that to a funeral once." Draco looked at me and mouthed funeral looking rather confused as he'd never heard the muggle concept. I shook my head laughing.
"Well I like it! We could definitely spice it up with some brightly coloured jewellery." Both Draco and Hermione looked at me with open mouths at my obviously correct observation- apparently I've been known for my lack of style or dress sense. Perhaps Draco has started to rub off on me.

Pansy POV

"Darling you look gorgeous! I love the dress!" Hermione hugged me and gave a look to the boys that I almost didn't catch.
"Thank you Pans, you look amazing." She beamed at me. I had chosen to wear a dress that showed a bit of cleavage- I know that Hermione is a boob girl. I smiled back and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. The waiter came out to announce that our table was ready and we excitedly headed in.

"Everything looks wonderful! But before we start, I'd like to make a toast," Harry started as the waiter left having brought our main meals. "I was sorta dreading this year, not knowing what it would hold or whether I'd even live through it. But coming back to Hogwarts was the best decision I ever made, I got to make my peace with two brilliant Slytherins and I have been making a bit more than just peace with one of them..." Draco punched him lightly on the shoulder and a blush stained his delicate cheeks. "No, seriously though, this is the best Christmas ever, thank you for spending it with me." He raised his glass and we all followed, shouting a merry "cheers!" as we did.

As we finished our meal, I gave Draco a knowing look, silently telling him that now was the time. He understood what I meant, his cheeks started to tinge red and his eyes grew wide with fear of not knowing how the dark haired boy would react to what was coming. Gathering control of his uncertainty, dread and pure fear, he smoothed down the front of his robes and cleared his throat.

"Everyone, I'm not very good at stuff like this, I don't tend to like showing emotion so easily but I have to say this: Harry Potter is the single most interesting  thing that has ever happened to me - and that's saying quite a bit. This morning after Harry presented me with his gift, he assumed that I hadn't gotten him anything. He was correct - partly - I hadn't gotten him anything to open on Christmas morning. But, Harry, I have gotten you something. You said a few weeks ago that you didn't want to go home for Christmas because you hated how dull and dreary the place was. I thought that, after we finish school- you'll have to live there so," He didn't finish his sentence, he stood up and gestured for us to do the same. We stood with him and he held his hands out to Harry and I, we took them and joined hands with each other, making a little square around the table. With a little smirk, he apparated us out of the restaurant and we landed in an unfamiliar place. Harry could not believe his eyes.

Draco POV

I watched the raven haired boy as he eyed the living room to his house. Open mouthed and completely in shock, he didn't say anything for several minutes.
"Do you like it?" I asked cautiously, I couldn't tell anything from his face. His head snapped back to face me and he grabbed me into a crushing hug.
"You did this?" His voice was muffled against my robes.
"Well, I bought everything, gave plans and colour schemes to Creature and he did all of the work. But yes, I did this." I lifted his head as I spoke, to try and gage his reaction. Still nothing. This was bloody killing me. "What do you think?" I asked, a little snappy and impatient, obviously desperate to know what the Gryffindor was thinking. He grinned at me and planted a loving kiss on my lips - he likes it. I smiled into the kiss and relaxed knowing that he liked his present.
"You told me you hadn't got me anything!" He said with a fake hurt expression. I laughed at him.
"No, actually you said that I hadn't got you anything. I thought it would be fun to go along with it, made it more of a surprise did it not?" I replied with one eyebrow raised and a cheeky smile. He shook his head at me then remembered that he had other rooms in the house. I took him and the girls through every room, pointing out little details here and there. When we got to the bedroom, I had a bit more of a surprise.
"So, I knew that you wouldn't want Sirius' room touched so I left that. You, have the room next door." I saw the anticipation on Harry's face and opened the door. His eyes lit up at the sight of his new bedroom. We'd made it bigger, added an en-suite and a walk in wardrobe; which I had taken the liberty of filling for him. The walls were a shocking gold colour on the main wall and soft burgundy everywhere else. The bathroom had a shower, double sink and toilet as well as a bath big enough to rival the prefect's bath at Hogwarts. The wardrobe was nothing too fancy, I'd left it so he could arrange it how he wanted it to be. The actual bedroom wasn't too big- it didn't need to be due to the separate wardrobe. The only furniture in the bedroom was 2 dark wood bedside tables either side of a king sized 4 poster bed with drapes hanging from all sides and a million throw cushions.
"Erm, we'll meet you back in the common room," Hermione said softly. "You've done a wonderful job Draco." She hugged us both and Pansy did the same congratulating me on keeping this a surprise for so long. They held hands and apparated out of the house leaving Harry and I alone to enjoy each other in Harry's bedroom.

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