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Most of my days are spent with Evangeline and Farley, my nights spent with Cal. But there is no joy to be found. Even in his arms my tears find me, my grief finds me. 

I feel guilty for feeling the way I do. I do not feel half as bad as Evangeline does, I couldn't possibly. I have never lost someone like this. I am, in this instance glad that she has Farley. I don't know why it took me by such surprise, Farley is truly the only one who understands. She too saw the person she love die and couldn't save him. 

We did not catch the shooter, and Evangeline blames herself for that. In the way that I practically brought down the jet when I was in pain after, he, used that device on me, Eve, in her grief melted every single piece of metal in the room, drawing it all into one before letting it shatter around her. She destroyed whatever weapon whoever the shooter was had, leaving behind three remaining silent stone bullets that fell in her lap with the destruction of the metal. 

He was there. They were there. 

Whoever shot Elane did not leave. 

Since then Cal and Ptolemus have searched through the files and any information they can find on each and every person who was in that room. They collected a complete list before anyone was allowed out. They have been digging, they have been searching. But there is no one to confirm any of their suspicions. 

'With me dies house Jacos.'

Julian's words linger in my ears. With Samson died house Merandus. The only ones who could have compelled the shooter to confess are gone.

Cal's current theory is that's why they shot Julian. To take out the last of those who could catch them in the act. It makes sense. Whoever shot Julian had a plan. They wanted Evangeline, they got Elane.

My legs carry me into Cal and my bedroom, collapsing on the bed. I don't expect him to be here. He, Julian and Ptolemus haven't spent more than a few waking moments apart the last week, constantly brainstorming and attempting to figure out exactly how they are  even going to identify the shooter. Let alone catch them. 

A glimpse of Dark hair and fair skin on the other side of the room causes me to start, sitting up in bed and twisting around.

"Cal?" I call across the room. "I didn't realize you were here."

But it is not Cal's voice that answers me. 

"No, I don't think you did."

I feel my blood freeze in my veins. 

Before I can think my hands are alive with lightning and I shoot it across the room with all the force in my body. I have had nightmares about this. I am convinced I am dreaming now. Wake up, Mare. He's dead. You killed him.

But his voice is decidedly not dead. 

I do not stop the lightning I am raining down upon him. He should be dead, fried beneath the heat of my anger, my fear

But he lives. He walks, seemingly unaffected, managing to keep himself free of my lightning. How, I do not know. 

I hear myself scream as I back up towards the door. I continue to bring the storm down upon him, setting our bed ablaze, Cal's sleeping clothes and mine, boring holes in the floor. I let out another scream as I feel tears on my cheeks. I cannot be awake. This has to be a nightmare. 

It is with a click that I feel pain. The pain I felt once more than a year ago. A pain that seemed to rip me limb from limb. My own lightning.  And now I cannot scream. I cannot even open my eyes. I convulse on the floor with each click.

Once it is clear I won't be going anywhere, he approaches me, taking my hands in his. I long to light him afire with sparks, but even as I scramble to summon them I cannot. Not before the heat of his hands are replaced by a cold, stifling silence around my hands. Shackles, casings, for my hands made of silent stone. Only this feels more powerful, it is not silencing me, it is leeching the strength from me. 

And in that moment I put it together. 

"Cameron" I try to snarl, "you got her. How did you get her?" But my words come out as a feeble, haggard breathe. It is the best I can do.

He smiles, a cold smile, one I have seen too many times. One I see every night as I lie in Cal's arms. In his brothers arms. 

Maven offers a cold smile as the world fades to black. 

"You always were smart, weren't you."

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