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There was a lot of questions about what to do with Maven's body. In the end, they decided to burn it, cremate it, as Evangeline put it, and dump his ashes into the river, to be taken to the sea, far away from us forever.

It was Ptolemus who killed him, in the end. Cal hasn't had the heart to thank him because, well against everything he knew he should feel, he still loved his little brother. And Mare has been trying to distance herself from the whole event. She doesn't want to spend more time than she possibly needs to thinking about the boy she thought she killed all those months ago.

I feel as though someone should thank him. I just wish it wasn't going to be me. But I know no one else is going to, and it deserves to be said.

I steady Clara in my arms as I prepare to knock on the door to his chamber, keeping her close as a sort of shield, and a reminder. I knock on the door.

"Come in"

His hard voice rings out from inside the room and I grit my teeth as I twist the iron door knob. I open the door to reveal him in his standard outfit of black leather and steel. I fight every instinct that screams for me to reach for the gun on my hip and unload on him. I take one step, two steps into the room, stopping next to the desk. I hold Clara to my chest, letting her remain content pulling and twisting my short braid through her small hands.

"General" he says, his tone shifting from lazy to alert in an instant, he stiffens and his left hand curls, as if readying a defense he fears he may need. "What can I do for you?"

I take a breath before opening my mouth, letting the silence settle around us both.

"I wanted to thank you." I say, forcing as much gratitude into my voice as I can.

He looks like he may fall over, his already pale cheeks becoming bone white, and his hand unclenching. He looks completely shocked.

"You don't owe me any thank you, General." He says as he runs a hand through his silver hair. "I did what any good soldier would do."

I can't help but nod. It's true, he was.

"But still. You, you saved a lot of people from a lot of terrible things. You finished it quick and easy, and you saved Cal from guilt that would've eaten him alive."

His face softens and he nods.

"For that, I am thankful to you, as I'm sure he and Mare are as well."

Clara coos quietly in my arms, and I turn on my heel, having said my piece.

"General" he croaks, and I spin around to face him. "I'm sorry."

My eyebrows raise against my will and I feel my eyes widen. I did not expect this.

"I, i was following my fathers orders. It was never my intention.." he trails off "I wasn't even aimed at him. He just, materialized as I took aim." He is rambling now. "I just, I can't ask you to forgive me. I wouldn't. But I want to apologize because it was a cruel casualty of blind allegiance." His lips purse. "And I want to thank you, for being kind to Eve and helping her when she needed you, even after all our family has taken from you."

I stand still for what seems like hours. Clara's tiny hands in my hair are the only things that keep me grounded. Finally I speak.

"I accept your apology." My words are curt, but sincere. "Thank you for your service." I say before bowing my head slightly and exiting the room.

I do not remember the walk to my room, too preoccupied by Ptolemus unexpected apology to focus on where I was going. My feet carry me to our room where I collapse on the bed, holding Clara in my arms. I feel tears falling down my cheeks. I am not ready to forgive. Not yet.
Clara is napping in a cloth carrier bound to my chest when I enter the council chamber. Evangeline's sixth months of trial are nearly over. Time has passed quickly. In just two months I will be returning to Montfort, as it would happen, alone. Well, maybe. What is happening with Mare and Cal is relatively
unclear. At least Barrow consistently makes little to no sense and acts completely on impulse. Not everything has changed.

As we all file in for our weekly council meeting, I notice Evangeline has less metal today. Every day this last month she has slowly been donning less and less. Slowly adapting to a world changed, and attempting to manage the anxiety that plagues her mind without mercy.

I take my seat at her right hand, between her and Cal. Mare is across to me, and beside her is Julian. After the incident with Maven, she is hesitant to trust anyone but her closest advisors at important meetings.

"To order then." She says, her voice even and calm. "Today's issue on the table, nominating a replacement for me, when my time comes to an end in less than two months." Her eyes scan the table, making contact with each pair of eyes gazing back at her. Blue, brown, bronze, blue.

"You know my feelings, Madame premier." Julian says softly. "That you should run for a real term. We have made great headway under your leadership." Julian says, not for the first time. And most certainly not the last.

"And as I have said, Julian, I do not think it is best." She says, her hands shaking slightly. "I am content to run for a seat in the assembly but nothing more."

I see Mare and Cal exchange a glance, neither of them are surprised. However, I can see Mare's eyes flash something. She is about to do something bold.

"I agree with him." Her words draw all eyes to her. I see Evangeline sit up straighter in surprise.

"Mare, I don't believe that's.."

But it is Cal who cuts her off.

"I agree with Mare." He says. "And my uncle. You are what Norta needs."

Evangeline twists her hands into fists, "Cal I am not ready to be a leader. Not for real."

Cal scoffs into his hand, "and what have these last four months been, Eve? A cakewalk?" His frankness stuns everyone. "You have proven yourself in your hardest months, to be a capable, fair leader. And I think you are the kind of consistency Norta needs."

Mare pipes in "Evangeline you have made more headway in the negotiations with Queen Cygnet and the Piedmont Princes in the last month alone than Julian did in his first year."  She pauses. "No offense Julian." She adds as an afterthought.

"None taken Miss Barrow" He says with a smile, "in fact, I agree, wholeheartedly."

"And as a gesture of our good faith and dedication, I will be staying in Norta, should you choose to retain your position as premier." Mare says, offering Evangeline a reassuring smile.

"As will I."

My response even shocks myself. I don't necessarily want to stay in Norta, but home for me isn't Montfort. In fact I'm not sure where it is. All I know is the closest I've felt to it in the past year is when I'm in the company of Mare, Clara, and Evangeline.

Evangeline holds my eyes. I can see the question she is sending my way, are you sure?

I offer her a nod, so slight I wouldn't be surprised if she missed it. But I can see in her eyes, from the way they soften ever so slightly she knows I am being honest.

"As will I!" Cal's voice rings through the silence.

Evangeline breaks our eye contact to snort.

"How kind, your royal hotness." She says, a smile breaking through her hard exterior. "To stay where you already live? You are simply too kind" she laughs. I can't help but laugh as well. Hers is infectious when it is genuine.

"So it's settled!" Julian says, standing and raising his wine glass. "Premier Haven! Three more years!"

Evangeline turns to face him. "I didn't say I would do it." She says.

Everyone freezes with bated breath. I won't fault her for saying no.

"However." She says, after a pause that seemed to span years. "If all the family I have left is here, and I would be leaving the first job I've ever really wanted. Well, I guess I'll stay."

A smile splits my face, and I run my hand through Clara's dark curls.

"Three more years." Evangeline raises her glass to meet Julian's, as does Mare, Cal, and myself.

"To three more years!" We echo.

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