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Shots ring and screams pierce the air as we enter the chamber. Barely have we stepped through the door when two bullets are fired. It is clear their target is Evangeline. 

Ptolemus and Mare are quick on their feet, Ptolemus trying hard to push the bullets aimed for Evangeline away, fighting a silent fight to move it at all. It is silent stone like the one that struck Julian. The world seems to love in slow motion as Mare knocks Evangeline to the ground, diving on top of her should more bullets come. 

Ptolemus does manage to push the bullets away from her as Mare lays atop Evangeline, blocking her from any more firing. 

Cal and I fan out quickly, my pistol out quickly, aiming at those around me. His hands are alive with fire as the two of us search the room for the shooter. 

"Don't let anyone leave!" Cal's generals voice rings through the room. 

I can hear Ptolemus close and lock the door behind us, before running to help us search for his sister's assailant. My mind quickly jumps to the assumption that it must be one of the assembly. Probably the Red who insisted she take Julians place. Silent minutes go by as we search the room. But there are no weapons. We search each and every assembly person, but to no avail. We find nothing. Suddenly Evangeline screams and we all turn to face her.

"Where's Elane? Someone's got Elane!" 

Cal is over there in a second, checking the door to see if its been tampered with, scanning the room to look for other exits. Ptolemus begins to knock on walls, desperate to see if there was another way out, if one might be hollow. But they are met with nothing. It seems no one has moved since we got here.

And suddenly I know where she is. I know not how this has happened, but I know where she is. 

To confirm my suspicions I walk to the spot next to where Evangeline is is still sitting, Mare hovering protectively over her shoulder. Ever so slightly I nudge the air with my boot and am met with resistance. 

In the fight when I got the scar that splits my face. I thought I was going to die. The colonel, my father, did not leave my side. In that moment I didn't want to have to watch him loose me. I wanted to disappear. I know what this resistance is. Who it is. 

Do I tell Evangeline, or do I let Elane slowly fade back into our vision as she passes on. 

I would've wanted to say goodbye.

"Elane, please come out." I whisper, grasping her shoulder gently in my hand.

All eyes snap to me. I feel them boring into me as I continue to seemingly talk to nothing. 

"Elane please." I say. I do not know Elane well, but I am familiar with losing someone I love. I find myself shedding silent tears.

"You need to say goodbye. She deserves to say goodbye." 

I choke back a sob, imagining what I wish I could've said. 

"Give it to her."

And in my arms appears Elane Haven, slowly coming into focus,  her black dress stained with thick, dark silver blood coming from a wound in her stomach, and another over her left breast. Her heart. 

Evangeline is upon her in a second. I am barely able to get out of her way before being knocked aside. 

"Laney" She says through choked sobs, "Elane please, Elane" 

I can hear her begging Elane, begging whatever gods might exist, whoever or whatever might be able to save the woman, no, the girl that she loves. Because thats what she is. A girl.

I take a step back, blocking the others with my arms. 

"HEALER" Cal screams down the hall, but I put a hand to his lips. 

"She has minutes. If that. Don't waist them on healers that we both know can't help with this."

Mare sobs into Cal's shoulder, burying herself in his large arms. Ptolemus too shakes with silent tears. Cal stand resolute as a stone, his face unmoving. I cannot even guess what he's thinking. 

And so we back away. Leaving the girls some space. This time is not ours to interrupt. The assembly is silent around us, as they watch their new Premier lose her wife. As they watch her in a moment which will  permanently shift the course of her life. Of our lives. 

Who knows what will come from this. 

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