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To my surprise Farley actually handed Clara to Eve for the trip to Norta. Though anyone with eyes can see the two still don't properly get along, they both have an incredibly soft spot for that little Red baby in Eve's arms.

Unsurprisingly, Farley's head is leaned against the windowpane, her eyes shut right. I can tell she feels sick. Davidson sits next to her, pouring over a manual that is labeled 'A Complete Guide To Red Medicine'. He has taken it upon himself to find some sort of Red technology to save Julian. I tear my eyes away and turn to face Evangeline, sitting across from my in a seat, holding little Clara in her arms. I let my mind wander as I watch her play with some of the metal around her, sculpting it into smooth leaves and snowflakes, letting them dance around the little girls vision. I hear them both giggle and I can't help but smile. Hearing Eve giggle is something I will probably NEVER be used to. But it is something I enjoy.

My mind wanders to Evangeline Haven. To the strange life she has built here. I remember when I arrived she was there, standing on my front doorstep, demanding 'where in earth Cal was' and then when I told her 'why on earth I didn't tell him to wait for me'. I remember she just waltzed into my kitchen like she owned the place, sat at the table and poured herself a cup of tea from the metal kettle and demanded to know exactly 'what your plan is now Barrow?' And 'why on earth you throw away the product of my incessant scheming?'. I couldn't help but laugh. And it was when she joined in laughing that suddenly something flipped. Though Evangeline Samos still annoys me to death, Evangeline Haven is a woman I consider a friend. She's changed in Montfort. Kinder, happier, truly the person I know she is inside.

And I think I've found myself in Montfort too.

I've gained weight, Elane says it makes me look hot. Never having to starve or ration food has added to my curves, and by added to I mean created from nothing. But I feel stronger. I have been training, Eve and I spar every week at 9:00am sharp, and we help each other improve. My hair has grown and I finally have natural, all brown hair. The lack of stress has caused the grey not to return after my haircut. I am grateful for that. But more than anything I feel more at home in my own skin. There is no longer a reason to fear. I can sleep alone now. I have come to terms with Maven. To what I had to do to him and what he did to me.

I kept the brand. Eve is very unhappy about it. But it felt like, in a way, letting go of it would be to forget what Maven was. I can't say I wish to keep it, but I know if I remove it, if I don't live with a constant reminder that M means Monster, means Mine, I will begin to question my decision, begin to forget who he was, and build in my mind an image of him as I wished he was. Him as Elara tricked me with so long ago.

I am excited to see Cal. Tiberias. Mr Calore. Whatever he's going by these days. I feel sparks tingling in my fingers and up and down my spine as I think about seeing him again. My last interaction with him was the picture I sent him on Clara's birthday. I hope he remembers. Though how could he forget?

Did he wait? The thought crossed my mind as it has every single day since he kissed me goodbye on the tarmac. I waited. Though I kept telling myself it was only to find out who I was, I know, deep down it was for him.

I touch the fifth earring. Feeling the warmth I associate with it. It is smooth and flat, a bright red stone against my brown skin. I smile softly. He does not know I wear it, for I put it on in the jet to Montfort after saying goodbye. I think it will be a good sign, something to show him 'look I really have waited'.

The plane touches down and I feel my whole body unclench just a little bit. I hadn't felt the strain of anxiety but it had been there. Luckily I didn't bring the plane down. This time I muse with a wry smile. Farley gets up quickly and exist the plane the second the door opens, breathing hard as she inhaled the outside air. Evangeline follows with Clara in her arms, offering the little one to Farley once she has gotten ahold of herself. I lock eyes with Davidson, he looks grim as he returns my stare. Does he have any idea what to do?

Do I have any idea what to do?

I don't have time to answer that question because as I move my eyes from Davidson's they fall on the person standing on the tarmac. His glinting bronze eyes and short dark curls are just as I remember them, only, better somehow. I smile against my better judgement, fighting the urge to dive into his arms. I can already feel the warmth radiating from him. He smiled at me, then quickly bows his head to Davidson. Before I can get a word in he speaks.

"My uncle is in his chambers. He wishes immediate council with General Farley, Premier Davidson, and Ms Haven"

Eve looks at him skeptically "do you mean Barrow?" She demands.

He shakes his head "he wishes to speak to Mare alone, later". His eyes fall on me, crinkling in the faintest hint of a smile. "Alone. But for some reason he wants you now" he says.

He tries to bite back a smile but it escapes him. He wraps his arms around a rather shocked looking Evangeline.

"It's good to see you Evangeline" he says, "I'm sorry I missed the wedding".

"I don't recall inviting you, my ex-betrothed" she says, but she smiles, and relaxes into his grip.

She whispers something I don't hear and Cal smiles. I can feel my heart racing as he turns his attention to me. He takes a step and the tarmac suddenly feels too hot to bear. Then suddenly Farley is between us.

"Mare would you keep an eye on Clara for me please?" She asks in mock innocence.

I consider shooting her a death glare but opt to nod and take my niece.

"Of course dear sister" I say "it's all I could possibly want in this moment".

Farley grins, Cal looks disappointed as I take the toddler from Farley's arms. I shoot him a look. This isn't over, Cal. I think to myself. Trust me, we have a lot to go over. I smile as I flip my hair over my shoulder, displaying my ear to Cal as I sidle by to get to the balcony where I can play with Clara. I bump into him slightly.

"It's good to see you Cal" I say, my fingers grazing his.

I can feel the heat coming from him from more than a meter away.

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