Let the Healing Begin

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A/N WARNING triggering subjects discussed in this chapter

Harry POV

I closed the door quietly behind me, not wanting to wake Draco. He finally managed to fall asleep after his meltdown but he still won't talk about it. I flop on the sofa in front of the fire in the common room and notice Hermione and Pansy sat in the armchair holding hands.
"How's he doing?" 'Mione asked concerned for Draco too. I shrugged and rubbed my eyes pushing my glasses up, I've been up for over 24 hours now with no sleep, worrying about Draco, hiding from Aurors, being shouted at by Ron, running away from Ron; a lot has happened in a day and I'm bloody shattered.
"Not great. He's sleeping though." She nodded and looked to Pansy squeezing her hand. "When the hell did this happen." I asked gesturing to the pair of them and trying to rearrange the pillows into some kind of comfortable place to lie.
"Last night actually, right before we were told that you and Draco had disappeared into thin air and no one could find you!" Pansy scowled at me. I held my hands up defensively.
"Please, Pans, I've had enough bollockings for a lifetime already today I don't need it off you too." She continued to glare at me a moment longer then gave up, agreeing. I'm thankful for the positive impact Hermione seems to have had on her, meaning that she's now a hella lot less scary. Hermione patted her arm in comfort, it's nice to see her happy.
"Wait, does Ron know?" I asked, my head snapping forwards. The girls shared a knowing look.
"Well darling, since Ronald turned out to be a complete and utter prick we decided we don't need to tell him. He insulted our friends on multiple occasions, was a horrendous boyfriend to Hermione and has a hideous temper; hence, the not telling him." She gave me her signature Slytherin smirk and I just shook my head. I can't really argue with that.
"Have you spoken to him since, you know?" Hermione asked almost apologetically. I shook my head slowly, thinking.
"No, if he wants to talk he can come to me. I'm not going to forgive him quite so easily. Not after all he's done this time." A tapping at the window stopped my train of thought. An owl. McGonagall's owl. I looked at the girls, making it obvious I wasn't moving; in return they glared at me with the same Pansmione stare. Merlin that's scary. I rolled my eyes and begrudgingly got up to let the poor bird in. They've been together 5 bloody minutes and they're already becoming one person. I chuckled to myself, I wonder if Draco and I have any little habits we've picked up from each other. The owl hopped in and presented the letter to me, I took it and opened it seeing it was addressed to me. The owl grew impatient and nipped at my hand, wanted a treat and to get back to his owner. Putting the letter down, I dove into my pocket to fish out a treat and petted the bird before it flew back out into the cold morning air. Skimming over the letter, I felt relieved. McGonagall has let the eighth years miss lessons for the rest of the week due to 'unforeseen circumstances' my guess is that means due to the stunt that Draco and I pulled last night.
"Lessons are cancelled." I stated as I lay back lazily in my chair. Hermione looked as though I told her I only had 3 days left to live. "It's only for the bloody week, calm down." I said putting my hands up defensively. She still pouted.
"This means we can make sure Draco is alright." I offered. She took this as something worth missing lessons for, our friend needed us right now.
"We all have our scars from the war, Draco's are still wounds." Pansy said in a quiet voice looking off into the distance somewhere.
"What are your scars?" I blurted out before I could think. My eyes widened as I realised what I'd said.
"Harry?!" Hermione chastised.
"No, it's alright, it's about time I tell people. Who better to start with than my friends, right?" She gave me a small smile. "I have- had a little brother, Zachery. He was only in his first year during the war. Mother told us to come home, Father wanted us to stay and fight, so we stayed. It was my job to look after Zach. Someone found us hiding in the dungeons, a death eater, I'm not sure who it was, I didn't really get chance to look at his face. I panicked, threw myself in front of my brother but I was too late, a flash of green light too late and-" she looked down trying to hold back the flood of tears that were about to come with the memories. "I didn't know what to do. I was angry, sad, scared, I couldn't save my little brother. I did the first thing that I could think off and cast a Septumsempra at the man who murdered my brother. He managed to block it, I wasn't concentrating properly. It rebounded and hit me, all up my right leg, I hit the ground screaming. Never felt anything like it; until, he grabbed me by my hair, dragged me further into the dungeons and-he erm, well, you can probably guess the rest." She looked up at me, her face set in a strong expression but her eyes showed how hurt she really was. I held out my hand to her, she took it with both of hers and drew in a deep breath.
"You are one brave women Pansy Parkinson." She smiled at me warmly and steadied herself.
"Yes, yes I am. We're all brave, we've all faced things we shouldn't have and we'll grow past them, together."
"I like the sound of that Pans." All three of our heads turned to look to where the voice had come from. Stood at the entryway to the dorm rooms was my blonde Adonis looking sleepy but sexy as ever with his hair messed in that just-rolled-out-of-bed way. He wandered over to us and put his hand on Pansy's shoulder in support. It was us four against the world. No amount of angry redheads or dead death eaters were going to get in the way, not now, not ever.

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